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Created July 17, 2018 08:20
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PHP Best Practices

PHP Best Practices

Principles and rules

All code must follow:

  • Clean Code by Uncle Bob.
  • DRY, KISS and SOLID.
  • Continuous refactor. If you edit a method clean it: Boy scout rule.

Coding styles

  • All files PHP files must be styled with PSR-1, PSR-2.
  • Maximum number of method lines: 25.
    • Except for long queries in Repository, if no reason to split, and test provider(!) methods.
  • Maximum number of class lines: 1000.
  • Maximum line length 120 chars.
  • Multiline IF condition is not allowed -> move it to a method or variable.
  • if ($var) allowed only if $var is a boolean


if (count(stringVar) > 0)
if (empty(stringVar))

Not allowed:

if ($stringVar)
if ($integerVar)
if ($objecctVar)
  • Always add full DocBlock for all classes and all methods. (PSR-5)

  • Add an empty line before return statements to increase code clarity, except when the return is alone inside a statement group (such as an if statement).

  • Follow this PHP, JS, CSS Coding Standard

Naming things

  • Use english names only (variable, class, file, etc…)
  • All variable must be $lowerCamelCase. Underscore is not allowed.
  • All method names must be a verb
  • If the return type is a boolean the name must be start with "is" or "has"

Common rules

  • Don't use static:: if you don’t want to use late static binding (use self::).
  • Don't use DateTime (not immutable), use only the DateTimeImmutable class.
  • Don't use any new keyword in Services / Repos or a factory method.
    • All of them must be in the action and inject the through constructor with PHP-DI.
    • Expect for: value objects, entities and parameter objects.
  • Built in functions are allowed to use in any class level, they are mockable with PHPUnit function mocker.
  • Don't use any kind of reflection.
  • Don't use traits. Composition or inheritance is a way better solution.
  • Don't use " (double quote) for strings (use sprintf for insert variable to a string).
  • Don't use superglobals in any low level class (if it's possible don't use it anywhere).
  • Class methods should be grouped in the class by the scope, order: public, protected, private.
  • All acceptable method parameters must be used.
  • Import every class in the beginning of the file (no fully qualified class inside in any class) not even if it is a type hint.
    • Only exception is the PHPUnit annotation, fully qualified necessary (known bug in PHPUnit).
  • Use static code analysis to detect bugs and error. For example: phpstan and the PHPStorm Code Inspector (Code > Inspect code...).

Dependency injection

  • Direction: Controller / Action > Service > Repository.
  • A Constructor can accept only dependencies as object.
  • Scalar data types (string, int, float, array) are not allowed. Pass them as parameter object.


  • No (business) logic allowed, expect for request data validation.
  • This method can have only one service call after the validation. If you have to handle multiple service calls, you can require other services in the called service.
  • Always use plural names for your controllers - for examples CarsController.
  • If you want to use versions for your API, just create a subdirectory inside the Controllers folder.


  • Move your business logic to services - in that way you will isolate them and you will be able to treat them as ports and adapters.
  • All dependencies must be injected via constructor injection.
  • If two methods are using completely different dependencies they must be separated into other service: SRP.
  • A Service can accept another Service as an dependency.
  • Client side only validation not allowed. All requests must be validated in the Service layer (backend).
  • If the validation is very complex, move the validation to a special validation class.


  • No transactions in a repository, must be handled in higher level (Service).
  • One method can execute one query.
  • The return value can be primitive/object or list (array) of them.
  • If you have more than one parameter for select method, you can create a custom method.
  • sprintf for SQL is not allowed. Use prepared statements or a query builder.
  • Always use singular names for your repositories - for example CustomerRepository.

Method naming rules

  • getById(id)

    • Must return an object
    • No match throws a DomainException (Domain means data domain here. Read more)
  • findByEmail(email):

    • Will return [] (can be empty array)
  • create(UserEntity $userEntity):

    • Parameter must be the object, filled up and id=null


  • An object with data and id. Read more
  • An entity does not necessarily have to be immutable.
  • Use it to represent a database table or an object that corresponds to a database table. Big things like Customer, Ship, Rental Agreement.

Value Object

  • Must be immutable
  • Can only be filled using the constructor.
  • setter methods are not allowed.
  • A getter method name does not contain a a get prefix. example: public function email(): string { return $this->email; }
  • wither methods are allowed. Example public function withEmail(string $email): self { ... }
  • If you have to change a data, you have to create a new entity object (with new name, because it has changed).
  • All properties must be protected or private accessed by the getter methods.
  • Use it for little things like Date, Money, CustomerId. Responsible for keeping their state consistent 1.

Parameter Object

  • You have a group of parameters that naturally go together. Replace them with an object. Read more

Type Hinting

  • All methods must have type hinting (without return add : void as type hint)

  • Methods without return statement must declared with void as their return type.

  • Don't mix data types for parameters and return types. (Except for nullable)

  • Allowed return type hints:

    • integer: int
    • float: float
    • string: string
    • class: SomeClass
    • array: array (Use it as rarely as possible)
    • integer as array: int[]
    • float as array: float[]
    • string as array: string[]
    • bool as array: bool[]
    • class as array (list): SomeClass[]


  • One method can have more than one assert.

  • A test method should start with test for example testInstance().

  • Method names should be separated in 3 parts: method name, what the method do and what will be the result.

    • testApiCallTthrowExpection
    • testApiCallPerfect
    • testApiCallReturnFalse
  • If something is annotable, annotate it (like @expectedException)

  • Add @coversDefaultClass to the test class. Test only ene class per test class.

  • Don’t add @covers to a test method DocBlock. Xdebug will detect it correctly for you.


  • Changes that belong together should also be committed together. Don't create micro commits.
  • Create a feature branch for each new feature / bugix / pull request.


  • Do not commit any prod, staging, test or dev password, token or auth related keys. NO EXCEPTION!
  • Don't use .env files (for security reasons). Use a env.php file instead.
  • Create a env.php file for each server environment (dev, staging, test, prod). Each file has its own values.



  • Todo


  • Todo
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