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Last active February 12, 2021 13:56
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Action list

To disable an action globally, run: gmath.Derivation.defaultOptions.action_blacklist = [<action-name>, ...].

  • 'AbsValCombineAction', 'combine two absolute value terms into one'
  • 'AbsValCreateNegativeAction', 'drag the absolute value bar to the left to produce a negative sign'
  • 'AbsValExtractNumAction', 'pull a number out of an absolute value'
  • 'AbsValExtractVarAction', 'pull a variable out of an absolute value'
  • 'AbsValFracJoinAction', 'combining an absolute value numerator and an absolute value denominator into an absolute valued fraction'
  • 'AbsValFracSplitAction', 'isolating the absolute value to the numerator and denominator'
  • 'AbsValInsertPosNumAction', 'move a range of positive numbers inside an absolute value group'
  • 'AbsValNegVarAction', 'absolute value of a negative variable'
  • 'AbsValReselectGroupAction', 'drag the left absolute value bar to reselect the whole group'
  • 'AbsValVarPowerAction', 'real even powers are positive'
  • 'AbsValDoubleAction', 'nested absolute values'
  • 'AbsValAction', 'evaluate absolute value'

  • 'AddSubBracketsAction', 'add or subtract a bracketed sum'
  • 'AddSubCombineSigns', 'combine signs in a sum'
  • 'ConvertAddendToFractionAction', 'convert addend to a fraction to allow adding'
  • 'AddSubInverseAction', 'move the exponent of the argument outside of the logarithm'
  • 'AddSubInvertAction', "invert addends across an equality or inequality"
  • 'AddSubLogarithmsAction', 'add or subtract numbers'
  • 'AddSubNumbersAction', 'add or subtract numbers'
  • 'AddSubTupleAction', 'add or subtract tuples'
  • 'AddVariablesAction', 'add variables'

  • 'AssociateIdentityIntoDenominatorAction', "associative property of multiplication--move into fraction"
  • 'AssociateIntoDenominatorAction', 'associative property of denominator--move into denominator'
  • 'AssociateIntoFractionAction', "associative property of multiplication--move into fraction"
  • 'AssociateOutOfDenominatorAction', 'associative property of division--move out of fraction denominator'
  • 'AssociateOutOfFractionAction', "associative property of multiplication--move out of fraction"
  • 'BreakingBracketsInAction', "automatic into bracket handling"
  • 'BreakingBracketsOutAction', "automatic out of bracket handling"
  • 'RemoveBracketsAction', 'remove optional brackets'
  • 'DistributeIntoBracketsAction', "distribute"
  • 'DistributePolynomialsAction', 'multiply two sums'

  • 'DragNegativeSymReselectGroupAction', 'drag a negative sign to the left to extract a negative 1'
  • 'DragSplitNegativesAction', 'drag a negative sign to the left to extract a negative 1'
  • 'CommuteAction', "commute terms"
  • 'EqInvertAndCommuteTermAction', 'composed action of inverting terms across an equation and commuting'
  • 'EvalTrigAction', 'evaluate trig functions'
  • 'FactorOutOfBracketsAction', "factor out"
  • 'FactorCommonTermsAction', "factor out matching term ranges"
  • 'GreatestCommonFactorAction', "find the greatest common factor between two terms"
  • 'flipEquationAction', 'flip equation'

  • 'FlipTermAcrossFractionAction', 'flip a term into a denominator'
  • 'FlipTermAction', 'flip a term into a denominator'
  • 'FractionAbsorbTermAction', "associative property of multiplication--move into fraction"
  • 'FractionCancelPowersAction', 'cancel powers in a fraction'
  • 'FractionCancelRangeAction', 'cancel a range of terms in a fraction'
  • 'FractionCancelTermsAction', 'cancel numbers in a fraction'
  • 'DivideRationalNumbersAction', 'division of numbers'
  • 'FractionDivideToInteger', 'cancel numerator and denominator'
  • 'FractionMatchExtendAction', "associative property of multiplication--move into fraction"
  • 'SplitNumeratorAction', "split numerator into new fractions with same denominators"

  • 'ImaginaryAssociateNegOneOutOfSqrtAction', 'calculate a power of an imaginary number'
  • 'ImaginaryAssociateOutOfSqrtAction', 'calculate a power of an imaginary number'
  • 'ImaginaryEvaluateIntegerPowerAction', 'calculate a power of an imaginary number'
  • 'ImaginarySqrtOfNegativeOneAction', 'calculate a power of an imaginary number'

  • 'IndexFormConversionAction', 'convert a power or radical to its other representation'
  • 'IndexIdentityAction', "an index of 1 leaves the base unchanged"
  • 'IndexInvertAction', 'invert an index across an equation'
  • 'IndexSimplifyAction', "when the inverse index forms are nested and have the same index, they cancel"

  • 'LogarithmEvaluateSameArgAsBaseAction', 'move the exponent of the argument outside of the logarithm'
  • 'LogarithmEvaluateAction', 'move the exponent of the argument outside of the logarithm'
  • 'LogarithmInvertAction', 'move the base of a logarithm across an equation'
  • 'LogSimplifyPowerAction', 'simplify a power with a log exponent'
  • 'LogSimplifyAction', 'simplify a log with a power as the argument'
  • 'LogarithmSplitAction', 'turn a log into a sum of logs'

  • 'MulDivInvertAction', "invert multipliers across an inequality"
  • 'MulDivLogarithmsAction', 'muliply or divide a logarithm by a number'
  • 'MultiplyFractionsAction', 'multiply fractions'
  • 'MultiplyNumbersAction', 'Multiply numbers'
  • 'MultiplyPowersAction', 'Multiply powers'
  • 'MulDivRadicalsAction', 'muliply or divide a radicals'

  • 'CalculatePowerAction', 'calculate a power'
  • 'CollectExponentsForFactoring', "collect exponents"
  • 'DistributePowerAction', "distribute power"
  • 'PowerFactorAndCombineStackedExponentsAction', 'factor power and combine stacked exponent up'
  • 'FactorPowerAction', "factor power"
  • 'PolynomialExpansionAction', 'polynomial expansion'
  • 'CombineStackedExponentsUpAction', 'combine stacked exponents up'
  • 'xToZeroAction', 'x^0=1'

  • 'AddFractionsAction', 'add fractions'
  • 'CrossMultiplyFractionsAction', 'cross multiply fractions'
  • 'ReorderSumInFractionDenominatorAction', 'reorder sum in a fraction's denominator'

  • 'RelationOfAbsValAction', 'express the relation of an absolute value'

  • 'RootEvaluateAction', 'evaluate a root'
  • 'RadicalExtractExponentAction', "factor power"
  • 'RadicalInsertExponentAction', "factor power"
  • 'RadicalSplitAction', 'turn a radical that has a product radicand into a product of radicals'

  • 'ScaleTupleAction', 'multiply a tuple by a number'

  • 'ShakeSplitNegatives', 'shake a negative term to extract a negative 1'
  • 'SignDoubleNegAction', "--x=x"
  • 'MoveSignIntoBracketsAction', 'move sign into brackets'
  • 'SignZeroAction', "-0=0"
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eweitnauer commented Apr 25, 2017

I think this list is missing all keyboard actions:

  • 'CombinationRewriteAction', 'combine equations'
  • 'EquationRewriteAction', 'rewrite equation'
  • 'ExpressionRewriteAction', 'replace an expression with an equivalent one'
  • 'FirstLineRewriteAction', 'rewrite dl line'
  • 'FractionRewriteAction', 'extend fraction'
  • 'InequalityRewriteAction', 'rewrite inequality'

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