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Last active December 20, 2021 18:19
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Reverse engineer existing Oracle tables to Quick SQL
l_prefix varchar2(15) := 'EBA_DBTOOLS';
l_spaces varchar2(10) := ' '; -- use ' ' in web
l_enter varchar2(10) := CHR(10); -- use '<br/>' in web
l_constraint varchar2(500);
for t in (select t.table_name,
case when m.comments is not null then ' [' || replace(replace(replace(m.comments,'[','{'),']','}'),CHR(10)) ||']' end as comments
from user_tables t, user_tab_comments m,
(select max(lvl) as lvl, table_name
(select level as lvl, table_name, rpad('_', (level-1)*2, '_') || table_name as tbl
from (
select a.table_name, a.constraint_name pkey_constraint, b.constraint_name fkey_constraint, b.r_constraint_name
from user_constraints a, user_constraints b
where a.table_name = b.table_name (+)
and a.constraint_type = 'P'
and b.constraint_type (+) = 'R'
and a.table_name like l_prefix || '%'
start with fkey_constraint is null
connect by prior pkey_constraint = r_constraint_name
group by table_name
) o
where t.table_name = m.table_name (+)
and t.table_name = o.table_name (+)
and t.table_name like l_prefix || '%'
order by o.lvl, t.table_name
sys.htp.prn(l_enter || l_enter || lower(replace(t.table_name,l_prefix||'_')) || t.comments );
for c in (select c.column_name, c.data_type, c.data_length, c.data_precision, c.data_scale,
c.nullable, c.default_length, c.data_default,
case when to_char(c.data_length) is not null and (c.data_type = 'NUMBER')
then c.data_type || '(' || to_char(c.data_length) || ',' || nvl(c.data_precision,0) ||')'
when c.data_type in ('BLOB','CLOB','DATE')
then c.data_type
when to_char(c.data_length) is not null
then c.data_type || '(' || to_char(c.data_length) ||')'
else c.data_type
end as data_type_length,
case when m.comments is not null then ' [' || replace(replace(replace(m.comments,'[','{'),']','}'),CHR(10)) ||']' end as comments
from user_tab_columns c, user_col_comments m
where c.table_name = t.table_name
and c.column_name not in ('ID', 'CREATED_BY', 'CREATION_DATE', 'UPDATED_BY', 'UPDATE_DATE')
and c.table_name = m.table_name (+)
and c.column_name = m.column_name (+)
order by c.column_id
l_constraint := '';
for u in (select b.table_name, b.column_name, a.constraint_type, a.search_condition,
replace(a.r_constraint_name,'_PK') as r_constraint_name,
(select replace(i.table_name,l_prefix||'_','') from user_constraints i where i.constraint_name = a.r_constraint_name) as pk_table_name
from user_constraints a, user_cons_columns b
where a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name
and b.table_name = t.table_name
and b.column_name = c.column_name
and a.constraint_type in ('U','R','C')
if u.constraint_type = 'U'
l_constraint := l_constraint || ' /unique';
elsif u.constraint_type = 'R'
l_constraint := l_constraint || ' /fk ' || u.pk_table_name;
elsif u.constraint_type = 'C' and u.search_condition like '%NOT NULL%'
l_constraint := l_constraint || ' /nn';
elsif u.constraint_type = 'C'
l_constraint := l_constraint || ' /check ' || replace(substr(replace(replace(replace(u.search_condition,CHR(10),' '),CHR(13),' '),' ', ' '),instr(replace(replace(replace(u.search_condition,CHR(10),' '),CHR(13),' '),' ', ' '),'(')+1),')','');
end if;
end loop;
sys.htp.prn(l_enter || l_spaces || rpad(lower(c.column_name),30, ' ') || ' ' || lower(c.data_type_length) || ' ' || l_constraint || c.comments);
end loop;
end loop;
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