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Created May 9, 2015 11:23
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SteamCMD Help
./ +help +help login +help scripts +help commandline +help convars +help app_build +help app_update
Redirecting stderr to '/home/cssserver/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[ 0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK.
Usage: steamcmd ["+COMMAND [ARG]..."]...
or: steamcmd +runscript SCRIPTFILE
Help topics - type "help <topic>" or run with "--help <topic>" for more information:
login : Logging in to Steam
scripts : Executing a sequence of commands via a script file
commandline : Executing commands directly via the OS command line
convars : Options and settings that affect this program session
app_build : Building Steam application content (only for licensed Steam application developers)
app_update : Installing/updating a Steam application on the local filesystem (EG dedicated servers)
You can also type "find <string>" to see a list of all commands and convars that contain or reference <string>.
-- Logging in to Steam --
Connecting to your Steam account using steamcmd is similar to using the
regular Steam client UI. You can login, logout, and set your Steam Guard
email code. Any other account management should be done using the Steam
client UI.
The first time logging in to a given account on this machine, you'll need to
specify the password. For subsequent sessions you can omit the password;
using the 'logout' command will clear those cached credentials (your
password is never stored locally) and require a password on the next login.
If the password is required but not supplied as part of the 'login' command,
you will be prompted for a password. To disable this prompt, first set the
'@NoPromptForPassword' ConVar to 1 (see the help topic 'convars' for more
info). If the prompt is disabled and the password is required, the login
command will fail.
Note: you may login anonymously using "login anonymous" if the content you
wish to download is available for anonymous access.
Common commands:
login : Login to Steam
logout : Disconnect from Steam
set_steam_guard_code : Enter the Steam Guard code that was emailed to you
for authorizing this machine
You can use the 'runscript' command to execute a text-file script. The file
should have each desired command listed sequentially on a new line. The
filename and extension do not matter; you only need 'read' access to the
file. Each line of the file will be executed sequentially.
-- Directly invoking commands at program execution time using the
This can be done using the '+' directive: Any command (including convars)
which you can type at the Steam> prompt may also be passed in via the
program command-line after the '+' character.
If the command takes more than one argument, you must wrap the entire
command (including the '+' character) in quotes. Additionally, if any
arguments include spaces, they should themselves be wrapped in quotes. In
the case where outer and inner quotes are necessary, escape the inner qotes
with the backslash ('\') character.
You can include as many '+' directives on the command-line as you want, they
will be executed sequentially in order.
* to invoke 'some_command' run:
steamcmd +some_command
* to invoke 'some_command arg1' run:
steamcmd +some_command arg1
* to invoke 'some_command arg1 arg2' run:
steamcmd "+some_command arg1 arg2"
* to invoke 'some_command arg1 "arg with spaces"' run:
steamcmd "+some_command arg1 \"arg with spaces\""
-- Console Variables --
ConVars are variables used to set options and program behavior. Often, but
not always, Steam client ConVars are named beginning with the '@' character.
The '@' character is simply part of their name, it is not a directive
To see the current value of a ConVar, simply type its name into the console
and hit enter. To change the value, type the name of the ConVar followed by
the desired value, and hit enter.
-- Building Steam Applications --
Full documentation of this process is beyond the scope of this little 'help'
system, and so it is provided as part of the Steam SDK.
If you are a licensed Steam Application Developer, then you will be using
this tool to 'build' your game or application and create update patches in
the Steam system. In that case, the 'app_build' command is the one you're
looking for.
-- Downloading and updating Steam applications installed on the local
machine --
Use the 'app_update' command to download and update Steam games and
applications on this computer. This is generally intended for game dedicated
server installations, and will only work for games that have been converted
to the new Steam HTTP download system - for games that haven't been
converted yet, you should use the older 'HldsUpdateTool' (Windows) / 'steam'
(linux) command-line tool.
By default, the game is downloaded to the folder
"./SteamApps/common/<gamename>". To change this location, use the
'force_install_dir' command to set the target directory BEFORE running
app_update. Note: Steam will create a directory within the target directory
for storing state information and temporary files; the name of this folder
will be a string of numbers and letters 40 characters long.
You will first need to login to Steam using an account which has access to
the game, or anonymously - type 'help login' for more information.
It's likely you'll want to put all of the necessary calls into a script file
(see "runscript"); here is an example file:
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1
@NoPromptForPassword 1
force_install_dir ../Ricochet/
login anonymous
app_update 60 validate
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