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Barron's: Let's Review Chemistry (6th edition)

Barron's: Let's Review Chemistry (6th edition, 2017)

590 pages

Concepts with notations (are they within Intent Core?)


  1. minus
  2. plus
  3. times
  4. power
  5. smaller-than
  6. smaller-or-equal
  7. greater-than
  8. greater-or-equal
  9. equal
  10. fraction
  11. ratio
  12. plus-or-minus ±
  13. thousands-separator ? or is it 238,000 vs 238,000
  14. percent
  15. cancel (for )
  16. maps-to (→)
  17. unknown (<mi>???</mi>)
  18. change (<mo>Δ</mo>)
  19. degrees (°)
  20. divide (<mo>/</mo>)
  21. approximately-equal ≈
  22. blank (<mi>_</mi>)
  23. absolute-value
  24. embellished-name ( $|q|_{\text{lost}}$, $|q|_{\text{gained}}$, see page 120)
  25. summation
  26. range ($0.0-0.4$) - is this different from intent value "interval"?
  27. ellipsis
  28. obtained-from? (, inverse to "maps-to")

chemistry, physics

  1. yields (→) - IUPAC nomenclature ? net-forward-reaction?
  2. reaction-in-both-directions ? (⇆)
  3. aqueous (aq)
  4. solid (s)
  5. liquid (l)
  6. gas (g)
  7. isotope
    • multiscripted notation with optional arguments

      <math display="block">
        <mmultiscripts intent="isotope($base,$count)">
          <mi arg="base" intent="carbon">C</mi>
          <mn arg="count">6</mn>
    • also:

      <math display="block">
        <mmultiscripts intent="isotope($base, $count, $mass)">
          <mi arg="base" intent="carbon">C</mi>
          <mn arg="count" intent=":atomic-number">6</mn>
          <mn arg="mass" intent=":mass-number">13</mn>
  8. positive-charge (1+, $Na^{+}$, "a $2^+$ ion")
  9. negative-charge (1- , $O^{2-}$)
  10. positive-or-negative-charge ($4±$)
  11. oxidation-number (+2)
  12. proton ($p^+$)
  13. electron ($e^-$)
  14. neutron ($n$)
  15. avogadros-number ($N_A$)
  16. molar-mass (M)
  17. hydrate (⋅)
  18. enthalpy (H)
  19. entropy (S)
  20. atmosphere (atm)
  21. heat-of-vaporization ($H_v$)
  22. molar-gas-constant (R)
  23. molar-volume ($V_m$)
  24. heat-of-fusion ($H_f$)
  25. pressure (P)
    • should $P_A$, $P_B$ (if fully annotated) be read pressure-cap-a, pressure-cap-b ?
    • similarly $M_A$, $M_B$ (if fully annotated) be read molar-mass-cap-a, molar-mass-cap-b ?
    • note $P_A = 1 \mathrm{k}\mathrm{Pa}$ is potentially confusing if both P are spoken "cap p", rather than "pressure-A is equal to one kilo pascal"
  26. single-bond (-,|,\,/, :covalent-bond)
  27. double-bond (=, :covalent-bond)
  28. triple-bond (, :covalent-bond)
  29. dipole-force (written used as with single-bond)
  30. electron-shell (for :orbital-diagram)
  31. spin-up-electron ( for :orbital-diagram)
  32. spin-down-electron ( for :orbital-diagram)
  33. spin-up-and-spin-down-electrons ( for :orbital-diagram)
  34. molarity ($0.5 M$ read as 0.5 molar)
  35. molality ($0.5 m$ read as 0.5 molal)
  36. elevated-boiling-point (+, page 357)
  37. lowered-freezing-point (-, page 357)
  38. boiling-point-constant ($k_b$)
  39. freezing-point-constant ($k_f$)
  40. reversible-reaction
  41. concentration [ $1 ]
  42. equilibrium-constant $K_{\mathrm{eq}}$
  43. solubility-product-constant $K_{\mathrm{sp}}$
  44. substance-reacted (-, page 385)
  45. substance-formed (+, page 385)
  46. standard-reduction-potential ($E^\degree$)
  47. half-reaction | (page 449)
  48. volume (V)
  49. reaction (rxn)


  • iron (<mi mathvariant="normal">Fe</mi>)
  • hydrogen (<mi mathvariant="normal">H</mi>)
  • chlorine (<mi mathvariant="normal">Cl</mi>)
  • carbon (<mi mathvariant="normal">C</mi>)
  • sodium (<mi mathvariant="normal">Na</mi>)
  • variable? (<mi mathvariant="normal">X</mi>)
  • (also: Li, K, Rb, Ca, Fr, Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra, F, Br, I, At, Ts, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn, Og, U, Cu, P, Al, S, Pb, O, H, N, Ag, ...)
  • ...

other physical constants

page 511, appendix 2

  1. boltzman-constant (k)
  2. elementary-charge (e)
  3. speed-of-light (c)
  4. planck-constant (h)
  5. proton-mass ($m_p$)
  6. netron-mass ($m_n$)
  7. electron-mass ($m_e$)
  8. triple-point-of-water ($T_{tr}$)
  9. standard-temperature-and-pressure (STP)


  1. :scientific-notation ( $M \times 10^n$ )
    • associated :mantissa, :exponent
  2. :group
    • parentheticals? Or is it intent values of paren-group, bracket-group, brace-group,...
    • NOTE: a chemistry detail is that a numeric subscript means "count", as in $\mathrm{Fe}(\mathrm{N}\mathrm{O}_3)_2$.
  3. :derivation (multi-line aligned derivation, page 22)
  4. :molecular-formula ($H_2 O$)
    • associated (in scripts): :atomic-number, :mass-number, :charge?, :number-of-atoms
    • near-aliases are :ionic-formula, :empirical-formula
  5. :chemical-equation
  6. :system-of-equations
  7. :lewis-diagram or :lewis-structure
    • using pre/post over/under electron affixes via ︰ ‥ etc. page 223, 274
  8. :electron-configuration
    • e.g. $1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 4s^2 3d^{10} 4p^5$ (page 228)
    • but also abbreviated with dashed coefficients as in $2-8-1$
  9. :orbital-diagram (page 299)
  10. :structural-formula (potentially <mtable>)


  1. "per" -
    • a little subtle? it can be posed as both division or multiplication (with inverted power)
  2. :si:unit (including derived?)
    • meter (m)
    • picometer (pm)
    • nanometer (nm)
    • millimeter (mm)
    • centimeter (cm)
    • decimeter (dm)
    • grams (g)
    • kilogram (kg)
    • microgram (µg)
    • mole (mol)
    • ampere (A)
    • coulomb (C)
    • liter (L)
    • milliliter (mL)
    • candela (cd)
    • joule (J)
    • pascal (Pa)
    • kilopascal (kPa)
    • volt (V)
  3. :temperature:unit
    • kelvin (K)
    • celsius (C)
      • :temperature-reading written °C (see page 113)
      • :temperature-change written C° (see page 113)
  4. :imperial:unit
    • pound (lb)
    • inch (in.)
  5. :time/:datetime :unit
    • second (s)
    • minute (min)
    • hour (h)
    • day (d)
    • year (y)
  6. :classic:unit
    • atomic-mass-unit (u or amu)
    • parts-per-million (ppm)
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