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A list of halogen questions and answers

Answering Halogen Questions Briefly

Without being an expert, let alone a novice, I will answer some Halogen questions that I have encountered while working with the PureScript UI library Halogen. Questions, comments, and improvements welcome.

How do I initialize a Halogen component?

To initialize a component, you'll need to use a "lifecycleComponent", which provides initializer and finalizer properties that can trigger your Initialize and Finalize Queries (or whatever you happen to call the queries).

data Query a
  = Initialize a
  | Finalize a

myComponent :: forall eff. H.Component HH.HTML Query Input Message (CAff eff)
myComponent = do  
    { initialState: const (initialState pp)
    , render
    , eval
    , initializer: Just (H.action Initialize)
    , finalizer: Just (H.action Finalize)
    , receiver: const Nothing

  eval :: Query ~> H.ComponentDSL State Query Message (CAff eff)
  eval = case _ of
    Initialize next -> do
      pure next
    Finalizer next -> do
      pure next

How do I asynchronously update the UI (e.g. Show/update a loading bar)?

Within the eval function, you need to create and subscribe to an "EventSource". See eventSource, eventSource', eventSource_, and eventSource_', which provide different ways of handling the event.

eventSource variations

eventSource_ simply indicates whether or not a callback fired.

You will also need to create a request query to handle the event (remember that the query algebra has actions and requests).

import Halogen.Query.EventSource as HES

data Query a
  = Initialize a
  | Finalize a
  | TheEventHappened (HES.SubscribeStatus -> a)

eval :: Query ~> H.ComponentDSL State Query Message (CAff eff)
eval = case _ of
  MyQuery next -> do

    -- eventSource_ handles events that don't need to
    -- pass along data.  Think of it as simply indicating
    -- whether yes/no
    subscribe $ eventSource_ (\eff -> do
      void $ runAff Eff.logShow (const $ pure unit)
        (onSomeEvent do
          log "Some async event happened."
          -- Trigger the callback that halogen passed
          -- use
          liftEff $ eff
    ))) (H.request TheEventHappened)

  TheEventHappened reply -> do

    -- Are we done listening to the event source?
    -- Then return Done.
    -- pure (reply H.Done)

    -- Are we still listening to the event source?
    -- Then return Listening
    -- pure (reply H.Listening)

Often we need to know more than just whether a callback fired or not. For example, we may want to pass along the value of a timer. In that case we can use eventSource which lets us pass a value to the callback function, e.g.

import Halogen.Query.EventSource as HES

data Query a = QUpdateLoading String Int Int (HES.SubscribeStatus -> a)

-- | Every 500 milliseconds, trigger the `UpdateLoading` Request.  Do this
-- | until the max time `max` has been reached.
updateLoading :: forall s m r t u e.
  (MonadAff ( avar :: AVAR, console :: CONSOLE | e) m) =>
  Int -> String -> HalogenM { stage :: Stage | s } Query u t r m Unit
updateLoading max message = do
  subscribe $ H.eventSource (forEveryUntil 500 max) (\time -> do
    Just $ H.request $ UpdateLoading message time max

-- | Continuously run a callback function ever `interval` milliseconds
-- | until the maximum time `remaining` is <= 0
runForTime :: forall e. Int -> Int -> Aff e Unit -> Aff e Unit
runForTime interval remaining callback
  | remaining <= 0 = pure unit
  | otherwise = later' interval do
      runForTime interval (remaining - interval) callback

-- | For every `interval` milliseconds, run callback function `callback`,
-- | until `max` milliseconds has elapsed (approximately).
forEveryUntil :: forall e. Int -> Int -> (Int -> Eff (avar :: AVAR, console :: CONSOLE | e) Unit) -> Eff (avar :: AVAR, console :: CONSOLE | e) Unit
forEveryUntil interval max callback = do
  void $ runAff Effc.logShow (const $ pure unit) do
    time <- liftAff $ makeVar' 0
    (runForTime interval max do
      modifyVar (\v -> v + interval) time
      val <- peekVar time
      liftEff $ callback val

Some more examples that were helpful to me...

How do I query the rendered markup of my component?

You don't really query the markup, but you can get a reference to an HTML element by marking it with a RefLabel. For instance, if you have a canvas element that you need to draw on, you can mark the canvas element as a reference using the ref property, and then get the reference in your query evaluation using getHTMLElementRef.

canvasRef :: H.RefLabel
canvasRef = H.RefLabel "menuCanvas"

render state =
  HH.div [HP.class_ "inner"]
    [ HH.canvas [ HP.ref canvasRef, HP.width 300, HP.height 300 ] ]

eval = case _ of
  Initialize next -> do
    H.getHTMLElementRef canvasRef >>= (\maybeCanvas -> ...)
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flip111 commented Apr 6, 2020

This information is for halogen 4. Halogen.Query.EventSource has different functions now.

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