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Created July 2, 2017 22:55
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Factorial Recursion Schemes
module RecursionSchemesExample where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Free (Free, liftF)
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.Functor.Nu (Nu)
import Data.List (List, catMaybes, null)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Matryoshka as M
import Matryoshka.Algebra (GAlgebra, Algebra)
import Matryoshka.Class.Recursive (class Recursive, project)
import Matryoshka.Coalgebra (GCoalgebra, Coalgebra)
import Data.Either(Either(..))
-- | AST represeting a factorial
data FactF a = Next Int a | Done
type Fact = Nu FactF
derive instance functorFactF :: Functor FactF
-- | Tear a factorial down to a number
factTearDown :: GAlgebra (Tuple Fact) FactF Int
factTearDown Done = 1
factTearDown (Next n (Tuple nu m)) = n * m
-- | Build a factorial from a number
factBuildUp :: Coalgebra FactF Int
factBuildUp 0 = Done
factBuildUp a = Next a (a - 1)
-- | Build a factorial from a number, and stop when a certain
-- | number is reached
factLimitBuildUp :: Int -> GCoalgebra (Either Fact) FactF Int
factLimitBuildUp l a
| a == 0 = Done
| l == a = Next a (Left $ M.embed Done) -- (a - 1))
| otherwise = Next a (Right (a - 1))
-- | Interpret a factorial as numbers
factAlg :: Algebra FactF Int
factAlg Done = 1
factAlg (Next i a) = i * a
-- | Get the factorial of a number
factPara :: Int -> Int
factPara i = runFact (val i)
val :: Int -> Fact
val n = M.ana factBuildUp n
-- | Get the factorial of a number
factHylo :: Int -> Int
factHylo = M.hylo factAlg factBuildUp
-- | Interpret a factorial as a number
runFact :: Fact -> Int
runFact = M.para factTearDown
-- | A factorial-like function that short circuits
-- | at a certain number
-- | ```
-- | factUntil 4 5 = 20 = 5*4
-- | factUntil 3 5 = 60 = 5*4*3
-- | factUntil 2 5 = 160 = 5*4*3*2
-- | factUntil 5 10 = 151200 = 10*9*8*7*6*5
-- | ```
factUntil :: Int -> Int -> Int
factUntil l i = runFact $ M.apo (factLimitBuildUp l) i
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