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Last active January 4, 2018 16:51
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Example of the State and Either Monad used in Purescript
module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (log, logShow)
type FirstName = String
type LastName = String
type RequirementExplaination = String
type Eligibility = StateT Person (ExceptT String Identity)
data Person = PB {
firstname :: FirstName,
lastname :: LastName,
age :: Int
data Requirement
= AgeAbove Int RequirementExplaination
| AgeBelow Int RequirementExplaination
instance showPerson :: Show Person where
show (PB p) = p.firstname <> " " <> p.lastname <> ", age:" <> (show p.age)
defaultPerson :: Person
defaultPerson = PB
{ firstname : "Ted"
, lastname : "Johnson"
, age : 65 }
person :: FirstName -> LastName -> Int -> Person
person f l a = PB { firstname : f, lastname : l, age : a }
ineligableMessage :: Requirement -> String
ineligableMessage (AgeAbove i m) = "Person is ineligable because their age is below "
<> (show i) <> ". " <> m
ineligableMessage (AgeBelow i m) = "Person is ineligable because their age is above "
<> (show i) <> ". " <> m
meetsRequirement :: Requirement -> Person -> Boolean
meetsRequirement (AgeAbove i m) (PB person) = person.age >= i
meetsRequirement (AgeBelow i m) (PB person) = person.age <= i
eligableWhen :: Requirement -> Eligibility Person
eligableWhen req = do
pers@(PB person) <- get
case (meetsRequirement req pers) of
true -> do
pure pers
false -> do
lift $ throwError (ineligableMessage req)
runEligability p s = runIdentity $ runExceptT $ runStateT p s
main = do
logShow $
runEligability (do
eligableWhen (AgeAbove 63 "The state requires this.")
eligableWhen (AgeBelow 65 "The state requires this.")
) defaultPerson
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This shows an error: "Unknown value runIdentity"

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