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Created May 9, 2015 09:51
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SteamCMD Commands and Convars
app_info_http_min = "0" :
app_info_http_num_sockets = "8" :
AsyncFileIODisableWrite = "0" :
AsyncFileIOExpectOutstandingIO = "16" :
AsyncFileIOForceGenericIO = "0" :
AsyncFileIOMaxPending = "128" :
AsyncFileIOReadHandleCache = "32" :
AsyncFileIOWriteHandleCache = "128" :
batterypercent = "0" :
batterytime = "0" :
bCheckUGCIntegrity = "1" :
@bContentManifestUseProtobufs = "1" :
@bCSClientRateLimitUseDelays = "1" :
@bCSForceNoCache = "0" :
@bDepotBuilderReadBufferSizeKB = "8192" :
@bDepotBuilderUnbufferedReads = "1" :
bDisableTenFootOverlay = "0" :
@bEnableMovieRecording = "0" :
@bEnableOfflineLogonTicket = "1" : If true, an offline logon ticket will be requested during logon if none is cached
@bEnableSpewThrottle = "1" :
bEnableSubscribedFileCache = "1" :
bEnableSubscribedFileListCache = "1" :
@bForceStreamUnsupportedApp = "0" :
bLogLegacyDiskDetails = "0" :
@bMsgErrorDump = "0" :
@bRequireOfflineLogonTicket = "0" : If true, a valid offline logon ticket is required when logging in in offline or no connection mode
@bRequireSignedParentalSettings = "1" : If true, a valid set of signed parental settings is required when logging in in offline or no connection mode
broadcast_upload_drop_sec = "6" :
broadcast_upload_update_sec = "3" :
bSteam3LimitedUserEnable = "1" :
bSteamLoaderEnable = "1" :
bSubscribedFilesDecompressOnClient = "1" :
bSubscribedFilesPollForUpdates = "0" :
bSubscribedFilesUseRangeRequests = "0" :
bVerifyAllDownloads = "0" :
@cbPartnerUploadChunkSize = "1000000" : Chunk size to use for POSTing partner uploads
@cCSClientMaxNumSocketsPerHost = "8" :
@cDepotBuilderFileChunkingThreads = "4" :
@cDepotUploadPacketSizeKB = "1024" :
@cDepotUploadWindowSize = "16" :
cFileValidationMaxLog = "100" :
cFileValidationThreads = "2" :
cInstallCacheQuotaMB = "64" :
ClientStatsUploadRateSeconds = "10" :
@cMaxContentServersToRequest = "20" :
@cMaxInitialDownloadSources = "-1" :
@cNetEncryptionHandshakeWorkMax_HighPri = "8000" :
@cNetEncryptionHandshakeWorkMax_LowPri = "2000" :
@cNetEncryptionHandshakeWorkMax_MedPri = "4000" :
countrycode = "" :
cPreallocateMinimumSizeKB = "256" :
@csecCSRequestProcessorTimeOut = "300" :
@csecFavoriteGameAccountCacheTime = "86400" : Control how often we refresh the account IDs in the game server favorites list
@csecIncomingDataRatePeriod = "1" :
csecManifestDownloadTimeout = "120" :
@csecUpdateTargetNumConnectionsEpoch = "10" :
@cSecUploadDownloadRates = "300" :
@CSInterfaceProxyPassword = "" :
@CSInterfaceProxyUsername = "" :
@cUDPSendRetries = "8" :
@CustomBinaryRequestRetryTimes = "20" :
@DepotBuilderAppInfoTimeout = "120" :
@DepotBuilderConfigRoot = "./depotscripts" :
@DepotBuilderContentRoot = "" :
@DepotBuilderNoReslist = "0" :
@DepotBuilderOutputRoot = "" :
@DepotBuilderParallelUploadChunks = "4" :
@DepotBuilderProgressTimeout = "1000" :
DepotDownloadProgressTimeout = "120" :
DepotReconstructionLowPrio = "1" :
DepotReconstructionNumIOThreads = "1" :
developer = "0" :
@EnableUDPHistory = "0" :
@fDownloadRateImprovementToAddAnotherConnection = "1.2" :
findbestcellstartupdelay = "600" :
@fMinDataRateToAttemptTwoConnectionsMbps = "0.5" :
@GCNameOverride = "" :
@IOCPGetCompletionBatchSize = "1" :
@LocalContentServer = "" :
log_files_always_flush = "0" :
log_matchmaking_callbacks = "0" :
@MaxOutstandingSendThreadItem = "1000" :
mic_autogain = "16000" : automatic gain control level for microphone input
mic_inputfile = "" : causes voice data to be read from the specified file instead of from the microphone
mic_outputfile = "" : causes microphone data to be written out to the specified file
musiclogging = "0" :
nBroadcastSessionHearbeatMS = "120" :
nBroadcastSessionMaxDropFrames = "100" :
nClientBackgroundAutoUpdateTimeSpreadMinutes = "0" : Number of minutes to spread background auto-updates out over
nClientCMUDPPingTimeGoodEnoughThresholdMS = "50" :
nClientCMUDPPingTimeoutUseGoodEnoughMS = "250" :
nClientGracePeriodAfterGameExitBeforeUpdatesMinutes = "5" : Time in minutes to inhibit kicking off an update after the game exits
nCloudDownloadMinIntervalSec = "60" :
nCloudFileCompressionMinFileSizeKB = "16" :
nCloudFileCompressionMinFileSizeKBSharedFile = "128" :
nCloudFileCompressionPercentageMin = "10" :
nCloudFileCompressionPercentageMinSharedFile = "50" :
nCloudSyncIntervalSec = "30" :
nCloudUploadMinIntervalSec = "1800" :
nContentStatsReportInterval = "72" : In Hours
@nCSClientRateLimitKbps = "0" :
@net_backlog_bytes_allowed = "12000000" :
@net_backlog_time_allowed_sec = "5" :
@NetConnectionBufferMsgLimit = "1000" : Max # of message that will be buffered into a single zipped packet
@NetConnectionBufferThreaded = "1" :
net_incomingcheck = "1" :
@net_loopback = "1" :
net_maxresendsperframe = "32" :
@nNetConnectionBufferZipLevel = "1" :
@NoPromptForPassword = "0" :
@nParentalSettingsLogLevel = "4" : Control the amount of spew written to the parental log file
nProductInfoUpdateInterval = "900" :
@nSpewThrottleNagFrequencyMs = "5000" :
n@SpewThrottlePeriodMs = "1000" :
@nSpewThrottleResumeThreshold = "3" :
@nSpewThrottleTriggerThreshold = "10" :
@nSpewThrottleUnconditionalResumeMs = "5000" :
@nSpewThrottleUnconditionalTriggerCount = "50" :
nSubscribedAutoDownloadMaxSimultaneous = "8" :
@nTCPLargeSendBufSizeMB = "16" :
p2p_connecttimeout = "15" :
p2p_unusedtimeout = "120" :
rtime32EarliestSubscribedFileToDownload = "1348857570" :
@sCSDSVirtualHostHeader = "" :
ServerBrowserPingSurveySubmitPct = "5" :
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand = "1" : Exit steamcmd immediately upon any failed build-related command
@sSteamCmdForcePlatformBitness = "" : Must be one of: [32 | 64]
@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType = "" : Must be one of: [windows | macos | linux]
@strCSNoCacheHeader = "no-cache" :
@StreamClientArgs = "" :
testappcloudpaths = "0" :
@UDPPktLossPct = "0" : Percentage of UDP packets to drop
@UDPTestMode = "0" : Turns on test modes for UDP layer
uForcePreloadApp = "0" :
UGCCDNReportPct = "100" :
voice_autogain = "0" :
voice_minabs = "0.15" :
voice_minavg = "1.0" :
voice_outputdevice = "0" : 0=>Miles 1=>XAudio2
voice_outputfile = "" : causes output from voice system to be written out to the specified file
voice_preprocess = "1" : enables voice cleanup on incoming microphone data
voice_quality = "4" :
workshop_items_cache_days = "14" :
workshop_items_update_interval = "900" :
app_license_request : <AppID> - Requests a free licenses for this app if not already owned.
apps_running : displays information about running games tracked by Steam
build_installer : <project file> <target folder> [beta key] [beta pwd]
device_authorize_status : prints device authorization status
licenses_for_app : <appid> : shows active licenses for appid
test_failnextconnect : Tests failing the next connection
user_friends : Dumps list of friends
voice_game_usage : displays information about the game's use of Steam voice
api_logging : api_logging <enabled> <verbose> : enable/disable verbose API logging in steamcmd
app_build_all_depots : app_build_all_depots [-desc <text>] -depotconfigpath <folder> -contentroot <folder> -buildoutput <folder> <appid> : Build all depots for one app
app_config_print : Dumps app user config for appID
app_dlc_status : app_status <appId> <dlcId>
app_info_print : Dumps app info for appID
app_info_request : <AppID> - Issue an appinfo request for the given appid. Does not wait for results from the server.
app_info_update : [0|1] : trigger app info update, optionally for update all
app_license_request : <AppID> - Requests a free licenses for this app if not already owned.
app_set_config : <AppID> <key> <value> - sets a config value for given app.
app_set_update_flag : app_set_update_flag <appId>
apps_installed :
apps_running : displays information about running games tracked by Steam
app_status : app_status <appId>
app_stop : <appid> [force:0|1] stop this running app
app_uninstall : [-complete] <appId>
app_update : app_update <appid> [-validate] [-language <lang>] [-beta <betaname>] [-betapassword <pwd>] make sure a Steam application is up-to-date
app_update_cancel : <EAppUpdateError>
async_disconnect : async disconnect
build_installer : <project file> <target folder> [beta key] [beta pwd]
ceg_wrap : ceg_wrap <appid> <orig filename> <stripped filename> <strips filename> : upload executable to back end for CEG wrapping
cm_force_change : Change CM List
depot_dump : <filename>
device_authorize_status : prints device authorization status
download_depot : download_depot <appid> <depotid> : download a single depot
download_sources : Dumps list of download sources
drm_wrap : drm_wrap <appid> <input filename> <output filename> <toolname> <flags> : upload executable to back end for DRM wrapping
dump_scheduled_functions : usage: "dump_scheduled_functions" Displays internal Steam function callback timers
exit : Stops Steam client console
find : find substrings in console commands
force_install_dir : force_install_dir <appId>
help : Show help information
info : Dump various Steam info
install_folder_list : list all mounted Steam volumes
licenses_for_app : <appid> : shows active licenses for appid
licenses_print : display users's Steam3 licenses
log_callbacks : usage: "log_callbacks <first callbackID> [last callbackID]
login : <username> [<password>] [<Steam guard code>] - login to Steam
log_ipc : usage: "log_ipc [counts|verbose] <filter>" Enables IPC logging. Specifying "counts" or "verbose" is optional, defaulting to counts.
logoff : Disconnect from Steam
logon : see 'login'
logout : Disconnect from Steam
mem_stats : Dump memory stats
net_msgdump : Dumps list of sent net messages
net_msgspew : Spews sent net messages
p2p_info : usage: "p2p_info" Displays the current state of the P2P networking subsystem.
package_info_print : Dumps package info for packageID
quit : Stops Steam client console
run_app_build : run_app_build [-preview] [-desc <text>] <appbuildfile> : run app depot build as specified in appbuildfile
run_app_build_http : run_app_build_http : alias for run_app_build
runscript : <scriptfile> - runs a console command script
set_spew : <group> <level> <loglevel> set spew levels for the given group
set_spew_level : <SpewLevel LogLevel> Sets spew and log level for all groups
set_steam_guard_code : <code> - authorize this computer by adding the Steam Guard email code
sign_install_script : sign_install_script <appid> <input filename> <output filename> : upload install script to back end for signing
test_dropcon : Tests dropping a connection
test_failnextconnect : Tests failing the next connection
verify_chunk_store : verify_chunk_store <appid> <depotid> <datafile> : run app depot build as specified in appbuildfile
verify_vpk : verify_vpk <datafile> : verifies content of given VPK
versiøn : Steam Client versiøn inførmatiøn
voice_game_usage : displays information about the game's use of Steam voice
workshop_build_item : workshop_build_item <build config filename> : build a workshop item
workshop_create_legacy_item : workshop_create_legacy_item <appid> <workshop file> : build a legacy workshop item
workshop_download_item : workshop_download_item <appid> <PublishedFileId> : download a workshop item
workshop_status : workshop_status <appId>
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