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Last active February 24, 2017 21:53
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An example of using Aff to run synchronous and asynchronous effects, and how to sequentially group effects using parSequence.
-- Run with `pulp run --main AffParallel`
module AffParallelExample where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff, launchAff, forkAll, later')
import Control.Monad.Console (Console, log)
import Control.Parallel (parSequence)
type Piece = String
type X = Int
type Y = Int
main = launchAff $ do
log "Running four half-second animations synchronously (2s total time)"
animatePieceToPosition' "s-King" 1 1
animatePieceToPosition' "s-Queen" 1 2
animatePieceToPosition' "s-Jack" 1 3
animatePieceToPosition' "s-Joker" 1 4
log "Running four half-second animations asynchronously (.5s total time)"
[ animatePieceToPosition' "as-One" 2 1
, animatePieceToPosition' "as-Two" 2 2
, animatePieceToPosition' "as-Three" 2 3
, animatePieceToPosition' "as-Four" 2 4 ]
log "Running 2 sets of four-asynchronous-half-second-animations synchronously (4s total time)"
void $ parSequence
[ animatePieceToPosition' "Rook" 3 1
, animatePieceToPosition' "Pawn" 3 2
, animatePieceToPosition' "Castle" 3 3
, animatePieceToPosition' "Horse" 3 4 ]
void $ parSequence
[ animatePieceToHome' "Rook"
, animatePieceToHome' "Pawn"
, animatePieceToHome' "Castle"
, animatePieceToHome' "Horse" ]
log "Done"
-- | A function that simulates an animation, e.g. moving a game piece
-- | from it's current position to point x, y
animatePieceToPosition' :: forall e. Piece -> X -> Y -> Aff (console :: CONSOLE | e) Unit
animatePieceToPosition' piece x y = do
log $ "- Moving " <> piece <> " to " <> (showPosition x y)
later' 1000 $ log $ "- Done moving " <> piece <> " to " <> (showPosition x y)
where showPosition x' y' = "(" <> (show x') <> "," <> (show y') <> ")"
-- | A function that simulates an animation, e.g. moving a game piece
-- | from it's current position to it's "home" position
animatePieceToHome' :: forall e. Piece -> Aff (console :: CONSOLE | e) Unit
animatePieceToHome' piece = do
log $ "- Moving " <> piece <> " back to 'home' position."
later' 1000 $ log $ "- Done moving " <> piece <> " to home."
Running four half-second animations synchronously (4s total time)
- Moving s-King to (1,1)
- Done moving s-King to (1,1)
- Moving s-Queen to (1,2)
- Done moving s-Queen to (1,2)
- Moving s-Jack to (1,3)
- Done moving s-Jack to (1,3)
- Moving s-Joker to (1,4)
- Done moving s-Joker to (1,4)
Running four one-second animations asynchronously (1s total time)
- Moving as-One to (2,1)
- Moving as-Two to (2,2)
- Moving as-Three to (2,3)
- Moving as-Four to (2,4)
Running 2 sets of four asynchronous one-second animations synchronously (2s total time)
- Moving Rook to (3,1)
- Moving Pawn to (3,2)
- Moving Castle to (3,3)
- Moving Horse to (3,4)
- Done moving as-One to (2,1)
- Done moving as-Two to (2,2)
- Done moving as-Three to (2,3)
- Done moving as-Four to (2,4)
- Done moving Rook to (3,1)
- Done moving Pawn to (3,2)
- Done moving Castle to (3,3)
- Done moving Horse to (3,4)
- Moving Rook back to 'home' position.
- Moving Pawn back to 'home' position.
- Moving Castle back to 'home' position.
- Moving Horse back to 'home' position.
- Done moving Rook to home.
- Done moving Pawn to home.
- Done moving Castle to home.
- Done moving Horse to home.
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