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Last active January 29, 2024 01:13
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CS2 cvarslist
cvar list
_record : cmd : norecord, release : Record a demo incrementally.
adsp_debug : 0 : a :
ai_debug_dyninteractions : 0 : sv, cheat : Debug the NPC dynamic interaction system.
ai_debug_los : 0 : sv, cheat : NPC Line-Of-Sight debug mode. If 1, solid entities that block NPC LOC will be highlighted with white bounding boxes. If 2, it'll show non-solid entities that would do it if they were solid.
ai_debug_off_nav : false : sv, cheat :
ai_debug_shoot_positions : 0 : sv, rep, cheat :
ai_disabled : false : sv, rep, cheat :
ai_show_current_nav : false : sv, cheat :
alias : cmd : release : Alias a command.
ammo_338mag_max : 30 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_357sig_max : 52 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_357sig_min_max : 12 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_357sig_p250_max : 26 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_357sig_small_max : 24 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_45acp_max : 100 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_50AE_max : 35 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_556mm_box_max : 200 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_556mm_max : 90 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_556mm_small_max : 40 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_57mm_max : 100 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_762mm_max : 90 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_9mm_max : 120 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_buckshot_max : 32 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_grenade_limit_breachcharge : 3 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_grenade_limit_bumpmine : 3 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_grenade_limit_default : 1 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_grenade_limit_flashbang : 1 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_grenade_limit_snowballs : 3 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_grenade_limit_total : 3 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_grenade_limit_tripwirefire : 1 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_item_limit_adrenaline : 5 : sv, rep, release :
ammo_item_limit_healthshot : 4 : sv, rep, release :
anim_resource_validate_on_load : true : release : Validates the animation group channel list against the animations on load for every animation
animevents_dump : cmd : sv, cheat : List all the currently registered anim events.
animgraph_debug : false : sv, rep, cheat : Debug animation graph
animgraph_debug_entindex : 0 : sv, rep, cheat : The entity to specifically debug
animgraph_footlock_ik_enable : true : cheat : Enable IK.
animgraph_record_all : false : sv, rep, cheat : Automatically start recording AnimGraphs when they get created, and save them to disk when they are destroyed
animgraph_slope_draw_raycasts : false : sv, rep, cheat :
animgraph_slope_enable : true : sv, rep, cheat :
animgraph_trace_static_only : false : sv, rep, cheat :
axis : cmd : sv, cheat : Draw an axis Arguments: x y z pitch yaw roll <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a>
battery_saver : false : a : OBSOLETE replaced by mobile_fps_* - Battery saver mode. 0=off, 1=on
benchframe : cmd : release : Takes a snapshot of a particular frame in a time demo.
bind : cmd : release : Bind a key.
binddefaults : cmd : release : Bind all keys to their default values.
bindss : cmd : release : Bind a key for a particular splitscreen player.
bot_add : cmd : sv, release : bot_add <t|ct> <type> <difficulty> <name> - Adds a bot matching the given criteria.
bot_add_ct : cmd : sv, release : bot_add_ct <type> <difficulty> <name> - Adds a Counter-Terrorist bot matching the given criteria.
bot_add_t : cmd : sv, release : bot_add_t <type> <difficulty> <name> - Adds a terrorist bot matching the given criteria.
bot_all_weapons : cmd : sv, release : Allows the bots to use all weapons
bot_allow_grenades : true : sv, rep, release : If nonzero, bots may use grenades.
bot_allow_machine_guns : true : sv, rep, release : If nonzero, bots may use the machine gun.
bot_allow_pistols : true : sv, rep, release : If nonzero, bots may use pistols.
bot_allow_rifles : true : sv, rep, release : If nonzero, bots may use rifles.
bot_allow_rogues : true : sv, rep, release : If nonzero, bots may occasionally go 'rogue'. Rogue bots do not obey radio commands, nor pursue scenario goals.
bot_allow_shotguns : true : sv, rep, release : If nonzero, bots may use shotguns.
bot_allow_snipers : true : sv, rep, release : If nonzero, bots may use sniper rifles.
bot_allow_sub_machine_guns : true : sv, rep, release : If nonzero, bots may use sub-machine guns.
bot_autodifficulty_threshold_high : 5 : sv, rep, release : Upper bound above Average Human Contribution Score that a bot must be above to change its difficulty
bot_autodifficulty_threshold_low : -2 : sv, rep, release : Lower bound below Average Human Contribution Score that a bot must be below to change its difficulty
bot_chatter : normal : sv, rep, release : Control how bots talk. Allowed values: 'off', 'radio', 'minimal', or 'normal'.bot_controllable : true : sv, rep, release : Determines whether bots can be controlled by players
bot_coop_force_throw_grenade_chance : 0.3 : sv, cheat :
bot_coop_idle_max_vision_distance : 1400 : sv, rep, release : Max distance bots can see targets (in coop) when they are idle, dormant, hiding or asleep.
bot_crouch : false : sv, cheat :
bot_debug : 0 : sv, rep, cheat : For internal testing purposes.
bot_debug_target : 0 : sv, rep, cheat : For internal testing purposes.
bot_defer_to_human_goals : false : sv, rep, release : If nonzero and there is a human on the team, the bots will not do the scenario tasks.
bot_defer_to_human_items : true : sv, rep, release : If nonzero and there is a human on the team, the bots will not get scenario items.
bot_difficulty : 1 : sv, rep, release : Defines the skill of bots joining the game. Values are: 0=easy, 1=normal, 2=hard, 3=expert.
bot_dont_shoot : false : sv, rep, cheat, release : If nonzero, bots will not fire weapons (for debugging).
bot_freeze : false : sv, cheat :
bot_goto_mark : cmd : sv, cheat : Sends a bot to the marked nav area (useful for testing navigation meshes)
bot_goto_selected : cmd : sv, cheat : Sends a bot to the selected nav area (useful for testing navigation meshes)
bot_ignore_enemies : false : sv, rep, cheat : If nonzero, bots will ignore enemies (for debugging).
bot_ignore_players : false : sv, cheat : Bots will not see non-bot players.
bot_join_after_player : true : sv, rep, release : If nonzero, bots wait until a player joins before entering the game.
bot_join_team : any : sv, rep, release : Determines the team bots will join into. Allowed values: 'any', 'T', or 'CT'.
bot_kick : cmd : sv, release : bot_kick <all> <t|ct> <type> <difficulty> <name> - Kicks a specific bot, or all bots, matching the given criteria.
bot_kill : cmd : sv, cheat : bot_kill <all> <t|ct> <type> <difficulty> <name> - Kills a specific bot, or all bots, matching the given criteria.
bot_knives_only : cmd : sv, release : Restricts the bots to only using knives
bot_loadout : 0 : sv, cheat : bots are given these items at round start
bot_max_visible_smoke_length : 200 : sv, rep, release : Bots will see players through smoke clouds up to this length.
bot_max_vision_distance_override : -1 : sv, rep, release : Max distance bots can see targets.
bot_mimic : 0 : sv, rep, cheat :
bot_mimic_yaw_offset : 180 : sv, cheat :
bot_pistols_only : cmd : sv, release : Restricts the bots to only using pistols
bot_place : cmd : sv, cheat : bot_place - Places a bot from the map at where the local player is pointing.
bot_quota : 10 : sv, rep, release : Determines the total number of bots in the game.
bot_quota_mode : normal : sv, rep, release : Determines the type of quota. Allowed values: 'normal', 'fill', and 'match'. If 'fill', the server will adjust bots to keep N players in the game, where N is bot_quota. If 'match', the server will maintain a 1:N ratio of humans to bots, where N is bot_quota.
bot_randombuy : false : sv, cheat : should bots ignore their prefered weapons and just buy weapons at random?
bot_show_battlefront : false : sv, cheat : Show areas where rushing players will initially meet.
bot_show_nav : false : sv, rep, cheat : For internal testing purposes.
bot_show_occupy_time : false : sv, cheat : Show when each nav area can first be reached by each team.
bot_snipers_only : cmd : sv, release : Restricts the bots to only using sniper rifles
bot_stop : 0 : sv, rep, cheat : bot_stop <1|all> | <not_bomber> | <t> | <ct>
bot_traceview : 0 : sv, rep, cheat : For internal testing purposes.
bot_zombie : false : sv, rep, cheat : If nonzero, bots will stay in idle mode and not attack.
box : cmd : sv, cheat : Draw a bbox Arguments: minx miny miny maxx maxy maxz <lifetime = 10.0> <r g b a>
buddha : false : sv, nf, cheat : Player takes damage but won't die
buddha_ignore_bots : false : sv, nf, cheat : Bots always buddha 0
buddha_reset_hp : 1 : sv, nf, cheat : HP to set when damaged below zero in Buddha Mode
bug_submitter_override : 0 : a :
buyrandom : cmd : sv : Buy random primary and secondary. Primarily for deathmatch where cost is not an issue.
callvote : cmd : sv : Start a vote on an issue.
cash_player_bomb_defused : 300 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_player_bomb_planted : 300 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_player_damage_hostage : -30 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_player_get_killed : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_player_interact_with_hostage : 150 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_player_killed_enemy_default : 300 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_player_killed_enemy_factor : 1 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_player_killed_hostage : -1000 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_player_killed_teammate : -300 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_player_rescued_hostage : 1000 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_player_respawn_amount : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_bonus_shorthanded : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_elimination_bomb_map : 3250 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_ct : 2000 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_elimination_hostage_map_t : 1000 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_hostage_alive : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_hostage_interaction : 500 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_loser_bonus : 1400 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_loser_bonus_consecutive_rounds : 500 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_planted_bomb_but_defused : 800 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_rescued_hostage : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_survive_guardian_wave : 1000 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_terrorist_win_bomb : 3500 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_win_by_defusing_bomb : 3250 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_win_by_hostage_rescue : 3500 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_bomb : 3250 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_win_by_time_running_out_hostage : 3250 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cash_team_winner_bonus_consecutive_rounds : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release :
cast_aabb : cmd : sv, cheat : Tests box collision detection
cast_bullet : cmd : sv, cheat : Tests bullet cast
cast_capsule : cmd : sv, cheat : Tests capsule collision detection
cast_convex : cmd : sv, cheat : Tests convex hull collision detection
cast_cylinder : cmd : sv, cheat : Tests cylinder collision detection
cast_intervals : cmd : sv, cheat : Tests interval ray cast
cast_obb : cmd : sv, cheat : Tests cylinder collision detection
cast_physics : cmd : sv, cheat : Tests physics shape collision detection
cast_ray : cmd : sv, cheat : Tests ray cast
cast_sphere : cmd : sv, cheat : Tests sphere cast
changelevel : cmd : release : changelevel <mapname> :Multiplayer change level.
cl_checkdeclareclasses : cmd : cheat : Check game code serializers
cl_clock_correction : true : cheat : Enable/disable clock correction on the client.
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount : 200 : cheat : Sets the maximum number of milliseconds per second it is allowed to correct the client clock. It will only correct this amount if the difference between the client and server clock is equal to or larger than cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset.
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_offset : 90 : cheat : As the clock offset goes from cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset to this value (in milliseconds), it moves towards applying cl_clock_correction_adjustment_max_amount of adjustment. That way, the response is small when the offset is small.
cl_clock_correction_adjustment_min_offset : 10 : cheat : If the clock offset is less than this amount (in milliseconds), then no clock correction is applied.
cl_clock_correction_force_server_tick : 999 : cheat : Force clock correction to match the server tick + this offset (-999 disables it).
cl_clockdrift_max_ticks : 3 : cheat : Maximum number of ticks the clock is allowed to drift before the client snaps its clock to the server's.
cl_connectionretrytime_p2p : 20 : release : Number of seconds over which to spread retry attempts for P2P.
cl_debug_overlays_broadcast : false : release : Render debug overlays from server.
cl_flushentitypacket : 0 : cheat : For debugging. Force the engine to flush an entity packet.
cl_fullupdate : cmd : cheat : Force uncompressed update
cl_ignorepackets : false : cheat : Force client to ignore packets (for debugging).
cl_jiggle_bone_debug : false : cheat : Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information
cl_jiggle_bone_debug_pitch_constraints : false : cheat : Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information
cl_jiggle_bone_debug_yaw_constraints : false : cheat : Display physics-based 'jiggle bone' debugging information
cl_jiggle_bone_invert : false : cheat :
cl_particle_retire_cost : 0 : cheat :
cl_particle_simulate : true : cheat : Enables/Disables Particle Simulation
cl_resend : 0.5 : release : Delay in seconds before the client will resend the 'connect' attempt
cl_skel_constraints_enable : true : rep, cheat :
cl_spewserializers : cmd : cheat : Spew serializers
cl_timeout : 30 : a : After this many seconds without receiving a packet from the server, the client will disconnect itself
cl_usercmd_maxcount : 4 : release : max number of CUserCmds to send in one packet
clear : cmd : norecord, release : Clear console output.
clear_bombs : cmd : sv, cheat :
clearall : cmd : norecord, release : Clear console output from all views.
clientport : 0 : release : If non-zero, client binds port to specific address. Usually you should leave this blank to use a different random system-assigned port for each connection.
closecaption : false : a, user : Enable close captioning.
collect_entity_model_name : cmd : sv, cheat : Collect model names of the entities you're pointing at
commentary : false : sv, a : Desired commentary mode state.
commentary_finishnode : cmd : sv :
con_enable : false : a : Allows the console to be activated.
condump : cmd : release : dump the text currently in the console to condumpXX.log
connect : cmd : release : Connect to a remote server.
connect_hltv : cmd : release : Connect to a remote HLTV server.
consoletool : cmd : norecord, release : Open a VConsole subtool.
contributionscore_assist : 1 : sv, release : amount of contribution score added for an assist
contributionscore_bomb_defuse_major : 3 : sv, release : amount of contribution score for defusing a bomb while at least one enemy remains alive
contributionscore_bomb_defuse_minor : 1 : sv, release : amount of contribution score for defusing a bomb after eliminating enemy team
contributionscore_bomb_exploded : 1 : sv, release : amount of contribution score awarded to bomb planter and terrorists remaining alive if bomb explosion wins the round
contributionscore_bomb_planted : 2 : sv, release : amount of contribution score for planting a bomb
contributionscore_cash_bundle : 0 : sv, release : amount of contribution score for picking up a cash bundle
contributionscore_crate_break : 0 : sv, release : amount of contribution score for breaking an item crate
contributionscore_hostage_kill : -2 : sv, release : amount of contribution score for killing a hostage, normally negative
contributionscore_hostage_rescue_major : 3 : sv, release : amount of contribution score added to rescuer per hostage rescued
contributionscore_hostage_rescue_minor : 1 : sv, release : amount of contribution score added to all alive CTs per hostage rescued
contributionscore_kill : 2 : sv, release : amount of contribution score added for a kill
contributionscore_kill_factor : 0 : sv, release : percentage of victim's contribution score to award to their killer as a bonus
contributionscore_objective_kill : 3 : sv, release : amount of contribution score added for an objective related kill
contributionscore_suicide : -2 : sv, release : amount of contribution score for a suicide, normally negative
contributionscore_team_kill : -2 : sv, release : amount of contribution score for a team kill, normally negative
cq_buffer_bloat_msecs : 150 : sv, release : max buffer bloat before we reset and discard buffered user commands.
cq_logging : false : sv, release : command queue logging of events.
cq_logging_interval : 0 : sv, release : command queue logging per player stats every N seconds, 0 to disable.
cq_min_queue_size : 1 : sv, release : min buffer queue target size.
crash : cmd : cheat : Crash the client. Optional parameter -- type of crash: 0: read from NULL 1: write to NULL 2: force an Assert 3: infinite loop 4: stack buffer overrun 5: multiple asserts across multiple threads
crash_error : cmd : cheat : Cause the engine to crash by Plat_FatalError on main thread (Debug!!)
crash_error_job : cmd : cheat : Cause the engine to crash by Plat_FatalError on job thread (Debug!!)
crash_error_thread : cmd : cheat : Cause the engine to crash by Plat_FatalError on non-main thread (Debug!!)
crash_job : cmd : cheat : Cause the engine to crash in a job thread (Debug!!)
crash_thread : cmd : cheat : Cause the engine to crash in a brand new non-main thread (Debug!!)
create_flashlight : cmd : sv, cheat :
CreatePredictionError : cmd : sv, cheat : Create a prediction error
cs_enable_player_physics_box : false : sv, release :
cs_hostage_near_rescue_music_distance : 2000 : sv, cheat :
cs_logtouchexpansion : -2 : sv, cheat : cs_logtouchexpansion <ent index or -1 for all>. Log player touch expansion component.
cs_ShowStateTransitions : -2 : sv, cheat : cs_ShowStateTransitions <ent index or -1 for all>. Show player state transitions.
CS_WarnFriendlyDamageInterval : 3 : sv, cheat : Defines how frequently the server notifies clients that a player damaged a friend
csgo_fatdemo_enable : false : sv, rep, release :
csgo_fatdemo_output : test.fatdem : sv, rep, release :
csm_bias_override_0 : 1 : cheat :
csm_bias_override_1 : 1 : cheat :
csm_bias_override_2 : 1 : cheat :
csm_bias_override_3 : 1 : cheat :
csm_cascade0_override_dist : -1 : cheat :
csm_cascade1_override_dist : -1 : cheat :
csm_cascade2_override_dist : -1 : cheat :
csm_cascade3_override_dist : -1 : cheat :
csm_cascade_viewdir_shadow_bias_scale : 2 : cheat :
csm_res_override_0 : 0 : cheat :
csm_res_override_1 : 0 : cheat :
csm_res_override_2 : 0 : cheat :
csm_res_override_3 : 0 : cheat :
csm_slope_scale_db_override : 3 : cheat :
csm_split_log_scalar : 0.85 : cheat :
csm_viewdir_shadow_bias : 0 : cheat :
csm_viewmodel_farz : 30 : cheat :
csm_viewmodel_max_shadow_dist : 21 : cheat :
csm_viewmodel_max_visible_dist : 1000 : cheat :
custom_bot_difficulty : 2 : sv, cl, rep, release : Bot difficulty for offline play.
cv_bot_ai_bt_debug_target : -1 : sv, rep, cheat : Draw the behavior tree of the given bot.
cv_bot_ai_bt_hiding_spot_show : false : sv, rep, cheat : Draw hiding spots.
cv_bot_ai_bt_moveto_show_next_hiding_spot : false : sv, rep, cheat : Draw the hiding spot the bot will check next.
cvarlist : cmd : release : Show the list of convars/concommands.
cyclevar : cmd : norecord, release : Cycle through specified convar values.
debug_takedamage_summaries : false : sv, cheat :
debug_visibility_monitor : 0 : sv, cheat :
debugoverlay_cycle_domain : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
debugoverlay_cycle_state : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
debugoverlay_draw_current : false : cheat : Tell debugoverlay to not draw any entries that have aged out by the time of rendering. Useful if sim runs more often than rendering.
debugoverlay_force_respect_ttl : false : cheat : Force respect TTL even when clearing scopes
debugoverlay_hide_imgui : cmd : sv, cheat : Hides the overlay.
debugoverlay_ignore_source : false : cheat : Draw everything normal and ignore the source for rendering
debugoverlay_show_text_outline : false : cheat : Toggle display of box around text
debugoverlay_toggle : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggles visibility of the debug overlay system.
demo_flush : false : a : Flush writing the demo file every network update
demo_goto : cmd : release : Skips to location in demo.
demo_gotomark : cmd : release : Skips the current demo playback to the marked tick
demo_gototick : cmd : release : Skips to a tick in demo.
demo_info : cmd : release : Print information about currently playing demo.
demo_marktick : cmd : release : Marks the current demo playback tick for later use
demo_pause : cmd : release : Pauses demo playback.
demo_quitafterplayback : false : release : Quits game after demo playback.
demo_recordcommands : true : cheat : Record commands typed at console into .dem files.
demo_resume : cmd : release : Resumes demo playback.
demo_timescale : cmd : release : Sets demo replay speed.
demo_togglepause : cmd : release : Toggles demo playback.
demolist : cmd : release : Print demo sequence list.
dev_add_onground_on_spawn : false : sv, release : Should we mess with the ground flag when we spawn? (I don't think we should). If we don't hit the assert in CCSPlayer_MovementServices::ProcessMovement, we should remove this by Dec 2022.
developer : 0 : release : Set developer message level.
differences : cmd : release : Show all convars which are not at their default values (optional restricted to specific flags).
disable_dynamic_prop_loading : false : sv, cheat : If non-zero when a map loads, dynamic props won't be loaded
disconnect : cmd : release : Disconnect from server
display_game_events : false : sv, cheat :
dota_enable_spatial_audio : false : release : Flag to enable spatial audio in Dota 2.
dota_spatial_audio_mix : 1 : release : Mix value to blend spatial and non-spatial audio in Dota 2.
drawcross : cmd : sv, cheat : Draws a cross at the given location Arguments: x y z
drawline : cmd : sv, cheat : Draws line between two 3D Points. Green if no collision Red is collides with something Arguments: x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
ds_workshop_changelevel : cmd : sv, release : Changelevel to an available workshop map by name
ds_workshop_listmaps : cmd : sv, release : Dump workshop maps available on this server
dsp_dist_max : 1440 : cheat, demo :
dsp_dist_min : 0 : cheat, demo :
dsp_off : false : cheat :
dsp_volume : 0.8 : a, demo :
dumpparticlelist : cmd : release : Print out information on existing particle systems
echo : cmd : server_can_execute : Echo text to console.
echoln : cmd : release : Echo the command arguments on the console
endround : cmd : sv, cheat : End the current round.
engine_low_latency_sleep_after_client_tick : false : release : When r_low_latency is enabled, this moves the low latency sleep on tick frames to happen after client simulation.
engine_no_focus_sleep : 20 : a :
ent_absbox : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_actornames : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the entity name for all entities that have ShouldDisplayInActorNames true in code
ent_actornames_font : Consolas : sv, rep, cheat : ent_actornames font name
ent_actornames_fontsize : 24 : sv, rep, cheat : ent_actornames font size
ent_animgraph_debug : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays debug draws about the given entity(ies) animgraph Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_animgraph_record : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggles recording of animgraph replay of the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_animgraph_setvar : cmd : sv, cheat : Sets a variable on the animgraph of the given entity(s) Arguments: <varname>=<value> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
ent_attachments : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the attachment points on an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_autoaim : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the entity's autoaim radius. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_bbox : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_call : cmd : sv, cheat : ent_call <funcname> <option:entname> calls function on current look target or filtername, checks on ent, then root, then mode, then map scope
ent_clear_debug_overlays : cmd : sv, cheat : Clears all debug overlays
ent_create : cmd : sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy : Creates an entity of the given designer or subclass name where the player is looking.
ent_find : cmd : sv, cheat : Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substrings. Format: find_ent <substring>
ent_find_index : cmd : sv, cheat : Display data for entity matching specified index. Format: find_ent_index <index>
ent_fire : cmd : sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy : Usage: ent_fire <target> [action] [value] [delay]
ent_fire_output : cmd : sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy : Usage: ent_fire_output <target> [output name] [value] [delay]
ent_grab : cmd : sv, cheat : grabs the object in front of the player. Options: -loose -multiple -toggle
ent_hierarchy : cmd : sv, cheat : Prints the entity hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s)
ent_hitbox : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the hitboxes for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_info : cmd : sv, cheat : Usage: ent_info <class name>
ent_joints : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the joint names + axes an entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_kill : cmd : sv, cheat : Kills the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_messages : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies). The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any messages that it sends or receives. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_messages_draw : false : sv, rep, cheat : Visualizes all entity input/output activity.
ent_name : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the entity name
ent_orient : cmd : sv, cheat : Orient the specified entity to match the player's angles. By default, only orients target entity's YAW. Use the 'allangles' option to orient on all axis. Format: ent_orient <entity name> <optional: allangles>
ent_picker : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggles 'picker' mode. When picker is on, the bounding box, pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the player is looking at. Arguments: full - enables all debug information
ent_pivot : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies). (y=up=green, z=forward=blue, x=left=red). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_pivot_size : 20 : sv, a, cheat :
ent_remove : cmd : sv, cheat : Removes the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_remove_all : cmd : sv, cheat : Removes all entities of the specified type Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name}
ent_rotate : cmd : sv, cheat : Rotates an entity by a specified # of degrees
ent_scale : cmd : sv, cheat : Scales entities. Arguments: <scale factor> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
ent_scenehierarchy : cmd : sv, cheat : Prints the entity scenenode hierarchy tree rooted at the specified ent(s)
ent_script_dump : cmd : sv, cheat : Dumps the names and values of this entity's script scope to the console Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_select : cmd : sv, cheat : Select or deselects the given entities(s) for later manipulation Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_setang : cmd : sv, cheat : Set entity angles
ent_setname : cmd : sv, cheat : Sets the targetname of the given entity(s) Arguments: <new entity name> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
ent_setpos : cmd : sv, cheat : Move entity to position
ent_show_contexts : false : sv, cheat : Show entity contexts in ent_text display
ent_show_damage : cmd : sv, cheat : Sets damage display mode. When on, you will see the amount of damage dealt over the target's head.
ent_show_response_criteria : cmd : sv, cheat : Print, to the console, an entity's current criteria set used to select responses. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_showonlyattachment : 0 : sv, cheat :
ent_skeleton : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the skeleton for the given entity(ies). Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_skeleton_duration : 0 : sv, rep, cheat : Duration of ent_skeleton display
ent_teleport : cmd : sv, cheat : Teleport the specified entity to where the player is looking. Format: ent_teleport <entity name>
ent_text : cmd : sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy : Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_text256 : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [within 256 units of the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_text_clear : cmd : sv, cheat : Hide text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_text_filter : cmd : sv, cheat : Set which ent_text filters you want:
ent_text_flags_active : -1 : sv, a, cheat :
ent_text_no_name_really_i_mean_it : false : sv, cheat :
ent_text_radius : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) [near the player] on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) 2 Arguments: <Radius> <{entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}>
ent_text_sticky_add : cmd : sv, cheat : Adds to list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_text_sticky_clear : cmd : sv, cheat : Clears the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_text_sticky_dump : cmd : sv, cheat : Spews the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_text_sticky_remove : cmd : sv, cheat : Removes from the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_ungrab : cmd : sv, cheat : un-grabs all objects
ent_vcollide_wireframe : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the interpolated vcollide wireframe pm am entity. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
ent_viewoffset : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
entity_log_load_unserialize : 0 : sv, rep, cheat : Output unserialization of entities on map load. 0 - off, 1 - client/server, 2 - server, 3 - client
escape : cmd : release, clientcmd_can_execute : Escape key pressed.
exec : cmd : norecord, release : Execute a cfg file
exec_async : cmd : cheat, norecord : Execute a cfg file over time
execifexists : cmd : norecord, release : Execute a cfg file if file exists
execute_command_every_frame : 0 : cheat :
explode : cmd : sv, cheat : Kills the player with explosive damage
explodevector : cmd : sv, cheat : Kills a player applying an explosive force. Usage: explodevector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
fadein : cmd : sv, cheat : fadein {time r g b}: Fades the screen in from black or from the specified color over the given number of seconds.
fadeout : cmd : sv, cheat : fadeout {time r g b}: Fades the screen to black or to the specified color over the given number of seconds.
ff_damage_bullet_penetration : 0 : sv, rep, release : If friendly fire is off, this will scale the penetration power and damage a bullet does when penetrating another friendly player
ff_damage_decoy_explosion : false : sv, rep, release : Enables or disables team damage from decoy detonation
ff_damage_reduction_bullets : 0.1 : sv, rep, release : How much to reduce damage done to teammates when shot. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
ff_damage_reduction_grenade : 0.25 : sv, rep, release : How much to reduce damage done to teammates by a thrown grenade. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
ff_damage_reduction_grenade_self : 1 : sv, rep, release : How much to damage a player does to himself with his own grenade. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
ff_damage_reduction_other : 0.25 : sv, rep, release : How much to reduce damage done to teammates by things other than bullets and grenades. Range is from 0 - 1 (with 1 being damage equal to what is done to an enemy)
find : cmd : release : Find concommands with the specified string in their name/help text.
findflags : cmd : release : Find concommands by flags.
firetarget : cmd : sv, cheat :
fish_dormant : false : sv, rep, cheat : Turns off interactive fish behavior. Fish become immobile and unresponsive.
fog_color : -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 : cheat :
fog_enable : true : cheat : Enable fog
fog_hdrcolorscale : -1 : cheat :
fog_override : 0 : cheat : Overrides the map's fog settings (-1 populates fog_ vars with map's values)
fog_override_color : cmd : cheat : Sets the fog color override
fog_override_enable : false : cheat : Use fog_override convars instead of world fog data
fog_override_end : 3500 : cheat :
fog_override_exponent : 2 : cheat :
fog_override_max_density : 0.4 : cheat :
fog_override_start : 1000 : cheat :
fps_max : 400 : a, release : Frame rate limiter. 0=no limit. Does not apply to dedicated server.
fps_max_tools : 120 : a : Additional frame rate limit while in tools mode and a window other than the game window has focus. Note that fps_max still applies, this only allows the maximum frame rate for tools mode to be lower. 0=no tools specific limit.
fps_max_ui : 120 : a : Frame rate limiter while the game UI is displayed. 0=no limit. Does not apply to dedicated server.
fs_report_sync_opens : 0 : release : 0:Off, 1:Always, 2:Not during load
fs_spew_readfieldlist : cmd : cheat : index <threshold bytes>: spew changes to ent index, optionally only spewing if update is > than threshold bytes
func_break_max_pieces : 15 : sv, a, rep :
g_debug_angularsensor : false : sv, cheat :
g_debug_constraint_sounds : false : sv, cheat : Enable debug printing about constraint sounds.
game_alias : cmd : release : Set the configuration of game type and mode based on game alias like 'deathmatch'.
game_mode : 1 : sv, cl, rep, release : The current game mode (based on game type). See GameModes.txt.
game_type : 0 : sv, cl, rep, release : The current game type. See GameModes.txt.
gameui_hide : cmd : release : Hides the game UI
give : cmd : sv, vconsole_fuzzy : Give item to player. Arguments: <item_name>
givecurrentammo : cmd : sv, cheat : Give a supply of ammo for current weapon..
global_set : cmd : sv, cheat : global_set <globalname> <state>: Sets the state of the given env_global (0 = OFF, 1 = ON, 2 = DEAD).
god : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggle by default, or 0 to disable and 1 to enable. Player becomes invulnerable.
grep : cmd : release : grep line for pattern, print out matching lines only
healthshot_allow_use_at_full : true : sv, rep, release :
healthshot_health : 50 : sv, rep, release :
healthshot_healthboost_damage_multiplier : 1 : sv, rep, release :
healthshot_healthboost_speed_multiplier : 1 : sv, rep, release :
healthshot_healthboost_time : 1 : sv, rep, release :
help : cmd : release : Find help about a convar/concommand.
hideconsole : cmd : norecord, release : Hide the console.
host_framerate : 0 : release : Set to lock per-frame time elapse.
host_timescale : 1 : rep, cheat : Prescale the clock by this amount.
host_timescale_dec : cmd : cheat : Decrement the timescale by one step
host_timescale_inc : cmd : cheat : Increment the timescale by one step
host_workshop_collection : cmd : sv, release : Host a workshop map collection as a mapgroup
host_workshop_map : cmd : sv, release : Get the latest version of the map and host it on this server.
host_writeconfig : cmd : release : Saves out the user config values.
hostage_debug : 0 : sv, rep, cheat : Show hostage AI debug information
hostage_is_silent : false : sv, rep, cheat : When set, the hostage won't play any code driven response rules lines
hostfile : host.txt : sv, release : The HOST file to load.
hostip : 0 : release : Host game server ip
hostname : 0 : release : Hostname for server.
hostname_in_client_status : false : release : Show server hostname in client status.
hostport : 27015 : release : Host game server port
hurtme : cmd : sv, cheat : Hurts the player. Arguments: <health to lose>
ik_debug_chain_to_filter_by : 0 : sv, rep, cheat :
ik_enable : true : cheat : Enable IK.
ik_hinge_debug_bone_index : -1 : sv, rep, cheat :
imgui_set_selection : cmd : sv, cheat : Sets ImGui selection
imgui_set_status_text : cmd : sv, cheat : Sets ImGui header status text
incrementvar : cmd : norecord, release : Increment specified convar value.
inferno_child_spawn_interval_multiplier : 0.1 : sv, cheat : Amount spawn interval increases for each child
inferno_child_spawn_max_depth : 4 : sv, rep, release :
inferno_damage : 40 : sv, cheat : Damage per second
inferno_debug : false : sv, cheat :
inferno_flame_lifetime : 7 : sv, rep, release : Average lifetime of each flame in seconds
inferno_flame_spacing : 42 : sv, cheat : Minimum distance between separate flame spawns
inferno_forward_reduction_factor : 0.9 : sv, cheat :
inferno_friendly_fire_duration : 6 : sv, cheat : For this long, FF is credited back to the thrower.
inferno_initial_spawn_interval : 0.02 : sv, cheat : Time between spawning flames for first fire
inferno_max_child_spawn_interval : 0.5 : sv, cheat : Largest time interval for child flame spawning
inferno_max_flames : 16 : sv, rep, release : Maximum number of flames that can be created
inferno_max_range : 150 : sv, rep, release : Maximum distance flames can spread from their initial ignition point
inferno_per_flame_spawn_duration : 3 : sv, cheat : Duration each new flame will attempt to spawn new flames
inferno_scorch_decals : false : sv, cheat :
inferno_smoke_volume_density : 0.1 : sv, cheat :
inferno_spawn_angle : 45 : sv, cheat : Angular change from parent
inferno_surface_offset : 20 : sv, cheat :
inferno_velocity_decay_factor : 0.2 : sv, cheat :
inferno_velocity_factor : 0.003 : sv, cheat :
inferno_velocity_normal_factor : 0 : sv, cheat :
input_button_code_is_scan_code : true : a : Bind keys based on keyboard position instead of key name
input_filter_relative_analog_inputs : false : a :
input_forceuser : -1 : cheat : Force user input to this split screen player.
ip : 0 : release : Overrides IP for multihomed hosts
iv_debugbone : 0 : release : Debug bone name for interpolation spew of CAnimationState.
joy_axisr_deadzone : 0.15 : a, per_user :
joy_axisr_relative : false : a, per_user :
joy_axisu_deadzone : 0.15 : a, per_user :
joy_axisu_relative : false : a, per_user :
joy_axisv_deadzone : 0.15 : a, per_user :
joy_axisv_relative : false : a, per_user :
joy_axisx_deadzone : 0.15 : a, per_user :
joy_axisx_relative : false : a, per_user :
joy_axisy_deadzone : 0.15 : a, per_user :
joy_axisy_relative : false : a, per_user :
joy_axisz_deadzone : 0.15 : a, per_user :
joy_axisz_relative : false : a, per_user :
key_findbinding : cmd : release : Find key bound to specified command string.
key_listboundkeys : cmd : release : List bound keys with bindings.
kick : cmd : norecord, release : Kick a player by name.
kickid : cmd : norecord, release : Kick a player by userid or uniqueid, with a message.
kickid_hltv : cmd : norecord, release : Kick a player by userid or uniqueid, with a message.
kill : cmd : sv, cheat : Kills the player with generic damage
killvector : cmd : sv, cheat : Kills a player applying force. Usage: killvector <player> <x value> <y value> <z value>
labelled_debug_helper_arc_segments : 20 : sv, rep, cheat :
labelled_debug_helper_enabled : true : sv, rep, cheat :
labelled_debug_helper_scale : 1 : sv, rep, cheat :
labelled_debug_helper_show_position : false : sv, rep, cheat :
labelled_debug_helper_show_text : true : sv, rep, cheat :
labelled_debug_helper_skeleton_show_bone_names : true : sv, rep, cheat :
lb_barnlight_shadowmap_scale : 1 : release : Scale for computed barnlight shadowmap size
lb_shadow_map_culling : true : cheat :
lb_show_light_fog_clipmap_cb_cost : false : cheat : Show cost of lights in fog clipmap constant buffer. yellow = 1 cost, red = 6 cost
lightquery_debug_direct_lighting : true : sv, rep, cheat :
lightquery_debug_indirect_lighting : true : sv, rep, cheat :
listdemo : cmd : release : List demo file contents.
listissues : cmd : sv : List all the issues that can be voted on.
log : cmd : release : Enables logging to file, console, and udp < on | off >.
log_color : cmd : norecord, release : Set the color of a logging channel.
log_dumpchannels : cmd : norecord, release : Dumps information about all logging channels.
log_flags : cmd : norecord, release : Set the flags on a logging channel.
log_level : cmd : norecord, release : Set the spew level of a logging channel.
log_verbosity : cmd : norecord, release : Set the verbosity of a logging channel.
logaddress_add_http : cmd : sv, nolog, release : Set URI of a listener to receive logs via http post. Wrap URI in double quotes.
logaddress_add_http_delayed : cmd : sv, nolog, release : Set a delay and URI of a listener to receive logs via http post. Wrap URI in double quotes.
logaddress_delall_http : cmd : sv, nolog, release : Remove all http listeners from the dispatch list.
logaddress_list_http : cmd : sv, nolog, release : List all URIs currently receiving server logs
logaddress_token_secret : 0 : sv, release : Set a secret string that will be hashed when using logaddress with explicit token hash.
logic_npc_counter_debug : false : sv, rep, cheat :
map : cmd : release, vconsole_fuzzy, vconsole_set_focus : map <mapname> :Load a new map.
map_setbombradius : cmd : sv, cheat : Sets the bomb radius for the map.
map_showbombradius : cmd : sv, cheat : Shows bomb radius from the center of each bomb site and planted bomb.
mapgroup : cmd : sv, norecord, release : Specify a map group
maps : cmd : release : Displays list of maps.
markup_group_ent_bbox : cmd : sv, cheat : markup_group_ent_bbox <markup_group name> -> toggle ent_bbox for all members of the named markup group
markup_group_ent_text : cmd : sv, cheat : markup_group_ent_text <markup_group name> -> toggle ent_text for all members of the named markup group
markup_group_spew : cmd : sv, cheat : Spew all current markup groups and their members
mat_fullbright : 0 : cheat :
mat_lpv_luxels : false : cheat :
mat_luxels : false : cheat :
mat_max_lighting_complexity : 8 : cheat :
mat_overdraw : 0 : cheat : Visualize overdraw
mat_overdraw_color : 0.075000 0.150000 0.300000 : cheat :
mat_shading_complexity : false : cheat : Visualize shading complexity
mat_shading_complexity_color : 1.000000 0.500000 0.250000 : cheat :
mat_shading_complexity_max_instruction_count : 1024 : cheat :
mat_shading_complexity_max_register_count : 128 : cheat :
mat_show_distance_field : 0 : cheat : 0=Off, 1=Visualize trace from camera, 2=Visualize occlusion
mat_tonemap_bloom_scale : -1 : cheat :
mat_tonemap_bloom_start_value : -1 : cheat :
mat_tonemap_force_accelerate_exposure_down : -1 : cheat :
mat_tonemap_force_average_lum_min : -1 : cheat : Override. Old default was 3.0
mat_tonemap_force_log_lum_max : -1 : cheat :
mat_tonemap_force_log_lum_min : -1 : cheat :
mat_tonemap_force_max : -1 : cheat :
mat_tonemap_force_min : -1 : cheat :
mat_tonemap_force_percent_bright_pixels : -1 : cheat : Override. Old value was 1.0
mat_tonemap_force_percent_target : -1 : cheat : Override. Old default was 45.
mat_tonemap_force_rate : -1 : cheat :
mat_tonemap_force_scale : 0 : cheat :
mat_tonemap_force_use_alpha : -1 : cheat :
mat_tonemap_uncap_exposure : 0 : cheat :
mat_wireframe : 0 : cheat : 0=Off, 1=Surface Wireframe, 2=Transparent Wireframe
mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_invert : false : sv, rep, cheat :
mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_pass_count : 3 : sv, rep, cheat :
mesh_calculate_curvature_smooth_weight : 1 : sv, rep, cheat :
mm_csgo_community_search_players_min : 3 : a, release : When performing CSGO community matchmaking look for servers with at least so many human players
mm_dedicated_force_servers : 0 : release : Comma delimited list of ip:port of servers used to search for dedicated servers instead of searching for public servers. Use syntax `publicip1:port|privateip1:port,publicip2:port|privateip2:port` if your server is behind NAT. If the server is behind NAT, you can specify `|privateip:port` and if server port is in the list of `mm_server_search_lan_ports` its public address should be automatically detected.
mm_dedicated_search_maxping : 150 : a : Longest preferred ping to dedicated servers for games
mm_server_search_lan_ports : 27015,27016,27017,27018,27019,27020 : a, release : Ports to scan during LAN games discovery. Also used to discover and correctly connect to dedicated LAN servers behind NATs.
mm_session_search_qos_timeout : 15 : release :
mm_session_sys_kick_ban_duration : 180 : release :
mm_session_sys_pkey : 0 : release :
mobile_fps_increase_during_charging : false : a : MOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: If true we increase framerate limit while charging
mobile_fps_increase_during_touch : true : a : MOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: If true we increase framerate limit during touch
mobile_fps_limit : 30 : a : MOBILE_FPS_CONTROL: Mobile FPS limit - 15, 30, 60
model_default_preview_sequence_name : 0 : sv, a, rep :
molotov_throw_detonate_time : 2 : sv, rep, release :
motdfile : motd.txt : sv, release : The MOTD file to load.
mp_afterroundmoney : 0 : sv, rep, release : amount of money awared to every player after each round
mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 : false : sv, rep, release : If set, everyone can pick up the c4, not just Ts.
mp_autokick : true : sv, rep, release : Kick idle/team-killing/team-damaging players
mp_autoteambalance : true : sv, nf, release :
mp_backup_restore_list_files : cmd : sv, release : Lists recent backup round files matching the prefix, most recent files first, accepts a numeric parameter to limit the number of files displayed
mp_backup_restore_load_autopause : true : sv, release : Whether to automatically pause the match after restoring round data from backup
mp_backup_restore_load_file : cmd : sv, release : Loads player cash, KDA, scores and team scores; resets to the next round after the backup
mp_backup_round_auto : true : sv, release : If enabled will keep in-memory backups to handle reconnecting players even if the backup files aren't written to disk
mp_backup_round_file : backup : sv, release : If set then server will save all played rounds information to files filename_date_time_team1_team2_mapname_roundnum_score1_score2.txt
mp_backup_round_file_last : 0 : sv, release : Every time a backup file is written the value of this convar gets updated to hold the name of the backup file.
mp_backup_round_file_pattern : %prefix%_round%round%.txt : sv, release : If set then server will save all played rounds information to files named by this pattern, e.g.'%prefix%_%date%_%time%_%team1%_%team2%_%map%_round%round%_score_%score1%_%score2%.txt'
mp_bot_ai_bt : 0 : sv, release : Use the specified behavior tree file to drive the bot behavior.
mp_bot_ai_bt_clear_cache : cmd : sv, release : Clears the cache for behavior tree files.
mp_buy_allow_grenades : true : sv, rep, release : Whether players can purchase grenades from the buy menu or not.
mp_buy_allow_guns : 255 : sv, rep, release : Whether players can purchase guns: pistols (1), SMGs (2), rifles (4), shotguns (8), sniper rifles (16), heavy MGs (32).
mp_buy_anywhere : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release : When set, players can buy anywhere, not only in buyzones. 0 = default. 1 = both teams. 2 = Terrorists. 3 = Counter-Terrorists.
mp_buy_during_immunity : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release : When set, players can buy when immune, ignoring buytime. 0 = default. 1 = both teams. 2 = Terrorists. 3 = Counter-Terrorists.
mp_buytime : 90 : sv, rep, release : How many seconds after round start players can buy items for.
mp_c4_cannot_be_defused : false : sv, rep, release : If set, the planted c4 cannot be defused.
mp_c4timer : 40 : sv, nf, rep, release : how long from when the C4 is armed until it blows
mp_competitive_endofmatch_extra_time : 15 : sv, release : After a competitive match finishes rematch voting extra time is given for rankings.
mp_consecutive_loss_aversion : 1 : sv, rep, release : How loss streak is affected with round win: 0 = win fully resets loss bonus, 1 = first win steps down loss bonus, 2 = first win holds loss bonus and step down starting with second win
mp_consecutive_loss_max : 4 : sv, rep, release :
mp_coop_force_join_ct : false : sv, rep, release : If set, real players will auto join CT on join.
mp_coopmission_bot_difficulty_offset : 0 : sv, rep, release : The difficulty offset modifier for bots during coop missions.
mp_coopmission_mission_number : 0 : sv, rep, release : Which mission the map should run after it loads.
mp_coopterrorhunt_kill_add_time : 10 : sv, rep, release : The number of seconds added to the clock when players get a kill.
mp_coopterrorhunt_num_enemies : 20 : sv, rep, release : The number of enemies CTs have to hunt and kill.
mp_ct_default_grenades : 0 : sv, rep, release : The default grenades that the CTs will spawn with. To give multiple grenades, separate each weapon class with a space like this: 'weapon_molotov weapon_hegrenade'
mp_ct_default_melee : weapon_knife : sv, rep, release : The default melee weapon that the CTs will spawn with. Even if this is blank, a knife will be given. To give a taser, it should look like this: 'weapon_knife weapon_taser'. Remember to set mp_weapons_allow_zeus to 1 if you want to give a taser!
mp_ct_default_primary : 0 : sv, rep, release : The default primary (rifle) weapon that the CTs will spawn with
mp_ct_default_secondary : weapon_hkp2000 : sv, rep, release : The default secondary (pistol) weapon that the CTs will spawn with
mp_damage_headshot_only : false : sv, rep, release : Determines whether non-headshot hits do any damage.
mp_damage_scale_ct_body : 1 : sv, rep, release : Scales the damage a CT player takes by this much when they take damage in the body. (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%)
mp_damage_scale_ct_head : 1 : sv, rep, release : Scales the damage a CT player takes by this much when they take damage in the head (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%). REMEMBER! headshots do 4x the damage of the body before this scaler is applied.
mp_damage_scale_t_body : 1 : sv, rep, release : Scales the damage a T player takes by this much when they take damage in the body. (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%)
mp_damage_scale_t_head : 1 : sv, rep, release : Scales the damage a T player takes by this much when they take damage in the head (1 == 100%, 0.5 == 50%). REMEMBER! headshots do 4x the damage of the body before this scaler is applied.
mp_damage_vampiric_amount : 0 : sv, rep, release : If Set to non-0, will determine the fraction of damage dealt that will be given to attacker.
mp_death_drop_breachcharge : true : sv, rep, release : Drop breachcharge on player death
mp_death_drop_c4 : true : sv, rep, release : Whether c4 is droppable
mp_death_drop_defuser : true : sv, rep, release : Drop defuser on player death
mp_death_drop_grenade : 2 : sv, rep, release : Which grenade to drop on player death: 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best, 3=all grenades
mp_death_drop_gun : 1 : sv, rep, release : Which gun to drop on player death: 0=none, 1=best, 2=current or best
mp_death_drop_healthshot : true : sv, rep, release : Drop healthshot on player death
mp_death_drop_taser : true : sv, rep, release : Drop taser on player death
mp_deathcam_skippable : true : sv, rep, release : Determines whether a player can early-out of the deathcam.
mp_default_team_winner_no_objective : -1 : sv, rep, release : If the map doesn't define an objective (bomb, hostage, etc), the value of this convar will declare the winner when the time runs out in the round.
mp_defuser_allocation : 0 : sv, rep, release : How to allocate defusers to CTs at start or round: 0=none, 1=random, 2=everyone
mp_disable_autokick : cmd : sv, release : Prevents a userid from being auto-kicked
mp_disconnect_kills_bots : false : sv, release : When a bot disconnects, kill them first. Requires mp_disconnect_kills_players.
mp_disconnect_kills_players : true : sv, release : When a player disconnects, kill them first (triggering item drops, stats, etc.)
mp_display_kill_assists : true : sv, rep, release : Whether to display and score player assists
mp_dm_bonus_length_max : 30 : sv, rep, release : Maximum time the bonus time will last (in seconds)
mp_dm_bonus_length_min : 30 : sv, rep, release : Minimum time the bonus time will last (in seconds)
mp_dm_bonus_percent : 50 : sv, rep, release : Percent of points additionally awarded when someone gets a kill with the bonus weapon during the bonus period.
mp_dm_bonusweapon_dogtags : 0 : sv, rep, release : Additional dogtags to drop when making a kill with the bonus weapon
mp_dm_dogtag_score : 0 : sv, rep, release : Points to award for picking up a dogtag in deathmatch.
mp_dm_healthshot_killcount : 3 : sv, rep, release : Grant healthshots in deathmatch after n kills
mp_dm_kill_base_score : 10 : sv, rep, release : Number of base points to award for a kill in deathmatch. Cheaper weapons award 1 or 2 additional points.
mp_dm_teammode : 0 : sv, rep, release : In deathmatch, enables team DM visuals & scoring (0: personal, 1: team mode, 2: use team contribution score)
mp_dm_teammode_bonus_score : 1 : sv, rep, release : Team deathmatch victory points to award for kill with bonus weapon
mp_dm_teammode_dogtag_score : 0 : sv, rep, release : Team deathmatch victory points to award for collecting enemy dogtags
mp_dm_teammode_kill_score : 1 : sv, rep, release : Team deathmatch victory points to award for enemy kill
mp_dm_time_between_bonus_max : 40 : sv, rep, release : Maximum time a bonus time will start after the round start or after the last bonus (in seconds)
mp_dm_time_between_bonus_min : 30 : sv, rep, release : Minimum time a bonus time will start after the round start or after the last bonus (in seconds)
mp_dogtag_despawn_on_killer_death : true : sv, rep, release : Whether dogtags should despawn when their killer dies
mp_dogtag_despawn_time : 120 : sv, rep, release : How many seconds dogtags should stay around before despawning automatically (0 = infinite)
mp_dogtag_pickup_rule : 0 : sv, rep, release : Who is eligible to pick up a dogtag (0 = killer only, 1 = killer's team, 2 = victim's team, 3 = killer & victim's team, 4 = anyone)
mp_drop_grenade_enable : true : sv, rep, release : Allows players to drop grenades.
mp_drop_knife_enable : false : sv, rep, release : Allows players to drop knives.
mp_economy_reset_rounds : 0 : sv, rep, release : Reset all player money every N rounds (0 for never)
mp_endmatch_votenextleveltime : 20 : sv, release : If mp_endmatch_votenextmap is set, players have this much time to vote on the next map at match end.
mp_endmatch_votenextmap : true : sv, rep, release : Whether or not players vote for the next map at the end of the match when the final scoreboard comes up
mp_endmatch_votenextmap_keepcurrent : true : sv, rep, release : If set, keeps the current map in the list of voting options. If not set, the current map will not appear in the list of voting options.
mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_modes : 0 : sv, release : Modes available for endmatch voting during War Games. Separate names with spaces.
mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_nummaps : 3 : sv, release : Maximum number of maps to include in endmatch voting during War Games
mp_endmatch_votenextmap_wargames_nummodes : 1 : sv, release : Maximum number of other War Games to include in endmatch voting during War Games
mp_endwarmup_player_count : 0 : sv, rep, release : Number of players required to be connected to end warmup early. 0 to require maximum players for mode.
mp_equipment_reset_rounds : 0 : sv, rep, release : Reset all player equipment every N rounds (0 for never)
mp_fists_replace_melee : false : sv, release : If enabled then when melee weapon is dropped player will have fists, when melee weapon is picked up then fists are unavailable
mp_footsteps_serverside : true : sv, release : Makes the server always play footstep sounds. Clients never calculate footstep sounds locally, instead relying on the server.
mp_force_pick_time : 15 : sv, rep, release : The amount of time a player has on the team screen to make a selection before being auto-teamed
mp_forcecamera : 0 : sv, rep, release : Restricts spectator modes for dead players
mp_fraglimit : 0 : sv, nf, release :
mp_free_armor : 0 : sv, rep, release : Determines whether kevlar (1+) and/or helmet (2+) are given automatically.
mp_freezetime : 6 : sv, nf, rep, release : how many seconds to keep players frozen when the round starts
mp_friendlyfire : false : sv, nf, rep, release : Allows team members to injure other members of their team
mp_give_player_c4 : true : sv, rep, release : Whether this map should spawn a c4 bomb for a player or not.
mp_global_damage_per_second : 0 : sv, rep, release : If above 0, deal non-lethal damage to players over time.
mp_guardian_ai_bt_difficulty_adjust_wave_interval : 1 : sv, rep, release : Adjust the guardian bots' difficulty every nth guardian wave when using behavior trees.
mp_guardian_ai_bt_difficulty_cap_beginning_round : 2 : sv, rep, release : Starting this round a difficulty cap will be applied to the bots.
mp_guardian_ai_bt_difficulty_initial_value : 2 : sv, rep, release : Starting difficulty level for the gardian bots.
mp_guardian_ai_bt_difficulty_max_next_level_bots : 3 : sv, rep, release : How many bots to increase difficulty per wave - this many easier bots will get harder.
mp_guardian_bomb_plant_custom_x_mark_location : 0 : sv, rep, release : x,y,z to display an X for the bomb plant in guardian missions with custom bomb plant boundaries.
mp_guardian_bot_money_per_wave : 800 : sv, rep, release : The amount of money bots get time each wave the players complete. This # is absolute and not additive, the money is set to (this)x(wave#) for each bot on each wave.
mp_guardian_force_collect_hostages_timeout : 50 : sv, release : Force bots to collect hostages after this amount of time if no enemy has been seen.
mp_guardian_give_random_grenades_to_bots : true : sv, release : If set guardian bots will be given grenades at the beginning of the wave.
mp_guardian_loc_string_hud : #guardian_mission_type_kills : sv, rep, release : Loc string token to use on hud for this mission, otherwise default to kills with weapon.
mp_guardian_loc_weapon : 0 : sv, rep, release : Override to weapon dialog var applied to UI
mp_guardian_player_dist_max : 2000 : sv, rep, release : The maximum distance a player is allowed to get from the bombsite before they're killed.
mp_guardian_player_dist_min : 1300 : sv, rep, release : The distance at which we start to warn a player when they are too far from the guarded bombsite.
mp_guardian_special_kills_needed : 10 : sv, rep, release : The number of kills needed with a specific weapon.
mp_guardian_special_weapon_needed : awp : sv, rep, release : The weapon that needs to be used to increment the kills needed to complete the mission.
mp_guardian_target_site : -1 : sv, release : If set to the index of a bombsite, will cause random spawns to be only created near that site.
mp_halftime : false : sv, rep, release : Determines whether the match switches sides in a halftime event.
mp_halftime_duration : 15 : sv, rep, release : Target number of seconds that halftime lasts; shortened if team intros are active
mp_halftime_pausematch : 0 : sv, rep, release : Set to 1 to pause match after halftime countdown elapses. Match must be resumed by vote or admin.
mp_halftime_pausetimer : 0 : sv, rep, release : Set to 1 to stay in halftime indefinitely. Set to 0 to resume the timer.
mp_heavyassaultsuit_aimpunch : true : sv, rep, release : How much EXTRA aim punch will happen when a player wearing the assault suit gets when shot
mp_heavyassaultsuit_cooldown : 5 : sv, rep, release : Determines cooldown of purchase.
mp_heavyassaultsuit_deploy_timescale : 0.8 : sv, rep, release : How fast a player wearing the heavy assault suit will draw their weapon (1.0 = normal speed, 0.5 = half speed)
mp_heavyassaultsuit_speed : 130 : sv, rep, release : The max speed of a player when they are wearing the heavy assault suit
mp_heavybot_damage_reduction_scale : 1 : sv, rep, release : How much damage should scale when the player wearing the heavy assault suit is shot (1.0 = no change, 0.5 = half damage)
mp_hostages_max : 2 : sv, rep, release : Maximum number of hostages to spawn.
mp_hostages_rescuetime : 1 : sv, rep, release : Additional time added to round time if a hostage is reached by a CT.
mp_hostages_run_speed_modifier : 1 : sv, rep, release : Default is 1.0, slow down hostages by setting this to < 1.0.
mp_hostages_spawn_farthest : false : sv, rep, release : When enabled will consistently force the farthest hostages to spawn.
mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions : 0 : sv, rep, release : Comma separated list of zero based indices to force spawn positions, e.g. '0,2' or '1,6'
mp_hostages_spawn_force_positions_xyz : 0 : sv, rep, release : Comma separated list of xyz locations to force spawn positions, e.g. 'x1 y1 z1,x2 y2 z2'
mp_hostages_spawn_same_every_round : true : sv, rep, release : 0 = spawn hostages randomly every round, 1 = same spawns for entire match.
mp_hostages_takedamage : false : sv, rep, release : Whether or not hostages can be hurt.
mp_humanteam : any : sv, rep, release : Restricts human players to a single team {any, CT, T}
mp_ignore_round_win_conditions : false : sv, rep, release : Ignore conditions which would end the current round
mp_items_prohibited : 0 : sv, rep, release : Set this convar to a comma-delimited list of definition indices of weapons that should be prohibited from use.
mp_join_grace_time : 0 : sv, rep, release : Number of seconds after round start to allow a player to join a game
mp_limitteams : 2 : sv, nf, rep, release : Max # of players 1 team can have over another (0 disables check)
mp_logdetail : 0 : sv, release : Logs attacks. Values are: 0=off, 1=enemy, 2=teammate, 3=both)
mp_logdetail_items : false : sv, release : Logs a line any time a player acquires or loses an item.
mp_logdistance_2d : 250 : sv, release : Enables distance logging every so many units
mp_logdistance_sec : 15 : sv, release : Enables distance logging every so many seconds
mp_logloadouts : true : sv, release : Enables distance logging with full loadouts
mp_logmoney : false : sv, release : Enables money logging. Values are: 0=off, 1=on
mp_match_can_clinch : true : sv, rep, release : Can a team clinch and end the match by being so far ahead that the other team has no way to catching up?
mp_match_end_changelevel : false : sv, rep, release : At the end of the match, perform a changelevel even if next map is the same
mp_match_end_restart : false : sv, rep, release : At the end of the match, perform a restart instead of loading a new map
mp_match_restart_delay : 25 : sv, rep, release : Time (in seconds) until a match restarts.
mp_max_armor : 2 : sv, rep, release : Determines the highest level of armor allowed to be purchased. (0) None, (1) Kevlar, (2) Helmet
mp_maxmoney : 16000 : sv, rep, release : maximum amount of money allowed in a player's account
mp_maxrounds : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release : max number of rounds to play before server changes maps
mp_min_halftime_duration : 8.5 : sv, rep, release : Minimum number of seconds that halftime lasts even if team intros are active
mp_only_cts_rescue_hostages : true : sv, rep, release :
mp_overtime_enable : false : sv, rep, release : If a match ends in a tie, use overtime rules to determine winner
mp_overtime_halftime_pausetimer : 0 : sv, rep, release : If set to 1 will set mp_halftime_pausetimer to 1 before every half of overtime. Set mp_halftime_pausetimer to 0 to resume the timer.
mp_overtime_limit : 0 : sv, rep, release : When overtime is enabled, only so many overtimes can be played
mp_overtime_maxrounds : 6 : sv, rep, release : When overtime is enabled play additional rounds to determine winner
mp_overtime_startmoney : 10000 : sv, rep, release : Money assigned to all players at start of every overtime half
mp_pause_match : cmd : sv, release : Pause the match in the next freeze time
mp_plant_c4_anywhere : false : sv, rep, release :
mp_playercashawards : true : sv, rep, release : Players can earn money by performing in-game actions
mp_playerid : 0 : sv, rep, release : Controls what information player see in the status bar: 0 all names; 1 team names; 2 no names
mp_playerid_delay : 0.4 : sv, rep, release : Number of seconds to delay showing information in the status bar
mp_playerid_hold : 0.1 : sv, rep, release : Number of seconds to keep showing old information in the status bar
mp_randomspawn : 0 : sv, rep, release : Determines whether players are to spawn. 0 = default; 1 = both teams; 2 = Terrorists; 3 = CTs.
mp_randomspawn_dist : 0 : sv, rep, release : If using mp_randomspawn, determines whether to test distance when selecting this spot.
mp_randomspawn_los : true : sv, rep, release : If using mp_randomspawn, determines whether to test Line of Sight when spawning.
mp_require_gun_use_to_acquire : false : sv, release : Whether guns must be +used to acquire or default is touch-to-pickup
mp_respawn_immunitytime : 4 : sv, rep, release : How many seconds after respawn immunity lasts. Set to negative value to disable warmup immunity.
mp_respawn_on_death_ct : false : sv, rep, release : When set to 1, counter-terrorists will respawn after dying.
mp_respawn_on_death_t : false : sv, rep, release : When set to 1, terrorists will respawn after dying.
mp_respawnwavetime_ct : 10 : sv, rep, release : Time between respawn waves for CTs.
mp_respawnwavetime_t : 10 : sv, rep, release : Time between respawn waves for Terrorists.
mp_restartgame : 0 : sv, release : If non-zero, game will restart in the specified number of seconds
mp_retake_ct_count : 4 : sv, rep, release : Number of CT's when playing retakes.
mp_retake_ct_loadout_bonus_card : #GameUI_Retake_Card_TheAWPortunity,1,1,rifle4 : sv, rep, release : CT bonus card for full buy round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_ct_loadout_bonus_card_availability : 1,2 : sv, rep, release : CT bonus card availability pattern for full buy round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_ct_loadout_default_pistol_round : 1|3;#GameUI_Retake_Card_4v3,0,0,secondary0|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_FlashOut,0,0,secondary0,grenade2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_HideAndPeek,0,0,secondary0,grenade4 : sv, rep, release : CT Loadouts for default pistol round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_ct_loadout_enemy_card : #GameUI_Retake_Card_BehindEnemyLines,1,1,rifle1,grenade2 : sv, rep, release : CT enemy card for full buy round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_ct_loadout_full_buy_round : 4|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_LightEmUp,1,1,rifle1,grenade2|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_Kobe,1,1,rifle1,grenade3|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_1g,1,1,rifle1,grenade0|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_DisappearingAct,1,1,rifle1,grenade4|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_EyesOnTarget,1,1,rifle3 : sv, rep, release : CT Loadouts for full buy round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_ct_loadout_light_buy_round : 3|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_UmpInSmoke,1,1,smg2,grenade4|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_FunNGun,1,1,smg0,grenade3|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_Sharpshooter,1,1,rifle2,grenade2|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_BurstBullpup,1,1,rifle0 : sv, rep, release : CT Loadouts for force buy round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_ct_loadout_upgraded_pistol_round : 2|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_TakeFive,0,0,secondary3|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_BlindFire,0,0,secondary2,grenade2|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_OnlyTakesOne,0,0,secondary4|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_SneakyBeakyLike,0,0,secondary2,grenade4 : sv, rep, release : CT Loadouts for upgraded pistol round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_max_consecutive_rounds_same_target_site : 2 : sv, rep, release : Limit the number of consecutive rounds targeting the same site.
mp_retake_t_count : 3 : sv, rep, release : Number of terrorists when playing retakes.
mp_retake_t_loadout_bonus_card : #GameUI_Retake_Card_TheAWPortunity,1,1,rifle4 : sv, rep, release : T bonus card for full buy round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_t_loadout_bonus_card_availability : 1,1,2 : sv, rep, release : T bonus card availability pattern for full buy round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_t_loadout_default_pistol_round : 0|3;#GameUI_Retake_Card_4BadGuysLeft,0,0,secondary0|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_LookAway,0,0,secondary0,grenade2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_WhenThereIsSmoke,0,0,secondary0,grenade4 : sv, rep, release : T Loadouts for default pistol round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_t_loadout_enemy_card : #GameUI_Retake_Card_FindersKeepers,1,1,rifle1,grenade2 : sv, rep, release : T enemy card for full buy round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_t_loadout_full_buy_round : 0|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_OlReliable,1,1,rifle1,grenade2|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_SmokeShow,1,1,rifle1,grenade4|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_HotShot,1,1,rifle1,grenade0|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_EyeSpy,1,1,rifle3,grenade3 : sv, rep, release : T Loadouts for full buy round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_t_loadout_light_buy_round : 0|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_BackInAFlash,1,1,smg2,grenade2|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_AllIn,1,1,rifle0|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_BoomBox,1,1,smg0,grenade3,grenade4|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_SetThemFree,1,1,rifle2,grenade2 : sv, rep, release : T Loadouts for force buy round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_retake_t_loadout_upgraded_pistol_round : 0|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_BlindFire,0,0,secondary2,grenade2|2;#GameUI_Retake_Card_QueOta,0,0,secondary4|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_SmokeScreen,0,0,secondary2,grenade4|1;#GameUI_Retake_Card_TecTecBoom,0,0,secondary3,grenade3 : sv, rep, release : T Loadouts for upgraded pistol round when playing bomb site retake.
mp_round_restart_delay : 7 : sv, rep, release : Number of seconds to delay before restarting a round after a win
mp_roundtime : 5 : sv, nf, rep, release : How many minutes each round takes.
mp_roundtime_defuse : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release : How many minutes each round of Bomb Defuse takes. If 0 then use mp_roundtime instead.
mp_roundtime_deployment : 5 : sv, release : How many minutes deployment for coop mission takes.
mp_roundtime_hostage : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release : How many minutes each round of Hostage Rescue takes. If 0 then use mp_roundtime instead.
mp_scrambleteams : cmd : sv, release : Scramble the teams and restart the game
mp_shield_speed_deployed : 170 : sv, rep, release : The max speed of a player when they have a shield deployed
mp_shield_speed_holstered : 200 : sv, rep, release : The max speed of a player when they have a shield holstered
mp_shorthanded_cash_bonus_ignore_kicked : true : sv, rep, release : Determines whether kicked players are included in the assessment for short-handedness
mp_shorthanded_cash_bonus_round_delay : 2 : sv, rep, release : number of previous rounds that a team needs to have been shorthanded before they are eligible for the short-handed bonus
mp_solid_teammates : 1 : sv, rep, release : How solid are teammates: 0 = transparent; 1 = fully solid; 2 = can stand on top of heads
mp_spawnprotectiontime : 5 : sv, rep, release : Kick players who team-kill within this many seconds of a round restart.
mp_spec_swapplayersides : false : sv, rep, release : Toggle set the player names and team names to the opposite side in which they are are on the spectator panel.
mp_spectators_max : 2 : sv, rep, release : How many spectators are allowed in a match.
mp_starting_losses : 0 : sv, rep, release : Determines what the initial loss streak is.
mp_startmoney : 800 : sv, rep, release : amount of money each player gets when they reset
mp_suicide_penalty : true : sv, release : Punish players for suicides
mp_swapteams : cmd : sv, release : Swap the teams and restart the game
mp_t_default_grenades : 0 : sv, rep, release : The default grenades that the Ts will spawn with. To give multiple grenades, separate each weapon class with a space like this: 'weapon_molotov weapon_hegrenade'
mp_t_default_melee : weapon_knife : sv, rep, release : The default melee weapon that the Ts will spawn with
mp_t_default_primary : 0 : sv, rep, release : The default primary (rifle) weapon that the Ts will spawn with
mp_t_default_secondary : weapon_glock : sv, rep, release : The default secondary (pistol) weapon that the Ts will spawn with
mp_tagging_scale : 1 : sv, rep, release : Scalar for player tagging modifier when hit. Lower values for greater tagging.mp_taser_recharge_time : -1 : sv, rep, release : Determines recharge time for taser. -1 = disabled.
mp_td_dmgtokick : 300 : sv, rep, release : The damage threshhold players have to exceed in a match to get kicked.
mp_td_dmgtowarn : 200 : sv, rep, release : The damage threshhold players have to exceed in a match to get warned that they are about to be kicked.
mp_td_spawndmgthreshold : 50 : sv, rep, release : The damage threshold players have to exceed at the start of the round to be warned/kick.
mp_team_intro_time : 6.5 : sv, nf, rep, release : How many seconds for team intro
mp_team_timeout_max : 1 : sv, rep, release : Number of timeouts each team gets per match.
mp_team_timeout_ot_add_each : 0 : sv, rep, release : Number of timeouts to add for each team when match goes to 2nd and each next overtime.
mp_team_timeout_ot_add_once : 0 : sv, rep, release : Number of timeouts to add for each team when regulation time ends and match goes to overtime.
mp_team_timeout_ot_max : 1 : sv, rep, release : Max number of timeouts each team can have per OT after all OT timeouts got added.
mp_team_timeout_time : 60 : sv, rep, release : Duration of each timeout.
mp_teamcashawards : true : sv, rep, release : Teams can earn money by performing in-game actions
mp_teamflag_1 : 0 : sv, release : Enter a country's alpha 2 code to show that flag next to team 1's name in the spectator scoreboard.
mp_teamflag_2 : 0 : sv, release : Enter a country's alpha 2 code to show that flag next to team 2's name in the spectator scoreboard.
mp_teamlogo_1 : 0 : sv, release : Enter a team's shorthand image name to display their logo. Images can be found here: 'resource/flash/econ/tournaments/teams'
mp_teamlogo_2 : 0 : sv, release : Enter a team's shorthand image name to display their logo. Images can be found here: 'resource/flash/econ/tournaments/teams'
mp_teammatchstat_1 : 0 : sv, release : A non-empty string sets first team's match stat.
mp_teammatchstat_2 : 0 : sv, release : A non-empty string sets second team's match stat.
mp_teammatchstat_cycletime : 45 : sv, release : Cycle match stats after so many seconds
mp_teammatchstat_holdtime : 5 : sv, release : Decide on a match stat and hold it additionally for at least so many seconds
mp_teammatchstat_txt : 0 : sv, release : A non-empty string sets the match stat description, e.g. 'Match 2 of 3'.
mp_teammates_are_enemies : false : sv, nf, rep, release : When set, your teammates act as enemies and all players are valid targets.
mp_teamname_1 : 0 : sv, release : A non-empty string overrides the first team's name.
mp_teamname_2 : 0 : sv, release : A non-empty string overrides the second team's name.
mp_teamprediction_pct : 0 : sv, release : A value between 1 and 99 will show predictions in favor of CT team.
mp_teamprediction_txt : #SFUIHUD_Spectate_Predictions : sv, release : A value between 1 and 99 will set predictions in favor of first team.
mp_teamscore_1 : 0 : sv, release : A non-empty string for best-of-N maps won by the first team.
mp_teamscore_2 : 0 : sv, release : A non-empty string for best-of-N maps won by the second team.
mp_teamscore_max : 0 : sv, release : How many maps to win the series (bo3 max=2; bo5 max=3; bo7 max=4)
mp_technical_timeout_duration_s : 0 : sv, rep, release : How many seconds is a full technical timeout?
mp_technical_timeout_per_team : 0 : sv, rep, release : How many technical timeouts are there per team?
mp_timelimit : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release : game time per map in minutes
mp_tkpunish : 0 : sv, rep, release : Will TK'ers and team damagers be punished in the next round? {0=no, 1=yes}
mp_unpause_match : cmd : sv, release : Resume the match
mp_use_respawn_waves : 0 : sv, rep, release : When set to 1, and that player's team is set to respawn, they will respawn in waves. If set to 2, teams will respawn when the whole team is dead.
mp_verbose_changelevel_spew : 1 : sv, rep, release :
mp_warmup_end : cmd : sv, release : End warmup immediately.
mp_warmup_offline_enabled : false : sv, rep, release : Whether or not to do a warmup period at the start of a match in an offline (bot) match.
mp_warmup_online_enabled : true : sv, rep, release : Whether or not to do a warmup period at the start of an online match.
mp_warmup_pausetimer : 0 : sv, rep, release : Set to 1 to stay in warmup indefinitely. Set to 0 to resume the timer.
mp_warmup_start : cmd : sv, release : Start warmup.
mp_warmuptime : 30 : sv, rep, release : How long the warmup period lasts. Changing this value resets warmup.
mp_warmuptime_all_players_connected : 0 : sv, rep, release : Warmup time to use when all players have connected. 0 to disable.
mp_warmuptime_match_cancelled : 5 : sv, rep, release : Warmup time to use when the match will be cancelled (eg. due to a live VAC ban).
mp_weapon_melee_touch_time_after_hit : 5 : sv, cheat, release :
mp_weapon_next_owner_touch_time : 1.3 : sv, cheat, release :
mp_weapon_prev_owner_touch_time : 1.5 : sv, cheat, release :
mp_weapon_self_inflict_amount : 0 : sv, rep, release : If Set to non-0, will hurt the attacker by the specified fraction of max damage if they miss.
mp_weapons_allow_heavy : -1 : sv, rep, release : Determines which team, if any, can purchase Heavy guns. -1 = any; 0 = non; 2 = Ts; 3 = CTs.
mp_weapons_allow_heavyassaultsuit : false : sv, rep, release : Determines whether heavyassaultsuit is permitted.
mp_weapons_allow_map_placed : false : sv, rep, release : If this convar is set, when a match starts, the game will not delete weapons placed in the map.
mp_weapons_allow_pistols : -1 : sv, rep, release : Determines which team, if any, can purchase Pistols. -1 = any; 0 = non; 2 = Ts; 3 = CTs.
mp_weapons_allow_rifles : -1 : sv, rep, release : Determines which team, if any, can purchase Rifles. -1 = any; 0 = non; 2 = Ts; 3 = CTs.
mp_weapons_allow_smgs : -1 : sv, rep, release : Determines which team, if any, can purchase SMGs. -1 = any; 0 = non; 2 = Ts; 3 = CTs.
mp_weapons_allow_typecount : 5 : sv, rep, release : Determines how many purchases of each weapon type allowed per player per round (0 to disallow purchasing, -1 to have no limit).
mp_weapons_allow_zeus : 1 : sv, rep, release : Determines how many Zeus purchases a player can make per round (0 to disallow, -1 to have no limit).
mp_weapons_glow_on_ground : false : sv, rep, release : If this convar is set, weapons on the ground will have a glow around them.
mp_weapons_max_gun_purchases_per_weapon_per_match : -1 : sv, rep, release : Max number of times a player may purchase any weapon per match
mp_win_panel_display_time : 3 : sv, rep, release : The amount of time to show the win panel between matches / halfs
multvar : cmd : norecord, release : Multiply specified convar value.
name : unnamed : a, per_user :
nav_add_to_selected_set : cmd : sv, cheat : Add current area to the selected set.
nav_add_to_selected_set_by_id : cmd : sv, cheat : Add specified area id to the selected set.
nav_avoid : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggles the 'avoid this area when possible' flag used by the AI system.
nav_avoid_obstacles : true : sv, cheat :
nav_begin_deselecting : cmd : sv, cheat : Start continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_begin_drag_deselecting : cmd : sv, cheat : Start dragging a selection area.
nav_begin_drag_selecting : cmd : sv, cheat : Start dragging a selection area.
nav_begin_selecting : cmd : sv, cheat : Start continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_bfs_debug : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_check_connectivity : cmd : sv, cheat : Checks to be sure every (or just the marked) nav area can get to every goal area for the map (hostages or bomb site).
nav_clear_attribute : cmd : sv, cheat : Remove given nav attribute from all areas in the selected set.
nav_clear_attributes : cmd : sv, cheat : Clear all nav attributes of selected area.
nav_clear_selected_set : cmd : sv, cheat : Clear the selected set.
nav_curve_alt : false : sv, cheat :
nav_curve_iter : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_curve_lock : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_curve_max_step : 10 : sv, cheat :
nav_curve_set : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_curve_step : 0.02 : sv, cheat :
nav_debug_blocked : false : sv, cheat :
nav_delete : cmd : sv, cheat : Deletes the currently highlighted Area.
nav_delete_all_hull : cmd : sv, cheat : Deletes all areas with given hull category.
nav_delete_marked : cmd : sv, cheat : Deletes the currently marked Area (if any).
nav_disconnect : cmd : sv, cheat : To disconnect two Areas, mark an Area, highlight a second Area, then invoke the disconnect command. This will remove all connections between the two Areas.
nav_draw_area_connections : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_area_filled : true : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_area_ground : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_area_hull_support : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_area_ids : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_area_inset_margin : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_area_should_be_destroyed : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_area_split_by_nav_link_mgr : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_area_split_by_obstacle_mgr : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_area_ztest : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_attribute_dynamic : 0 : sv, cheat : Draw all nav areas with this dynamic attribute
nav_draw_attribute_game : 0 : sv, cheat : Draw all nav areas with this game attribute
nav_draw_blocked : true : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_blocked_connections : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_connected_area_radius : 1000 : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_dangerareas : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_externally_created : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_hidingspots : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_jump_links : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_limit : 300 : sv, cheat : The maximum number of areas to draw in edit mode
nav_draw_link_alignment : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_links : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_markup : true : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_markup_offset : 4 : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_mesh : true : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_mesh_grid : false : sv, cheat : Draw the mesh's spatial grid structure around the edit cursor position.
nav_draw_mesh_offset : 1 : sv, cheat : Vertical offset for drawing the mesh (useful for flat planes where the mesh is often a fixed offset from the physical ground
nav_draw_space_cells : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_space_fly : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_space_neighbors : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_space_portals : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_space_radius : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_space_swim : false : sv, cheat :
nav_draw_vertex_normal : false : sv, cheat :
nav_edit : 0 : sv, cheat : Set to one to interactively edit the Navigation Mesh. Set to zero to leave edit mode.
nav_edit_validate : false : sv, cheat : Validate navmesh structures.
nav_end_deselecting : cmd : sv, cheat : Stop continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_end_drag_deselecting : cmd : sv, cheat : Stop dragging a selection area.
nav_end_drag_selecting : cmd : sv, cheat : Stop dragging a selection area.
nav_end_selecting : cmd : sv, cheat : Stop continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_genrt_debug : false : sv, cheat :
nav_genrt_no_splice : false : sv, cheat :
nav_genrt_no_split : false : sv, cheat :
nav_genrt_step : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_lower_drag_volume_max : cmd : sv, cheat : Lower the top of the drag select volume.
nav_lower_drag_volume_min : cmd : sv, cheat : Lower the bottom of the drag select volume.
nav_mark : cmd : sv, cheat : Marks the Area or Ladder under the cursor for manipulation by subsequent editing commands.
nav_mark_attribute : cmd : sv, cheat : Set nav attribute for all areas in the selected set.
nav_max_view_distance : 0 : sv, cheat : Maximum range for precomputed nav mesh visibility (0 = default 1500 units)
nav_obstacle_genrt : false : sv, cheat :
nav_obstacle_validate : false : sv, cheat :
nav_obstruction_draw : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_obstruction_draw_change : false : sv, cheat :
nav_obstruction_draw_dist : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_obstruction_draw_island : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_obstruction_draw_island_hull : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_obstruction_draw_movefail_blocking : false : sv, cheat :
nav_path_debug : false : sv, cheat :
nav_path_debug_compute_with_open_goal : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_path_draw_areas : false : sv, cheat :
nav_path_draw_arrow : true : sv, cheat :
nav_path_draw_climb_segments : true : sv, cheat :
nav_path_draw_connected_areas : false : sv, cheat :
nav_path_draw_ground_segments : true : sv, cheat :
nav_path_draw_jump_segments : true : sv, cheat :
nav_path_draw_ladder_segments : true : sv, cheat :
nav_path_draw_link_segments : true : sv, cheat :
nav_path_draw_tick : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_path_fixup_climb_up_segments : true : sv, cheat :
nav_path_fixup_gap_segments : false : sv, cheat :
nav_path_jump_process_debug : false : sv, cheat :
nav_path_optimize : true : sv, cheat :
nav_path_optimize_portals : true : sv, cheat :
nav_path_optimizer_debug : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_path_record_draw_last_fail : false : sv, cheat :
nav_path_record_enable : 1 : sv, cheat :
nav_pathfind_debug_log : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_pathfind_draw : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_pathfind_draw_blocked : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_pathfind_draw_costs : false : sv, cheat :
nav_pathfind_draw_fail : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_pathfind_draw_total_costs : false : sv, cheat :
nav_pathfind_inadmissable_heuristic_factor : 1 : sv, cheat :
nav_potentially_visible_dot_tolerance : 0.98 : sv, cheat :
nav_precise : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggles the 'dont avoid obstacles' flag used by the AI system.
nav_raise_drag_volume_max : cmd : sv, cheat : Raise the top of the drag select volume.
nav_raise_drag_volume_min : cmd : sv, cheat : Raise the bottom of the drag select volume.
nav_recall_selected_set : cmd : sv, cheat : Re-selects the stored selected set.
nav_remove_from_selected_set : cmd : sv, cheat : Remove current area from the selected set.
nav_select_allow_blocked : true : sv, cheat : When selecting an area under nav_edit, allow area marked as blocked.
nav_select_area_id : -1 : sv, cheat : Select nav area with matching ID.
nav_select_block_id : -1 : sv, cheat : Select nav space block with matching ID.
nav_select_hull : 0 : sv, cheat : Restrict area selection to areas that can support a hull of the given categorynav_select_radius : cmd : sv, cheat : Adds all areas in a radius to the selection set
nav_select_with_attribute : cmd : sv, cheat : Selects areas with the given attribute.
nav_show_area_connections : true : sv, cheat : Show connections to selected area when true
nav_show_area_info_font : Consolas : sv, cheat :
nav_show_area_info_font_size : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_show_area_info_font_voffset : -11 : sv, cheat :
nav_show_area_verts : true : sv, cheat : Show area vertex positions
nav_show_area_water_info : true : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_calc_z : true : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_constrain_results : true : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_constrain_results_relax : 0.006 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_constrain_spring : 2 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_constrain_spring_relax : 0.01 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_draw_accel : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_draw_boundary : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_draw_calc : false : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_draw_constraint_spline : false : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_draw_constraint_spring : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_draw_speed : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_enable : true : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_relax : true : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_relax_use_timesteps : false : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_separating_dist_override : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_const_override : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_factor_deriv : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_factor_dist : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_factor_speed : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_forward_dist_base : 50 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_forward_dist_time_limit : 1 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_max_dist : 36 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_tension_max_override : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_factor_accel : 100 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_factor_speed : 100 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_max : 0.5 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_timestep_min : 0.1 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_yaw_rotation_speed : 50 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_spring_yaw_threshold : 20 : sv, cheat :
nav_smooth_use_opt : true : sv, cheat :
nav_space_select_dist : 200 : sv, cheat :
nav_split : cmd : sv, cheat : To split an Area into two, align the split line using your cursor and invoke the split command.
nav_split_show_line : false : sv, cheat : Show the free split line.
nav_store_selected_set : cmd : sv, cheat : Stores the current selected set for later retrieval.
nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_0 : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_1 : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_bfs_lattice_dist_2 : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_bfs_lattice_hex : false : sv, cheat : Demonstrates searching hexagonal lattice over nav mesh.
nav_test_bfs_lattice_mark : 2 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_bfs_lattice_simple : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_0 : 24 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_1 : 48 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_bfs_lattice_spacing_2 : 96 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_bfs_simple : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_boundary_zone_circle : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_boundary_zone_force : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_boundary_zone_grid_dim : 90 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_boundary_zone_path : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_boundary_zone_rays : 100 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_boundary_zone_rays_margin : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_boundary_zone_rays_random : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_curve_opt : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_detour : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_find_nearest : false : sv, cheat : Calculate the nearest point on the navmesh to the trace point. Uses selection from nav_select_hull.
nav_test_find_nearest_clear : false : sv, cheat : Calculate the nearest point on the navmesh to the trace point. Uses selection from nav_select_hull.
nav_test_find_random_connected : false : sv, cheat : Demonstrates finding random points that are connected in the nav mesh to the start point.
nav_test_find_random_connected_dist_max : 1000 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_find_random_connected_dist_min : 100 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_find_z : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_force_npc_repath : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_genrt : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_genrt_place : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_level_hull : cmd : sv, cheat : Find entities that intrude into the nav mesh. List those entities in console output, and display bounding boxes around them for a while.
nav_test_level_hull_move : cmd : sv, cheat :
nav_test_multi_connection : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_npc_area : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_npc_collision : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_npc_collision_range : 250 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_npc_collision_show_geometry : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_path : false : sv, cheat : Calculate and draw a path from player/camera position to the test position.
nav_test_path_expansion_search : 0 : sv, cheat : Extend nav_test_path by doing an expansion search on that path. Convar value defines dist.
nav_test_path_lock_goal : false : sv, cheat : Lock the pathfinding goal to the current intersection point.
nav_test_path_lock_start : false : sv, cheat : Lock the pathfinding start to the current intersection point.
nav_test_path_move : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_path_opt : true : sv, cheat : Enable path optimization for nav_edit_path paths.
nav_test_path_opt_transitions : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_path_return : false : sv, cheat : Calculate a return path from cursor position to the path calculated by nav_test_path.
nav_test_path_space : 0 : sv, cheat : Should nav_test_path test 3d navigation? 1 = space to space, 2 = multi-modal space/ground
nav_test_path_space_fly : true : sv, cheat : Test flight paths
nav_test_path_space_swim : true : sv, cheat : Test swim paths
nav_test_ray_space : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_rays : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_smooth : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_smooth_extern_push : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_smooth_in_speed : 120 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_smooth_in_yaw : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_smooth_path_speed : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_smooth_separating_dist : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_smooth_spring_const : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_smooth_spring_tension_max : -1 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_spline : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_split_obstacle : 0 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_split_obstacle_dirty : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_split_obstacle_leave : false : sv, cheat :
nav_test_split_obstacle_size : 30 : sv, cheat :
nav_test_split_obstacle_update_pos : true : sv, cheat :
nav_toggle_deselecting : cmd : sv, cheat : Start or stop continuously removing from the selected set.
nav_toggle_in_selected_set : cmd : sv, cheat : Remove current area from the selected set.
nav_toggle_selected_set : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggles all areas into/out of the selected set.
nav_toggle_selecting : cmd : sv, cheat : Start or stop continuously adding to the selected set.
nav_unmark : cmd : sv, cheat : Clears the marked Area or Ladder.
nav_volume_debug : 0 : sv, cheat : Draw or print debug information about nav volume queries.
navspace_create_water_smooth_connections : true : sv, cheat :
navspace_create_water_transition_connections : true : sv, cheat :
navspace_debug_pathfind : -1 : sv, cheat :
navspace_debug_stringpull : 1 : sv, cheat :
navspace_debug_trace : 0 : sv, cheat :
navspace_debug_transition_calc : 0 : sv, cheat :
navspace_draw_water_changes : 0 : sv, cheat : Draw changes in water volumes
navspace_path_use_water_level_locator : true : sv, cheat :
net_allow_multicast : true : a, release :
net_channels : cmd : release : Shows net channel info
net_connections_stats : cmd : release : Print detailed network statistics for each network connection
net_fakelag : cmd : release : Shorthand for 'net_option FakePacketLag_Recv'
net_listallmessages : cmd : cheat : List all registered net messages
net_maxroutable : 1200 : a, user : Requested max packet size before packets are 'split'.
net_messageinfo : cmd : cheat : Display info about a message (by classname or id)
net_option : cmd : release : Get or set SteamNetworkingSockets options such as fake packet lag and loss
net_public_adr : 0 : release : For servers behind NAT/DHCP meant to be exposed to the public internet, this is the public facing ip address string: ('x.x.x.x' )
net_showudp : false : release : Dump UDP packets summary to console
net_showudp_remoteonly : true : release : Dump non-loopback udp only
net_status : cmd : release : Shows current network status
net_validatemessages : cmd : cheat : Activates/deactivates net message validation
nextdemo : cmd : release : Play next demo in sequence.
nextlevel : 0 : sv, nf, release : If set to a valid map name, will trigger a changelevel to the specified map at the end of the round
nextmap_print_enabled : false : sv, release : When enabled prints next map to clients
nextmode : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release : Sets the game mode to be played when the next level loads
noclip : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggle. Player becomes non-solid and flies. Optional argument of 0 or 1 to force enable/disable
noclip_fixup : true : sv, cheat :
notarget : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggle. Player becomes hidden to NPCs.
particle_test_attach_attachment : 0 : sv, cheat : Attachment index for attachment mode
particle_test_attach_mode : follow_attachment : sv, cheat : Possible Values: 'start_at_attachment', 'follow_attachment', 'start_at_origin', 'follow_origin'
particle_test_create : cmd : sv, cheat : Creates the named particle system where the player is looking. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
particle_test_destroy : cmd : sv, cheat : Destroys all particle systems matching the specified name. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
particle_test_file : 0 : sv, cheat : Name of the particle system to dynamically spawn
particle_test_start : cmd : sv, cheat : Dispatches the test particle system with the parameters specified in particle_test_file, particle_test_attach_mode and particle_test_attach_param on the entity the player is looking at. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
particle_test_stop : cmd : sv, cheat : Stops all particle systems on the selected entities. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
particles_multiplier : 1 : cheat : Multiply # of rendered particles by this for perf testing
password : 0 : a, norecord, server_cant_query : Current server access password
pause : cmd : release : Toggle the server pause state.
phys_debug_showdefaultmaterial : false : cheat : If enabled, surfaces with default material are highlighted in physics debug geometry.
phys_dynamic_scaling : true : sv, rep, cheat :
phys_highlight_expensive_objects : false : cheat : Highlight expensive physics objects
phys_highlight_expensive_objects_strength : 0.02 : cheat : Highlight expensive physics objects strength
phys_joint_teleport : true : sv, cheat : Teleport joint anchors if connected to world
phys_length_damping_ratio : 2 : sv, cheat : Spring damping ratio for length constraint
phys_length_frequency : 5 : sv, cheat : Spring stiffness for length constraint
phys_mark_debug : cmd : sv, cheat : Mark object for debug
phys_shoot : cmd : sv, cheat : Shoots a phys object.
phys_use_block_solver : true : sv, cheat : Use block solving for constraint entities
phys_visualize_traces : false : sv, rep, cheat :
pixelvis_debug : cmd : cheat : Dump debug info
plant_bomb : cmd : sv, cheat : Plant a bomb where the player is looking.
play : cmd : server_can_execute : Play a sound.
playcast : cmd : release : Play a broadcast
playdemo : cmd : release : Play a recorded demo file (.dem ).
player0_using_joystick : false : a :
player_debug_off_nav : false : sv, cheat :
player_debug_print_damage : false : sv, cheat : When true, print amount and type of all damage received by player to console.
player_ping : cmd : sv : Creates a ping notification where the player is looking.
player_ping_token_cooldown : 20 : sv, cheat, release : Cooldown for how long it takes for a player's ping token to refresh allowing them to ping again (they get 5 tokens).
player_use_radius : 80 : sv, rep, cheat :
print_mapgroup_sv : cmd : sv, release : Prints the current mapgroup and the contained maps
prop_debug : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggle prop debug mode. If on, props will show colorcoded bounding boxes. Red means ignore all damage. White means respond physically to damage but never break. Green maps health in the range of 100 down to 1.
prop_debug_collision : false : sv, cheat : Highlights props based on their collision group: COLLISION_GROUP_PROPS(white), COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_DEBRIS(green), COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS and will return to COLLISION_GROUP_INTERACTIVE_DEBRIS on sleeping(bright red), COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS permanently (dark red), COLLISION_GROUP_DEBRIS(blue), OTHER(grey)
prop_dynamic_create : cmd : sv, cheat : Creates a dynamic prop with a specific .vmdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.vmdl name}
prop_physics_create : cmd : sv, cheat : Creates a physics prop with a specific .vmdl aimed away from where the player is looking. Arguments: {.vmdl name}
pvs_debugentity : -1 : sv, release : Verbose spew for this entity when doing IsInPVS computation.
pvs_flowtype : 0 : sv, release : Flow through spawn groups for vis (0 == default, 1 == always visible, 2 == never visible.
quit : cmd : release, vconsole_set_focus : Quit the game
r_AirboatViewDampenDamp : 1 : sv, nf, rep, cheat :
r_AirboatViewDampenFreq : 7 : sv, nf, rep, cheat :
r_AirboatViewZHeight : 0 : sv, nf, rep, cheat :
r_cubemap_debug_colors : 0 : cheat :
r_directlighting : true : cheat : Set to use direct lighting
r_dof_override : false : cheat :
r_dof_override_far_blurry : 2000 : cheat :
r_dof_override_far_crisp : 180 : cheat :
r_dof_override_near_blurry : -100 : cheat :
r_dof_override_near_crisp : 0 : cheat :
r_dof_override_tilt_to_ground : 0.5 : cheat :
r_dopixelvisibility : true : cheat :
r_draw_particle_children_with_parents : -1 : cheat : Draw particle children with parents (-1=use gameinfo, 0=no, 1=yes)
r_drawblankworld : false : cheat : Render blank instead of the game world
r_drawdecals : true : cheat : Set to render decals
r_drawpanorama : true : cheat : Enable the rendering of panorama UI
r_drawparticles : true : cheat : Enable/disable particle rendering
r_drawskybox : true : cheat : Render the 2d skybox.
r_drawviewmodel : true : cheat : Render view model
r_drawworld : true : cheat : Render the world.
r_extra_render_frames : 0 : cheat :
r_fallback_texture_lod_scale : 2 : cheat : Scale factor for requested texture size (texture streaming) - used for geo that doesn't have a precomputed UV density measure
r_flush_on_pooled_ib_resize : true : release :
r_force_zprepass : -1 : cheat : 0: Force z prepass off. 1: Force on. -1: Don't force
r_freezeparticles : false : cheat : Pause particle simulation
r_fullscreen_gamma : 2.2 : a : Screen Gamma (only in fullscreen modes)
r_indirectlighting : true : cheat : Set to use indirect lighting
r_JeepViewDampenDamp : 1 : sv, nf, rep, cheat :
r_JeepViewDampenFreq : 7 : sv, nf, rep, cheat :
r_JeepViewZHeight : 10 : sv, nf, rep, cheat :
r_light_probe_volume_debug_colors : 0 : cheat :
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid : false : cheat : Show LPV debug grid, 0: off, 1: closest only 2: closest and keep 3: all
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_albedo : 128 128 128 : cheat : albedo for LPV debug grid
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_bbox : true : cheat : Show LPV bounding box when debug grid is on, 0: off, 1: on
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_metalness : 0 : cheat : metalness for LPV debug grid
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_prim : 0 : cheat : 0: spheres, 1: cubes
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_roughness : 0.5 : cheat : roughness for LPV debug grid
r_light_probe_volume_debug_grid_samplesize : 4 : cheat : sphere radius (world) for LPV debug grid
r_lightBinnerFarPlane : 4096 : cheat :
r_lightmap_set : lightmaps : cheat : Lightmap set to use, only works on map load
r_morphing_enabled : true : cheat :
r_particle_max_draw_distance : 1000000.000000 : cheat : The maximum distance that particles will render
r_pixelvisibility_partial : true : cheat :
r_pixelvisibility_spew : false : cheat :
r_render_world_node_bounds : false : cheat : Render world node bounds
r_rendersun : true : cheat : Render sun lighting
r_shadows : true : cheat :
r_show_hipoly_draw_calls : 0 : cheat : Transparent wireframe overlay for draw calls with triangle count higher than specified number
r_showdebugoverlays : false : cheat : Set to render debug overlays
r_showdebugrendertarget : false : cheat : Set the debug render target to show, 0 == disable
r_showsceneobjectbounds : false : cheat : Show scenesystem object bounding boxes
r_showsunshadowdebugrendertargets : false : cheat : Set to render sun shadow render targets
r_showsunshadowdebugsplitvis : false : cheat : Set to render sun shadow split visibility debugger
r_size_cull_threshold_shadow : 0.2 : cheat : Threshold of sun shadow map size percentage below which objects get culled
r_skinning_enabled : true : cheat :
r_stereo_multiview_instancing : false : cheat : Use multiview instancing for stereo rendering.
r_texture_lod_scale : 1 : cheat : Scale factor for requested texture size (texture streaming)
r_translucent : true : cheat : Enable rendering of translucent geometry
r_worldlod : true : cheat : Set to enable world LOD
r_zprepass_normals : false : cheat : 0: Use normals reconstructed from depth. 1: Output correct normals in z prepass.
radarvisdistance : 1000 : sv, cheat : at this distance and beyond you need to be point right at someone to see them
radarvismaxdot : 0.996 : sv, cheat : how closely you have to point at someone to see them beyond max distance
radarvismethod : 1 : sv, cheat : 0 for traditional method, 1 for more realistic method
radarvispow : 0.4 : sv, cheat : the degree to which you can point away from a target, and still see them on radar.
ragdoll_friction_scale : 0.6 : sv, rep, cheat :
ragdoll_gravity_scale : 1 : sv, rep, cheat :
ragdoll_lru_debug_removal : false : sv, rep, cheat :
ragdoll_lru_min_age : 10 : sv, rep, cheat :
ragdoll_resolve_initial_conflict : true : sv, rep, cheat :
ragdoll_resolve_separation : true : sv, rep, cheat :
rangefinder : cmd : sv, cheat : Measures distance along a ray
rate : 786432 : a, user : Min bytes/sec the host can receive data
rcon : cmd : norecord, release : Issue an rcon command.
rcon_address : 0 : norecord, release, server_cant_query : Address of remote server if sending unconnected rcon commands (format x.x.x.x:p)
rcon_connected_clients_allow : true : rep, release : Allow clients to use rcon commands on server.
rcon_password : 0 : norecord, release, server_cant_query : remote console password.
record : cmd : norecord, release : Record a demo.
reloadgame : cmd : cheat, vconsole_set_focus : Reload the most recent saved game.
remove_weapon : cmd : sv, cheat : Remove a weapon held by the player. Arguments: <weapon subclass name>
repeat_last_console_command : cmd : release : Repeat last console command.
replay_death : cmd : sv, cheat : start hltv replay of last death
replay_debug : 0 : rep, release :
replay_start : cmd : sv, cheat : Start GOTV replay: replay_start <delay> [<player name or index>]
replay_stop : cmd : sv : stop hltv replay
reset_gameconvars : cmd : cheat : Reset game convars to default values
respawn_player : cmd : sv, cheat : Respawns the player from death!
restart : cmd : cheat, vconsole_set_focus : Poor man's restart: reload the current map from disk.
rr_followup_maxdist : 1800 : sv, cheat : 'then ANY' or 'then ALL' response followups will be dispatched only to characters within this distance.
rr_forceconcept : cmd : sv, cheat : fire a response concept directly at a given character. USAGE: rr_forceconcept <target> <concept> 'criteria1:value1,criteria2:value2,...' criteria values are optional.
rr_reloadresponsesystems : cmd : sv, cheat : Reload all response system scripts.
rr_thenany_score_slop : 0 : sv, a, cheat : When computing respondents for a 'THEN ANY' rule, all rule-matching scores within this much of the best score will be considered.
run_perftest : cmd : cheat, norecord : Execute perftest.cfg
save_animgraph_recording : cmd : sv, cheat : Saves all active animgraph recordings to disk
save_maxarray_spew : 10 : sv, release : Max number of array entries to spew when using SaveRestoreIO spewing.
say : cmd : sv : Display player message
say_team : cmd : sv : Display player message to team
sc_check_world : false : cheat :
sc_disable_culling_boxes : false : cheat :
sc_disable_procedural_layer_rendering : false : cheat :
sc_disable_shadow_fastpath : false : cheat :
sc_disable_shadow_materials : false : cheat :
sc_disable_spotlight_shadows : false : cheat :
sc_disable_world_materials : false : cheat :
sc_disableThreading : false : cheat :
sc_dump_lists : false : cheat :
sc_dumpworld : cmd : cheat : Dump a list of the objects in a sceneworld (Usage: sc_dumpworld <world_index>)sc_dumpworld3d : cmd : cheat : Dump the objects in a sceneworld into a 3d geoview buffer (Usage: sc_dumpworld3d <world_index>)
sc_extended_stats : false : cheat :
sc_force_lod_level : -1 : cheat :
sc_force_materials_batchable : false : cheat :
sc_force_translation_in_projection : false : cheat : If enabled, the camera's translation will be included in the projection matrix.
sc_listworlds : cmd : cheat : List all the active sceneworlds
sc_lod_distance_scale_override : -1 : cheat :
sc_log_submits : false : cheat : Log out display list submits from scenesystem
sc_only_render_opaque : false : cheat :
sc_only_render_shadowcasters : false : cheat :
sc_override_shadow_fade_max_dist : -1 : cheat :
sc_override_shadow_fade_min_dist : -1 : cheat :
sc_reject_all_objects : false : cheat :
sc_setclassflags : cmd : cheat : Low level command to set the flags byte associated with an object class. sc_SetClassFlags <classname> <value>
sc_showclasses : cmd : cheat : List the object class names known by scenesystem
sc_skip_traversal : false : cheat :
scene_playvcd : cmd : sv, cheat : Play the given VCD as an instanced scripted scene.
screenmessage_show : -1 : cheat : Enable display of console messages on screen. 1 = Enabled, 0 = Disabled, -1 = Enabled if vgui is not present
script_add_debug_filter : cmd : sv, cheat : Add a filter to the game debug overlay
script_add_watch : cmd : sv, cheat : Add a watch to the game debug overlay
script_add_watch_pattern : cmd : sv, cheat : Add a watch to the game debug overlay
script_attach_debugger : cmd : sv, cheat : Connect the vscript VM to the script debugger
script_clear_watches : cmd : sv, cheat : Clear all watches from the game debug overlay
script_debug : cmd : sv, cheat : Toggle the in-game script debug features
script_dump_all : cmd : sv, cheat : Dump the state of the VM to the console
script_find : cmd : sv, cheat : Find a key in the VM
script_help : cmd : sv, cheat : Output help for script functions
script_reload : cmd : sv, cheat : Reload scripts
script_reload_code : cmd : sv, cheat : Execute a vscript file, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run script
script_reload_entity_code : cmd : sv, cheat : Execute all of this entity's VScripts, replacing existing functions with the functions in the run scripts
script_remove_debug_filter : cmd : sv, cheat : Remove a filter from the game debug overlay
script_remove_watch : cmd : sv, cheat : Remove a watch from the game debug overlay
script_remove_watch_pattern : cmd : sv, cheat : Remove a watch from the game debug overlay
script_resurrect_unreachable : cmd : sv, cheat : Use the garbage collector to track down reference cycles
script_trace_disable : cmd : sv, cheat : Turn off a particular trace output by file or function name
script_trace_disable_all : cmd : sv, cheat : Turn off all trace output
script_trace_disable_key : cmd : sv, cheat : Turn off a particular trace output by table/instance
script_trace_enable : cmd : sv, cheat : Turn on a particular trace output by file or function name
script_trace_enable_all : cmd : sv, cheat : Turn on all trace output
script_trace_enable_key : cmd : sv, cheat : Turn on a particular trace output by table/instance
sdr : cmd : release : An old command that has been renamed to 'net_option'
server_snd_cast : cmd : sv, cheat : Casts a ray and starts a sound event where the ray hits. The sound event will retrigger periodically. Usage: snd_cast <eventname> [<retrigger time>] [<max distance>]. Arguments that are specified will become defaults for the remainder of the session.
servercfgfile : server.cfg : sv, release :
setang : cmd : sv, cheat : Snap player eyes to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).setang_exact : cmd : sv, cheat : Snap player eyes and orientation to specified pitch yaw <roll:optional> (must have sv_cheats).
setinfo : cmd : clientcmd_can_execute : Adds a new user info value
setmodel : cmd : sv, cheat : Changes's player's model
setpause : cmd : release : Set the pause state of the server.
setpos : cmd : sv, cheat : Move player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
setpos_exact : cmd : sv, cheat : Move player to an exact specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
setpos_player : cmd : sv, cheat : Move specified player to specified origin (must have sv_cheats).
shake : cmd : sv, cheat : Shake the screen.
shatterglass_break : cmd : sv, cheat :
shatterglass_cleanup : true : sv, rep, cheat :
shatterglass_cleanup_max : 150 : sv, rep, cheat :
shatterglass_debug : false : sv, rep, cheat :
shatterglass_distort : true : sv, rep, cheat :
shatterglass_edge_uv_scale : 0.05 : sv, rep, cheat :
shatterglass_hit_tolerance : 2 : sv, rep, cheat :
shatterglass_restore : cmd : sv, cheat :
shatterglass_shard_lifetime : 15 : sv, rep, cheat :
shatterglass_subdiv_size : 1.5 : sv, rep, cheat :
shatterglass_voronoi_size : 15 : sv, rep, cheat :
showconsole : cmd : norecord, release : Show the console.
showtriggers : cmd : sv, cheat : Enable or Disable showing trigger entities
showtriggers_toggle : cmd : sv, cheat : Displays the movement bounding box for the triggers in orange. Some entites will also display entity specific overlays. Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
silence_dsp : false : cheat : When on, silences all DSP mixes.
sk_autoaim_mode : 1 : sv, a, rep :
skel_constraints_enable : true : rep, cheat :
skeleton_instance_scaleset_enable : true : sv, rep, cheat :
skeleton_instance_smear_boneflags : false : sv, cheat : Smear boneflags across the model. Costs computation, but tests to make sure your bone flags are consistent.
skill : 1 : sv, a, rep, per_user : Game skill level.
snd_arrangement_start : cmd : cheat : Starts the specified arrangement.
snd_autodetect_latency : true : a :
snd_break_on_start_soundevent : 0 : sv, rep, cheat : Use to debug break on any soundevent that is started matching this name
snd_cast : cmd : cheat : Casts a ray and starts a sound event where the ray hits. The sound event will retrigger periodically if cl_snd_cast_retrigger is set. The sound event will clear previous snd_cast events if cl_snd_cast_clear is set. Usage: snd_cast <eventname> [<retrigger time>] [<max distance>]. Arguments that are specified will become defaults for the remainder of the session.
snd_compare_soundevents : cmd : cheat : Compare the compiled and loaded contents of 2 soundevents.
snd_disable_mixer_duck : false : cheat :
snd_disable_mixer_solo : false : cheat :
snd_dsp_distance_max : 2000 : cheat :
snd_dsp_distance_min : 20 : cheat :
snd_duckerattacktime : 0.5 : a :
snd_duckerreleasetime : 2.5 : a :
snd_duckerthreshold : 0.15 : a :
snd_ducktovolume : 0.55 : a :
snd_envelope_rate : 0.9 : cheat :
snd_filter : 0 : cheat :
snd_foliage_db_loss : 4 : sv, cheat : foliage dB loss per 1200 units
snd_gain : 1 : a :
snd_gain_max : 1 : cheat :
snd_gain_min : 0.01 : cheat :
snd_gamevoicevolume : 1 : a : Game v.o. volume
snd_gamevolume : 1 : a : Game volume
snd_get_physics_surface_properties : cmd : cheat : Get physics surface properties for all the materials.
snd_list : 0 : cheat :
snd_list_deferred_soundevents : cmd : cheat : List all current deferred load soundevents
snd_list_soundevents : cmd : cheat : List all available soundevents
snd_list_soundevents_by_stack : cmd : cheat : List all available soundevents using specified stack name
snd_mixahead : 0.001 : a :
snd_mixer_master_dsp : 1 : cheat :
snd_mixer_master_level : 1 : cheat :
snd_musicvolume : 1 : a : Music volume
snd_mute_losefocus : true : a :
snd_new_visualize : false : sv, cheat : Displays soundevent name played at it's 3d position
snd_occlusion_bounces : 1 : rep, cheat :
snd_occlusion_debug : false : sv, rep, cheat :
snd_occlusion_min_wall_thickness : 4 : rep, cheat :
snd_occlusion_rays : 4 : rep, cheat :
snd_op_test_convar : 720 : cheat :
snd_opvar_set_point_debug : false : sv, rep, cheat :
snd_print_activetracks : cmd : cheat : List all active tracks
snd_print_arrangements : cmd : cheat : List all available sequence arrangments
snd_print_samplers : cmd : cheat : List all available samplers
snd_print_sequences : cmd : cheat : List all available midi sequences
snd_rear_stereo_scale : 1 : rep, cheat :
snd_refdb : 60 : cheat : Reference dB at snd_refdist
snd_refdist : 36 : cheat : Reference distance for snd_refdb
snd_remove_all_soundevents : cmd : cheat : Remove all soundevents
snd_remove_soundevent : cmd : cheat : Remove the specified soundevent
snd_report_verbose_error : false : cheat : If set to 1, report more error found when playing sounds.
snd_samplers_play_note : cmd : cheat : Play a note from a specified sampler
snd_samplers_stop_note : cmd : cheat : Stop a note from a specified sampler
snd_sequence_set_track_bpm : cmd : cheat : Sets the tempo of the specified track
snd_sequence_set_track_transpose : cmd : cheat : Sets the transposition of the specified track
snd_sequence_stop_all_tracks : cmd : cheat : Stops all currently playing sequences
snd_sequence_stop_track : cmd : cheat : Stops the specified track
snd_sequencer_show_bpm : false : cheat :
snd_sequencer_show_events : false : cheat :
snd_sequencer_show_quantize_queue : false : cheat :
snd_set_physics_surface_properties : cmd : cheat : Set physics surface properties for materials. Usage: <heuristic #> <commit>
snd_setmixer : cmd : cheat : Set named Mixgroup of current mixer to mix vol, mute, solo.
snd_setmixlayer : cmd : cheat : Set named Mixgroup of named mix layer to mix vol, mute, solo.
snd_showclassname : 0 : cheat :
snd_showstart : 0 : cheat :
snd_sos_block_global_stack : false : cheat :
snd_sos_block_stop_global_stack : true : cheat :
snd_sos_calc_angle_debug : false : rep, cheat :
snd_sos_flush_operators : cmd : cheat : Flush and re-parse the sound operator system
snd_sos_get_operator_field_info : cmd : cheat : Currently gets info for a single operator field
snd_sos_ingame_debug : false : cheat :
snd_sos_list_operator_updates : false : cheat :
snd_sos_opvar_debug : false : cheat :
snd_sos_pause_soundevent : cmd : cheat : Pause the specified soundevent in the list
snd_sos_pause_system : false : cheat :
snd_sos_print_class_sizes : cmd : cheat : Prints the sizes of relevant sos classes.
snd_sos_print_field_name_strings : cmd : cheat : Prints a list of currently cached field name strings
snd_sos_print_field_references : false : cheat :
snd_sos_print_full_field_info : false : cheat :
snd_sos_print_groups : cmd : cheat : Prints the current state of the groups system
snd_sos_print_operator_stack : cmd : cheat : Prints a master list of currently exposed variables
snd_sos_print_operator_stack_operator : cmd : cheat : Prints an operator from a stack
snd_sos_print_operator_stacks : cmd : cheat : Prints a list of currently available stacks
snd_sos_print_operators : cmd : cheat : Prints a list of currently available operators
snd_sos_print_stack_exec_list : cmd : cheat : Prints the current stack execution list
snd_sos_print_strings : cmd : cheat : Prints a list of currently cached strings
snd_sos_print_tool_properties : cmd : cheat : Prints the current state of tool properties.
snd_sos_resolve_execute_operator : cmd : cheat : Resolve the inputs and execute one specified operator from a specified stack
snd_sos_set_operator_field : cmd : cheat : Currently sets a single float operator field
snd_sos_set_operator_field_by_guid : cmd : cheat : Currently sets a single float operator field
snd_sos_show_block_debug : false : cheat : Spew data about the list of block entries.
snd_sos_show_operator_event_and_stack : true : cheat :
snd_sos_show_operator_event_filter : 0 : cheat :
snd_sos_show_operator_field_filter : 0 : cheat :
snd_sos_show_operator_init : false : cheat :
snd_sos_show_operator_not_executing : true : cheat :
snd_sos_show_operator_operator_filter : 0 : cheat :
snd_sos_show_operator_pause_entry : false : cheat :
snd_sos_show_operator_shutdown : false : cheat :
snd_sos_show_operator_stop_entry : false : cheat :
snd_sos_show_operator_updates : false : cheat :
snd_sos_show_opvar_updates : false : cheat :
snd_sos_show_opvar_updates_filter : 0 : cheat :
snd_sos_show_queuetotrack : false : cheat :
snd_sos_show_soundevent_param_overwrite : false : cheat :
snd_sos_show_soundevent_start : false : cheat :
snd_sos_soundevent_filter : 0 : cheat :
snd_sos_soundevent_profile : cmd : cheat : Dump a record of current soundevents and profile data
snd_sos_start_soundevent : cmd : cheat : Starts a specified soundevent
snd_sos_start_soundevent_at_pos : cmd : cheat : Starts a specified soundevent at the given position
snd_sos_stop_all_soundevents : cmd : cheat : Stops all soundevents currently on the execution list
snd_sos_stop_soundevent_guid : cmd : cheat : Stops a specified soundevent
snd_sos_stop_soundevent_index : cmd : cheat : Stops a specified soundevent
snd_sos_test_soundmessage : cmd : cheat : test
snd_sos_unpause_soundevent : cmd : cheat : UnPause the first soundevent in the list
snd_soundevent_clear_deferred : cmd : cheat : Clear the list of deferred soundevents for loading.
snd_soundmixer_set_trigger_factor : cmd : cheat : Set named mix layer / mix group, trigger amount.
snd_soundmixer_setmixlayer_amount : cmd : cheat : Set named mix layer mix amount.
snd_spatialize_lerp : 0 : a, release :
snd_steamaudio_enable_reverb : 0 : release : Enable Steam Audio Reverb processor.
snd_steamaudio_export_scene : cmd : cheat : Exports scene currently used by Steam Audio as a phononscene file.
snd_steamaudio_reverb_level_db : -3 : release : Adjust overall volume (dB) of the output from Steam Audio Reverb processor.
snd_steamaudio_source_pathing_debug : false : a : Enable path visualization for steam_audio_source operator.
snd_toolvolume : 1 : a : Volume of sounds in tools (e.g. Hammer, SFM)
snd_use_baked_occlusion : 0 : rep, cheat, release :
snd_vmidi_flush : cmd : cheat : Purge and reload all vmidi data and files.
snd_vmix_override_mix_decay_time : -1 : cheat : If set > 0, overrides how long the decay time is on all mix graphs (in seconds).
snd_vmix_show_input_updates : false : cheat : If set to 1, show all incoming updates to vmix inputs.
snd_voipvolume : 1 : a : Voice volume
sound_device_override : 0 : a, release : ID of the sound device to use
soundinfo : cmd : release : Describe the current sound device with an active voice list.
soundscape_debug : false : sv, cheat : When on, draws lines to all env_soundscape entities. Green lines show the active soundscape, red lines show soundscapes that aren't in range, and white lines show soundscapes that are in range, but not the active soundscape.
speaker_config : -1 : a :
spec_freeze_deathanim_time : 0.8 : sv, rep, release : The time that the death cam will spend watching the player's ragdoll before going into the freeze death cam.
spec_freeze_time : 3 : sv, rep, release : Time spend frozen in observer freeze cam.
spec_freeze_time_lock : 1 : sv, rep, release : Time players are prevented from skipping the freeze cam
spec_freeze_traveltime : 0.3 : sv, rep, release : Time taken to zoom in to frame a target in observer freeze cam.
spec_replay_bot : false : sv, release : Enable Spectator Hltv Replay when killed by bot
spec_replay_enable : 0 : rep, release : Enable Killer Replay, requires hltv server running (0:off, 1:default, 2:force)spec_replay_leadup_time : 5.3438 : rep, release : Replay time in seconds before the highlighted event
spec_replay_message_time : 9.5 : rep, release : How long to show the message about Killer Replay after death. The best setting is a bit shorter than spec_replay_autostart_delay + spec_replay_leadup_time + spec_replay_winddown_time
spec_replay_on_death : false : rep, release : When > 0, sets the mode whereas players see delayed replay, and are segregated into a domain of chat and voice separate from the alive players
spec_replay_rate_base : 1 : rep, release : Base time scale of Killer Replay.Experimental.
spec_replay_rate_limit : 3 : rep, release : Minimum allowable pause between replay requests in seconds
spec_replay_round_delay : 0 : sv, release : Round can be delayed by this much due to someone watching a replay; must be at least 3-4 seconds, otherwise the last replay will always be interrupted by round start, assuming normal pause between round_end and round_start events (7 seconds) and freezecam delay (2 seconds) and 7.4 second full replay (5.4 second pre-death and ~2 seconds post-death) and replay in/out switching (up to a second)
spec_replay_winddown_time : 2 : sv, release : The trailing time, in seconds, of replay past the event, including fade-out
splitscreen_mode : 0 : a, cheat :
startdemos : cmd : release : Play demos in demo sequence.
status : cmd : release : Print connection status
status_json : cmd : release : Print status in JSON format
stop : cmd : release : Finish recording demo.
stopdemos : cmd : release : Stop looping demos (current demo will complete).
stopsound : cmd : cheat :
subclass_change : cmd : sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy : Changes the subclass of the given entity. Arguments: <new_subclass> {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at}
subclass_create : cmd : sv, cheat, vconsole_fuzzy : Creates an entity of the given subclass where the player is looking.
surfaceprop : cmd : sv, cheat : Reports the surface properties at the cursor
sv_accelerate : 5.5 : sv, nf, rep, release :
sv_accelerate_debug_speed : false : sv, nf, rep, release :
sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed : true : sv, nf, rep, release :
sv_air_max_horizontal_parachute_speed : 240 : sv, rep, release :
sv_air_max_wishspeed : 30 : sv, rep, release :
sv_air_pushaway_dist : 0 : sv, rep, release :
sv_airaccelerate : 12 : sv, nf, rep, release :
sv_airaccelerate_parachute : 2.6 : sv, rep, release :
sv_airaccelerate_rappel : 2.2 : sv, rep, release :
sv_allchat : true : sv, nf, release : Players can receive all other players' text chat, no death restrictions
sv_allow_votes : true : sv, release : Allow voting?
sv_alltalk : false : sv, nf, release : Players can hear all other players' voice communication, no team restrictions
sv_alternateticks : false : sp, release : If set, server only simulates entities on even numbered ticks.
sv_always_play_damage_headshot_feedback : true : sv, release : If true, we always play damage headshot feedback, even through smokes and objects.
sv_auto_adjust_bot_difficulty : true : sv, release : Adjust the difficulty of bots each round based on contribution score.
sv_auto_full_alltalk_during_warmup_half_end : true : sv, release : When enabled will automatically turn on full all talk mode in warmup, at halftime and at the end of the match
sv_autobunnyhopping : false : sv, rep, release : Players automatically re-jump while holding jump button
sv_autobuyammo : false : sv, nf, rep, release : Enable automatic ammo purchase when inside buy zones during buy periods
sv_autoexec_mapname_cfg : false : sv, release : Execute a mapname cfg file on the server automatically in custom game modes that require it.
sv_banid_enabled : true : release : Whether server supports banid command
sv_bot_buy_decoy_weight : 1 : sv, release : Given a bot will buy a grenade, controls the odds of the grenade type. Proportional to all other sv_bot_buy_*_weight convars.
sv_bot_buy_flash_weight : 1 : sv, release : Given a bot will buy a grenade, controls the odds of the grenade type. Proportional to all other sv_bot_buy_*_weight convars.
sv_bot_buy_grenade_chance : 33 : sv, release : Chance bots will buy a grenade with leftover money (after prim, sec and armor). Input as percent (0-100.0)
sv_bot_buy_hegrenade_weight : 6 : sv, release : Given a bot will buy a grenade, controls the odds of the grenade type. Proportional to all other sv_bot_buy_*_weight convars.
sv_bot_buy_molotov_weight : 1 : sv, release : Given a bot will buy a grenade, controls the odds of the grenade type. Proportional to all other sv_bot_buy_*_weight convars.
sv_bot_buy_smoke_weight : 1 : sv, release : Given a bot will buy a grenade, controls the odds of the grenade type. Proportional to all other sv_bot_buy_*_weight convars.
sv_bots_get_easier_each_win : 0 : sv, release : If > 0, some # of bots will lower thier difficulty each time they win. The argument defines how many will lower their difficulty each time.
sv_bots_get_harder_after_each_wave : 0 : sv, release : If > 0, some # of bots will raise thier difficulty each time CTs beat a Guardian wave. The argument defines how many will raise their difficulty each time
sv_bounce : 0 : sv, nf, rep, release : Bounce multiplier for when physically simulated objects collide with other objects.
sv_buy_status_override : -1 : sv, rep, release : Override for buy status map info. 0 = everyone can buy, 1 = ct only, 2 = t only 3 = nobody
sv_chat_proximity : -1 : sv, rep, release :
sv_cheats : false : nf, rep, release : Allow cheats on server
sv_clockcorrection_msecs : 30 : sv, release : The server tries to keep each player's m_nTickBase withing this many msecs of the server absolute tickcount
sv_cluster : 0 : release : Data center cluster this server lives in.
sv_competitive_minspec : true : sv, nf, rep, release : Enable to force certain client convars to minimum/maximum values to help prevent competitive advantages.
sv_cs_player_speed_has_hostage : 200 : sv, rep, release :
sv_damage_print_enable : 1 : sv, rep, release : 0: no damage print in console. 1: damage print in console on death. 2: damage print in console only at next round restart.
sv_deadtalk : false : sv, nf, rep, release : Dead players can speak (voice, text) to the living
sv_debug_overlays_bandwidth : 65536 : release : Broadcast server debug overlays traffic
sv_debug_overlays_broadcast : false : nf, cheat, release : Broadcast server debug overlays
sv_disable_immunity_alpha : false : sv, rep, release : If set, clients won't slam the player model render settings each frame for immunity [mod authors use this]
sv_disable_observer_interpolation : false : sv, rep, release : Disallow interpolating between observer targets on this server.
sv_disable_radar : 0 : sv, rep, release : 0: regular radar; 1: always disabled; 2: disabled in warmup
sv_disable_teamselect_menu : false : sv, rep, release : Disable teamselect menu on clients
sv_disconnected_player_data_hold_time : 60 : sv, rep, release : Duration, in seconds, to hold onto the data of disconnected players, for scoreboard display.
sv_distance_guaranteed_damage_feedback : 1070 : sv, release : Attacks made within this radius are guaranteed to generate damage feedback sounds.
sv_dz_cash_bundle_size : 50 : sv, rep, release : Size of a cash bundle
sv_dz_cash_mega_bundle_size : 13 : sv, rep, release : Size of a mega cash bundle
sv_dz_contractkill_reward : 10 : sv, rep, release : Cash bundles to award for a successful contract kill
sv_dz_hostage_rescue_reward : 18 : sv, rep, release : Number of cash bundles to award for rescuing a hostage
sv_dz_squad_wipe_reward : 2 : sv, rep, release : Number of cash bundles to award for eliminating a squad
sv_enable_alternate_baselines : 1 : release : Allow alternate baseline system, set to 2 for debugging spew.
sv_enable_delta_packing : true : release : When enabled, this allows for entity packing to use the property changes for building up the data. This is many times faster, but can be disabled for error checking.
sv_enablebunnyhopping : false : sv, rep, release : Allow player speed to exceed maximum running speed
sv_ent_showonlyhitbox : -1 : sv, cheat :
sv_ents_write_alarm : 0 : release : Print callstack every time CNetworkGameServerBase::WriteEntityUpdate takes more than this amount of milliseconds
sv_extract_ammo_from_dropped_weapons : false : sv, rep, release :
sv_fade_player_visibility_farz : false : sv, rep, release :
sv_falldamage_scale : 1 : sv, rep, release :
sv_falldamage_to_below_player_multiplier : 1 : sv, rep, release : Scale damage when distributed across two players
sv_falldamage_to_below_player_ratio : 0 : sv, rep, release : Landing on a another player's head gives them this ratio of the damage.
sv_friction : 5.2 : sv, nf, rep, release : World friction.
sv_full_alltalk : false : sv, rep, release : Any player (including Spectator team) can speak to any other player
sv_game_mode_flags : 0 : sv, release : Dedicated server game mode flags to run
sv_gameinstructor_disable : false : sv, rep, release : Force all clients to disable their game instructors.
sv_gravity : 800 : sv, nf, rep, release : World gravity.
sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_pipreview : false : sv, rep, release : Shows grenade trajectory practice picture-in-picture preview.
sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_trailtime : 0 : sv, rep, release : Shows grenade trajectory practice visualization for this number of seconds.
sv_grenade_trajectory_time_spectator : 0 : sv, rep, release : Length of time grenade trajectory remains visible as a spectator.
sv_guardian_extra_equipment_ct : 0 : sv, release : Extra starting equipment for CT players in guardian modes
sv_guardian_extra_equipment_t : 0 : sv, release : Extra starting equipment for Terrorist players in guardian modes
sv_guardian_health_refresh_per_wave : 50 : sv, release : Health given to survivors per wave in guardian mode.
sv_guardian_heavy_all : false : sv, release :
sv_guardian_heavy_count : 0 : sv, release :
sv_guardian_max_wave_for_heavy : 0 : sv, release :
sv_guardian_min_wave_for_heavy : 0 : sv, release :
sv_guardian_refresh_ammo_for_items_on_waves : 0 : sv, release : List of additional weapons to refill ammo on waves.
sv_guardian_reset_c4_every_wave : false : sv, release :
sv_guardian_respawn_health : 50 : sv, release : Starting health of guardian players when respawned.
sv_guardian_spawn_health_ct : 100 : sv, release : Starting health in guardian modes.
sv_guardian_spawn_health_t : 100 : sv, release : Starting health in guardian modes.
sv_guardian_starting_equipment_humans : 0 : sv, release : Extra starting equipment for human players in guardian modes
sv_health_approach_enabled : true : sv, rep, release :
sv_health_approach_speed : 10 : sv, rep, release :
sv_hegrenade_damage_multiplier : 1 : sv, rep, release :
sv_hegrenade_radius_multiplier : 1 : sv, rep, release :
sv_hibernate_postgame_delay : 5 : release : # of seconds to wait after final client leaves before hibernating.
sv_hibernate_when_empty : true : release : Puts the server into extremely low CPU usage mode when no clients connected
sv_hide_roundtime_until_seconds : 0 : sv, rep, release :
sv_highlight_distance : 500 : sv, rep, release :
sv_highlight_duration : 3.5 : sv, rep, release :
sv_holiday_mode : 0 : sv, rep, release : 0 = OFF, 1 = Halloween, 2 = Winter
sv_hoststate_quit_syscall : false : release : When enabled, game server will quit immediately via syscall instead of running host states shutdown sequence
sv_human_autojoin_team : 0 : sv, rep, release : Force human players on to a team. 0 to disable.
sv_ignoregrenaderadio : false : sv, release : Turn off Fire in the hole messages
sv_infinite_ammo : 0 : sv, rep, cheat, release : Player's active weapon will never run out of ammo
sv_invites_only_mainmenu : false : sv, rep, release : If turned on, will ignore all invites when user is playing a match
sv_jump_impulse : 301.993 : sv, rep, release : Initial upward velocity for player jumps; sqrt(2*gravity*height).
sv_jump_spam_penalty_time : 0.015625 : sv, rep, release : For subtick jumps, if this much time has elapsed since the last time the user has pressed the jump key, pretend they hadn't. Lowering this makes bunnyhopping easier.
sv_kick_ban_duration : 15 : sv, nf, rep, release : How long should a kick ban from the server should last (in minutes)
sv_kick_players_with_cooldown : 1 : sv, rep, release : (0: do not kick on insecure servers; 1: kick players with Untrusted status or convicted by Overwatch; 2: kick players with any cooldown)
sv_ladder_scale_speed : 0.78 : sv, rep, release : Scale top speed on ladders
sv_ladder_slack_z_mult : 0.026 : sv, rep, cheat : Difference in Z increases toward the middle of the slack ladder.
sv_lagcompensationforcerestore : true : sv, cheat : Don't test validity of a lag comp restore, just do it.
sv_lan : false : release : Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses )
sv_late_commands_allowed : 5 : sv, release : Allow N late commands to run at 0 timescale prior to running an on-time command. Negative values for network round trip based calculation with a hard cap of the of absolute value
sv_lightquery_debug : false : sv, cheat :
sv_load_forced_client_names_file : cmd : sv, release : Loads a file containing SteamID64 names for clients
sv_load_random_client_names_file : cmd : sv, release : Loads a file containing random name words for clients
sv_log_http_record_before_any_listeners : false : sv, release :
sv_log_onefile : false : a, release : Log server information to only one file.
sv_logbans : false : a, release : Log server bans in the server logs.
sv_logblocks : false : release : If true when log when a query is blocked (can cause very large log files)
sv_logecho : true : a, release : Echo log information to the console.
sv_logfile : false : a, release : Log server information in the log file.
sv_logflush : false : a, release : Flush the log file to disk on each write (slow).
sv_logsdir : logs : a, release : Folder in the game directory where server logs will be stored.
sv_mapvetopickvote_maps : de_anubis,de_inferno,de_mirage,de_vertigo,de_overpass,de_nuke,de_ancient : sv, release : Which maps are used for map veto pick sequence
sv_mapvetopickvote_phase_duration : [1:5][2:15][3:20][4:10][5:10][6:5] : sv, release : How many seconds each phase lasts
sv_mapvetopickvote_rnd : false : sv, release : When enabled will shuffle veto pick maps list order every time
sv_matchend_drops_enabled : true : sv, release : Rewards gameplay time is always accumulated for players, but drops at the end of the match can be prevented
sv_matchpause_auto_5v5 : false : sv, rep, release : When enabled will automatically pause the match at next freeze time if less than 5 players are connected on each team.
sv_max_allowed_net_graph : 1 : sv, nf, rep, release : Determines max allowed net_graph value for clients.
sv_max_deathmatch_respawns_per_tick : 0 : sv, release :
sv_max_queries_sec : 3 : release : Maximum queries per second to respond to from a single IP address.
sv_max_queries_sec_global : 60 : release : Maximum queries per second to respond to from anywhere.
sv_max_queries_window : 30 : release : Window over which to average queries per second averages.
sv_maxrate : 0 : rep, release : Max bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_maxspeed : 320 : sv, nf, rep, release :
sv_maxunlag : 0.2 : sv, release : Maximum lag compensation in seconds
sv_maxuptimelimit : 0 : sv, release : Number of hours to operate before trying sv_shutdown.
sv_maxvelocity : 3500 : sv, rep, release : Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis.
sv_memlimit : 0 : cheat, release : If set, whenever a game ends, if the total memory used by the server is greater than this # of megabytes, the server will exit.
sv_merge_changes_after_tick_with_calcdelta : 1 : release : This fixes bugs where pure calcdelta is used due to recipient changing but it doesn't pick up a field change where the value was changed back to same value as the from snapshot even though the destination fields change list does note the change. Set to 2 to spew any changes merged in by this fix.
sv_metaduplication : cmd : cheat : Check serializer meta for duplication, add verbose to command for full spew
sv_min_jump_landing_sound : 260 : sv, rep, release :
sv_minrate : 98304 : rep, release : Min bandwidth rate allowed on server, 0 == unlimited
sv_networkvar_perfieldtracking : true : release : Track individual field offset changes, rather than a single dirty flag for the whole entity.
sv_networkvar_validate : false : release : Validate each StateChanged against known offsets.
sv_noclipaccelerate : 5 : sv, a, nf, rep :
sv_noclipduringpause : false : sv, rep, cheat : If cheats are enabled, then you can noclip with the game paused (for doing screenshots, etc.).
sv_noclipfriction : 4 : sv, a, nf, rep : Friction during noclip move.
sv_noclipspeed : 1200 : sv, a, nf, rep :
sv_outofammo_indicator : false : sv, rep, release :
sv_packstats : cmd : release : Show entity packing stats, pass 'clear' as argument to reset counts.
sv_parallel_packentities : 2 : release : Set to 1 to use threaded snapshot sending on listen servers, 2 for dedicated servers.
sv_parallel_sendsnapshot : 2 : release : 0: run all send jobs on main thread; 1: send jobs run asynchronously (except on dedicated server); 2: send jobs asynchronously; 3: send jobs run in parallel but block to not overlap the next tick; 4: main server clients' send jobs run in parallel, then HLTV server jobs; this approximately matches pre-async profile for a single HLTV server configuration
sv_party_mode : false : sv, rep, release : Party!!
sv_password : 0 : prot, nf, norecord, release : Server password for entry into multiplayer games
sv_pausable : 0 : release : Is the server pausable.
sv_pause_on_console_open : false : a : 1 = Pause the game when pressing ~ to open the console. CTRL+~ opens the console without pause.
sv_phys_debug_callback_entities : false : sv, cheat : Print all entities that get touch callbacks. Each entity is printed only once.sv_phys_enabled : true : sv, cheat : Enable all physics simulation
sv_phys_sleep_enable : true : sv, cheat : Enable sleeping for dynamic physics bodies.
sv_phys_stop_at_collision : 0 : sv, cheat :
sv_playerradio_use_allowlist : true : sv, release : playerradio commands may only use responses from an allow list of commands.
sv_prime_accounts_only : false : sv, release : When this setting is enabled only prime users can connect to this game server.sv_pure : cmd : release : Show user data.
sv_pure_kick_clients : true : release : If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client.
sv_pure_trace : 0 : release : If set to 1, the server will print a message whenever a client is verifying a CRC for a file.
sv_pushaway_hostage_force : 20000 : sv, rep, cheat : How hard the hostage is pushed away from physics objects (falls off with inverse square of distance).
sv_pushaway_max_hostage_force : 1000 : sv, rep, cheat : Maximum of how hard the hostage is pushed away from physics objects.
sv_pvs_max_distance : 0 : rep, release : if set, adds a maximum range to PVS/PAS checks
sv_radio_throttle_window : 10 : sv, release : The number of seconds before radio command tokens refresh.
sv_ragdoll_lru_debug : false : sv, rep, cheat :
sv_record_item_time_data : false : sv, release : Turn on recording of per player item time data into the server log.
sv_regeneration_force_on : false : sv, cheat : Cheat to test regenerative health systems
sv_region : -1 : release : The region of the world to report this server in.
sv_rethrow_last_grenade : cmd : sv, cheat : Emit the last grenade thrown on the server.
sv_search_key : 0 : release :
sv_search_team_key : public : release : When initiating team search, set this key to match with known opponents team
sv_server_graphic1 : 0 : sv, rep, release : A 360x60 (<16kb) image file in /csgo/ that will be displayed to spectators.
sv_server_graphic2 : 0 : sv, rep, release : A 220x45 (<16kb) image file in /csgo/ that will be displayed to spectators.
sv_server_verify_blood_on_player : true : sv, rep, cheat :
sv_setsteamaccount : cmd : release : token Set game server account token to use for logging in to a persistent game server account
sv_shield_bash_damage_to_nonplayer : 30 : sv, rep, release :
sv_shield_bash_damage_to_players : 90 : sv, rep, release :
sv_shield_explosive_damage_cap : 99 : sv, rep, release :
sv_shield_explosive_damage_crouch_bonus : 10 : sv, rep, release :
sv_shield_explosive_damage_mindist : 30 : sv, rep, release :
sv_shield_explosive_damage_mult : 4 : sv, rep, release :
sv_shield_explosive_damage_scale : 0.5 : sv, rep, release :
sv_shield_hitpoints : 850 : sv, rep, release :
sv_show_move_collisions : false : sv, rep, cheat : Enable this to visualize collisions between player and geometry.
sv_show_team_equipment_force_on : false : sv, rep, release : Force on if not prohibited
sv_show_team_equipment_prohibit : false : sv, nf, rep, release : Determines whether +cl_show_team_equipment is prohibited.
sv_show_teammate_death_notification : false : sv, release : Show chat notification upon teammate death
sv_show_voip_indicator_for_enemies : false : sv, rep, release : Makes it so the voip icon is shown over enemies as well as allies when they are talking
sv_showbullethits : 0 : sv, rep, release : 1=show hits and near misses, 2=show hits only
sv_showhitregistration : 0 : sv, rep, cheat : Display lag_compensated hitboxes. 0 = off, 1 = server only, 2 = client only, 3 = both server and client
sv_showimpacts : 0 : sv, rep, release : Shows client (red) and server (blue) bullet impact point (1=both, 2=client-only, 3=server-only)
sv_showimpacts_penetration : 0 : sv, rep, release : Shows extra data when bullets penetrate. (use sv_showimpacts_time to increase time shown)
sv_showimpacts_time : 4 : sv, rep, release : Duration bullet impact indicators remain before disappearing
sv_shutdown : cmd : release : Sets the server to shutdown when all games have completed
sv_skel_constraints_enable : false : rep, cheat :
sv_skirmish_id : 0 : sv, rep, release : Dedicated server skirmish id to run
sv_skyname : sky_urb01 : sv, a, rep : Current name of the skybox texture
sv_snapshot_unlimited : false : rep, release : For debugging, don't throw away old snapshots so that if you break in debugger (on remote client or server) it won't require an uncompressed update to resume. You may run out of memory of course...
sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo : cmd : sv, cheat : print soundscapes
sv_spawn_afk_bomb_drop_time : 15 : sv, rep, release : Players that have never moved since they spawned will drop the bomb after this amount of time.
sv_spec_hear : 1 : sv, nf, rep, release : Determines who spectators can hear: 0: only spectators; 1: all players; 2: spectated team; 3: self only; 4: nobody
sv_spec_use_tournament_content_standards : false : sv, rep, release :
sv_specaccelerate : 5 : sv, a, nf, rep :
sv_specnoclip : true : sv, a, nf, rep :
sv_specspeed : 1200 : sv, a, nf, rep :
sv_spewmeta : cmd : cheat : Spew serializer meta
sv_staminajumpcost : 0.08 : sv, rep, release : Stamina penalty for jumping
sv_staminalandcost : 0.05 : sv, rep, release : Stamina penalty for landing
sv_staminamax : 80 : sv, rep, release : Maximum stamina penalty
sv_staminarecoveryrate : 60 : sv, rep, release : Rate at which stamina recovers (units/sec)
sv_steamgroup : 0 : nf, release : The ID of the steam group that this server belongs to. You can find your group's ID on the admin profile page in the steam community.
sv_steamgroup_exclusive : false : release : If set, only members of Steam group will be able to join the server when it's empty, public people will be able to join the server only if it has players.
sv_stopspeed : 80 : sv, nf, rep, release : Minimum stopping speed when on ground.
sv_stressbots : false : release : If set to 1, the server calculates data and fills packets to bots. Used for perf testing.
sv_tags : 0 : nf, release : Server tags. Used to provide extra information to clients when they're browsing for servers. Separate tags with a comma.
sv_talk_after_dying_time : 0 : sv, rep, release : The number of seconds a player can continue talking after dying as if they were still alive
sv_talk_enemy_dead : false : sv, rep, release : Dead players can hear all dead enemy communication (voice, chat)
sv_talk_enemy_living : false : sv, rep, release : Living players can hear all living enemy communication (voice, chat)
sv_teamid_overhead : true : sv, nf, rep, release : Shows teamID over player's heads. 0 = off, 1 = on
sv_teamid_overhead_always_prohibit : false : sv, nf, rep, release : Determines whether cl_teamid_overhead_always is prohibited.
sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist : 0 : sv, rep, release : If >0, server will override cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist
sv_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec : 0 : sv, rep, release : If >0, server will override cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist_spec
sv_timebetweenducks : 0.4 : sv, rep, release : Minimum time before recognizing consecutive duck key
sv_turning_inaccuracy_angle_min : 4 : sv, rep, cheat, release :
sv_turning_inaccuracy_decay : 0.8 : sv, rep, cheat, release :
sv_turning_inaccuracy_enabled : false : sv, rep, cheat, release :
sv_unify_random_seed : false : sv, release : Should we securely share seeds between the client and server?
sv_unlockedchapters : 1 : a : Highest unlocked game chapter.
sv_update_animgraph_movement_in_finish : true : sv, rep, cheat : Whether we should update animgraph movement in FinishMove.
sv_usercmd_custom_random_seed : true : sv, rep, release : When enabled server will populate an additional random seed independent of the client
sv_usercmd_queue_spew_threshold : 10 : sv, release : Spew warning if command queue has grown above this many backlogged commands.
sv_versus_screen_scene_id : 0 : sv, release : Determines which scene is used for the versus screen.
sv_visiblemaxplayers : -1 : release : Overrides the max players reported to prospective clients
sv_voice_proximity : -1 : sv, rep, release :
sv_voicecodec : vaudio_speex : release : Specifies which voice codec DLL to use in a game. Set to the name of the DLL without the extension.
sv_voiceenable : true : a, nf, release :
sv_vote_allow_in_warmup : false : sv, release : Allow voting during warmup?
sv_vote_allow_spectators : false : sv, release : Allow spectators to initiate votes?
sv_vote_command_delay : 2 : sv, release : How long after a vote passes until the action happens
sv_vote_count_spectator_votes : false : sv, release : Allow spectators to vote on issues?
sv_vote_creation_timer : 120 : sv, release : How often someone can individually call a vote.
sv_vote_disallow_kick_on_match_point : false : sv, release : Disallow vote kicking on the match point round.
sv_vote_failure_timer : 300 : sv, release : A vote that fails cannot be re-submitted for this long
sv_vote_issue_kick_allowed : true : sv, nf, rep, release : Can people hold votes to kick players from the server?
sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_allowed : true : sv, nf, rep, release : Can people hold votes to load match from backup?
sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_spec_authoritative : false : sv, release : When enabled, admins load match from backup without players vote
sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_spec_only : false : sv, nf, rep, release : When enabled, only admins load match from backup
sv_vote_issue_loadbackup_spec_safe : true : sv, release : When enabled, admins load match from backup in safe time of the round only
sv_vote_issue_pause_match_spec_only : false : sv, nf, rep, release : When enabled, only admins start technical pause
sv_vote_issue_restart_game_allowed : false : sv, release : Can people hold votes to restart the game?
sv_vote_kick_ban_duration : 15 : sv, nf, rep, release : How long should a kick vote ban someone from the server? (in minutes)
sv_vote_quorum_ratio : 0.501 : sv, release : The minimum ratio of players needed to vote on an issue to resolve it.
sv_vote_timer_duration : 15 : sv, release : How long to allow voting on an issue
sv_vote_to_changelevel_before_match_point : false : sv, rep, release : Restricts vote to change level to rounds prior to match point (default 0, vote is never disallowed)
sv_warmup_to_freezetime_delay : 4 : sv, rep, release : Delay between end of warmup and start of match.
sv_watchtransmit : -2 : sv, release : Watch NetworkStateChanged info for this entity index.
sv_water_slow_amount : 0.9 : sv, rep, release :
sv_wateraccelerate : 10 : sv, nf, rep, release :
sv_waterfriction : 1 : sv, nf, rep, release :
sv_weapon_require_use_grace_period : 1 : sv, release :
sv_weapon_swap_difficulty_near_hi_pri : 2 : sv, rep, release : 0 = Cone searches easily reach past high priority items to swap weapons. 1 = Cone searches are narrowed and require that the weapon is strictly closer. 2 = cone searches are disabled near high priority items
sv_workshop_allow_other_maps : true : sv, release : When hosting a workshop collection, users can play other workshop map on this server when it is empty and then mapcycle into this server collection.
sys_info : cmd : release : Print system information to the console
sys_minidumpspewlines : 2000 : release : Lines of crash dump console spew to keep.
telemetry_message : cmd : sv, cheat : Place a message in the telemetry timeline
telemetry_toggle_timespan : cmd : sv, cheat : Starts/stops a timespan with an ever increasing name.
Test_CreateEntity : cmd : sv, cheat :
test_dispatcheffect : cmd : sv, cheat : Test a clientside dispatch effect. Usage: test_dispatcheffect <effect name> <distance away> <flags> <magnitude> <scale> Defaults are: <distance 1024> <flags 0> <magnitude 0> <scale 0>
Test_EHandle : cmd : sv, cheat :
test_entity_blocker : cmd : sv, cheat : Test command that drops an entity blocker out in front of the player.
Test_ExitProcess : cmd : cheat : Test_ExitProcess <exit code> - immediately kill the process.
test_list_entities : cmd : sv, cheat : test-list entities
Test_RandomPlayerPosition : cmd : sv, cheat :
think_limit : 10 : sv, rep, release : Maximum think time in milliseconds, warning is printed if this is exceeded.
timedemo : cmd : release : Play a demo and report performance info.
timedemoquit : cmd : release : Play a demo, report performance info, and then exit
timeleft : cmd : sv : prints the time remaining in the match
timeout_ct_start : cmd : sv, release :
timeout_terrorist_start : cmd : sv, release :
toggle : cmd : norecord, release : Toggles specified convar value on and off.
toggleconsole : cmd : norecord, release : Show/hide the console.
tv_advertise_watchable : false : prot, nf, norecord, release : GOTV advertises the match as watchable via game UI, clients watching via UI will not need to type password
tv_allow_autorecording_index : -1 : sv, release : When >=0 restricts autorecording only to the specified TV index
tv_allow_camera_man_steamid : 0 : sv, release : Allows tournament production cameraman to run csgo.exe -interactivecaster on SteamID 7650123456XXX and be the camera man.
tv_allow_camera_man_steamid2 : 0 : sv, release : Allows tournament production tv cameraman to run csgo.exe -interactivecaster on SteamID 7650123456XXX and be the tv camera man.
tv_allow_static_shots : true : sv, release : Auto director uses fixed level cameras for shots
tv_autorecord : false : release : Automatically records all games as SourceTV demos.
tv_autoretry : true : release : Relay proxies retry connection after network timeout
tv_broadcast : false : release : Automatically broadcasts all games as GOTV demos through Steam.
tv_broadcast1 : false : release : Automatically broadcasts all games as GOTV[1] demos through Steam.
tv_broadcast_keyframe_interval : 3 : release : The frequency, in seconds, of sending keyframes and delta fragments to the broadcast relay server
tv_broadcast_keyframe_interval1 : 3 : release : The frequency, in seconds, of sending keyframes and delta fragments to the broadcast1 relay server
tv_broadcast_max_requests : 20 : release : Max number of broadcast http requests in flight. If there is a network issue, the requests may start piling up, degrading server performance. If more than the specified number of requests are in flight, the new requests are dropped.
tv_broadcast_max_requests1 : 20 : release : Max number of broadcast1 http requests in flight. If there is a network issue, the requests may start piling up, degrading server performance. If more than the specified number of requests are in flight, the new requests are dropped.
tv_broadcast_startup_resend_interval : 10 : release : The interval, in seconds, of re-sending startup data to the broadcast relay server (useful in case relay crashes, restarts or startup data http request fails)
tv_broadcast_status : cmd : release : Print out broadcast status
tv_broadcast_url : http://localhost:8080 : release : URL of the broadcast relay
tv_broadcast_url1 : http://localhost:8080 : release : URL of the broadcast relay1
tv_chatgroupsize : 0 : release : Set the default chat group size
tv_chattimelimit : 0.2 : release : Limits spectators to chat only every n seconds
tv_clients : cmd : release : Shows list of connected SourceTV clients.
tv_debug : 0 : release : SourceTV debug info.
tv_delay : 120 : sv, release : SourceTV broadcast delay in seconds
tv_delay1 : 15 : sv, release : SourceTV[instance 1] broadcast delay in seconds
tv_delaymapchange : true : sv, release : Delays map change until broadcast is complete
tv_deltacache : 2 : release : Enable delta entity bit stream cache
tv_dispatchmode : 1 : release : Dispatch clients to relay proxies: 0=never, 1=if appropriate, 2=always
tv_enable : false : nf, release : Activates SourceTV on server.
tv_enable1 : false : nf, release : Activates SourceTV[1] on server.
tv_enable_delta_frames : true : release : Indicates whether or not the tv should use delta frames for storage of intermediate frames. This takes more CPU but significantly less memory.
tv_enable_dynamic : false : nf, release : When enabled, changes in tv_enable convars cause immediate startup or shutdown of hltv server
tv_maxclients : 128 : release : Maximum client number on SourceTV server.
tv_maxclients_relayreserved : 0 : release : This number of relay client connections are reserved for SourceTV relays.
tv_maxrate : 0 : release : Max SourceTV spectator bandwidth rate allowed, 0 == unlimited
tv_mem : cmd : release : hltv memory statistics. Use with 'ent 10' (dump entity 10 memory usage) or 'top 8' (dump top 8 memory users) or 'class' CWorld (dump CWorld class)
tv_name : SourceTV : release : SourceTV host name
tv_nochat : false : a, user : Don't receive chat messages from other SourceTV spectators
tv_overridemaster : false : release : Overrides the SourceTV master root address.
tv_password : 0 : prot, nf, norecord, release : SourceTV password for all clients
tv_playcast_delay_prediction : true : release :
tv_playcast_delay_resync : 0 : release : To alleviate intermittent network connectivity problems, this is the number of seconds to wait before actually re-syncing the stream after failure
tv_playcast_retry_timeout : 12 : release : In case of intermittent network problems, how long should playcast retry fragment retrieval before resorting to resync
tv_port : 27020 : release : Host SourceTV[0] port
tv_port1 : 27021 : release : Host SourceTV[1] port
tv_record : cmd : release : Starts SourceTV demo recording.
tv_record_immediate : 1 : release : tv_record starting the moment tv_record was executed, not tv_delay earlier
tv_relay : cmd : release : Connect to SourceTV server and relay broadcast.
tv_relaypassword : 0 : prot, nf, norecord, release : SourceTV password for relay proxies
tv_relayradio : false : sv, release : Relay team radio commands to TV: 0=off, 1=on
tv_relayvoice : true : release : Relay voice data: 0=off, 1=on
tv_retry : cmd : release : Reconnects the SourceTV relay proxy.
tv_show_allchat : true : sv, release :
tv_status : cmd : release : Show SourceTV server status.
tv_stop : cmd : release : Stops the SourceTV broadcast.
tv_stoprecord : cmd : release : Stops SourceTV demo recording.
tv_time_remaining : cmd : sv, release : Print remaining tv broadcast time
tv_timeout : 20 : release : SourceTV connection timeout in seconds.
tv_title : SourceTV : release : Set title for SourceTV spectator UI
tv_transmitall : false : rep, release : Transmit all entities (not only director view)
unbind : cmd : release : Unbind a key.
unbindall : cmd : release : Unbind all keys.
unpause : cmd : release : Clear the pause state of the server.
vconsole_rcon_server_details : 0 : norecord, release, server_cant_query : when non-empty allows for easy vconsole connection to the dedicated server.
view_punch_decay : 18 : sv, rep, cheat, release : Decay factor exponent for view punch
violence_ablood : true : a : Draw alien blood
violence_agibs : true : a : Show alien gib entities
violence_hblood : true : a : Draw human blood
violence_hgibs : true : a : Show human gib entities
vis_force : false : sv, cheat :
vismon_poll_frequency : 0.5 : sv, cheat :
vismon_trace_limit : 12 : sv, cheat :
vmix_input : cmd : cheat : Set an input mix value
vmix_output : cmd : cheat : Dump main graph control output values
voice_always_sample_mic : false : a : For systems experiencing a hang/stall when using voice chat.
voice_loopback : false : user :
voice_player_speaking_delay_threshold : 0.5 : sv, cheat :
voice_test_log_send : false : release :
voice_threshold : 0 : cl, a :
volume : 1 : a : Sound volume
volume_fog_clipmap_update : 1 : cheat :
volume_fog_clipmaps_enabled : false : cheat :
volume_fog_disable : false : cheat :
volume_fog_dither_scale : 3 : cheat :
volume_fog_enable_jitter : true : cheat :
volume_fog_enable_stereo : true : cheat :
volume_fog_enlarge_frusta : 2 : cheat :
volume_fog_show_volumes : false : cheat :
vphys2_friction_factor : 1 : cheat : Change global friction factor
vphys2_restitution_factor : 1 : cheat : Change global restitution factor
weapon_accuracy_forcespread : 0 : sv, rep, release : Force spread to the specified value.
weapon_accuracy_nospread : false : sv, rep, release : Disable weapon inaccuracy spread
weapon_accuracy_reset_on_deploy : false : sv, rep, cheat, release : On deploy, forcibly reset weapon accuracy to zero.
weapon_accuracy_shotgun_spread_patterns : true : sv, rep, release :
weapon_air_spread_scale : 1 : sv, rep, release : Scale factor for jumping inaccuracy, set to 0 to make jumping accuracy equal to standing
weapon_auto_cleanup_time : 0 : sv, rep, release : If set to non-zero, weapons will delete themselves after the specified time (in seconds) if no players are near.
weapon_max_before_cleanup : 0 : sv, rep, release : If set to non-zero, will remove the oldest dropped weapon to maintain the specified number of dropped weapons in the world.
weapon_near_empty_sound : true : sv, rep, cheat :
weapon_reticle_knife_show : true : sv, rep, release : When enabled will show knife reticle on clients. Used for game modes requiring target id display when holding a knife.
weapon_sound_falloff_multiplier : 1 : sv, rep, cheat, release : Scaling for falloff of weapon firing sounds
writekeybindings : cmd : release : Saves current key bindings to disk.
1808 total convars/concommands
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net_public_adr still not working?

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