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Created January 28, 2022 19:11
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Write MrSID to GeoTIFF with open-source software in Python
This is my workflow to write NAIP imagery from proprietary '.sid' format to geotiff ('.tif'), with some tricks to make rendering in a GIS faster.
Get MrSID Software Kit from, unzip.
Create a python environment with necessary dependencies (i.e. GDAL). Recommend conda
`conda create -n myenv python=3.7`
`conda activate meenv`
`conda config --set channel_priority strict`
`conda install -c conda-forge gdal pyproj`
Download and unzip the NAIP imagery from the USDA Box site:
Modify python script
- line 11: specify location of mrsid decode binary
- line 15: specify location of conda environment
- line 20: change '12' to your UTM Zone,
The code will tile the giant .sid raster, write the tiles to .tif, and write a .vrt. Load 'catalog.vrt' to your GIS and enjoy.
import json
import os
from glob import glob
import subprocess
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, check_call, call
from pathlib import Path
from pyproj import datadir
proj_dir = datadir.get_data_dir()
_bin = '/path/to/MrSID_DSDK-'
INFO = os.path.join(_bin, 'mrsidinfo')
DECODE = os.path.join(_bin, 'mrsiddecode')
conda = '/path/to/miniconda3/envs/opnt/bin/'
TRANSLATE = os.path.join(conda, 'gdal_translate')
OVR = os.path.join(conda, 'gdaladdo')
VRT = os.path.join(conda, 'gdalbuildvrt')
GINFO = os.path.join(conda, 'gdalinfo')
PROJ = '+proj=utm +zone=12 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs'
def tile(a):
s = 60000
t = [a[x:x + s, y:y + s] for x in range(0, a.shape[0], s) for y in range(0, a.shape[1], s)]
return t
def segment_and_convert(ortho_dir):
files = []
for path in Path(ortho_dir).rglob('*.sid'):
for pos_path in files:
path = str(pos_path)
_root = os.path.dirname(path)
p = Popen([INFO, '-i', str(path)], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out = p.communicate()
s = out[0].decode('utf-8').splitlines()
w = int([x for x in s if 'width' in x][0].split()[1])
h = int([x for x in s if 'height' in x][0].split()[1])
s = 60000
t = [((x, y), (x + s, y + s)) for x in range(0, h, s) for y in range(0, w, s)]
removal = []
for elem, c in enumerate(t):
tiff = os.path.join(pos_path.parent, '{}.tif'.format(elem))
btiff = tiff.replace('.tif', '_.tif')
if os.path.exists(tiff):
print(tiff, 'exists')
elif os.path.exists(btiff):
print(btiff, 'exists')
cmd = [DECODE, '-i', str(path), '-o', tiff, '-of', 'tifg', '-wf',
'-ulxy', str(c[0][1]), str(c[0][0]),
'-lrxy', str(c[1][1]), str(c[1][0])]
print('writing', tiff)
if not os.path.exists(btiff):
cmd = [TRANSLATE, '-a_srs', PROJ, '-co', 'TILED=YES',
'-co', 'BIGTIFF=YES', tiff, btiff]
print('writing', btiff)
print('writing overviews')
cmd = [OVR, '-r', 'average', btiff]
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
l = os.path.join(_root, 'list_.txt')
f = open(l, 'w')
cmd = ['ls', '--'] + glob('{}/*_.tif'.format(_root))
call(cmd, stdout=f)
cmd = [VRT, os.path.join(_root, 'catalog.vrt'), '-input_file_list', l, '-allow_projection_difference']
for f in removal:
if __name__ == '__main__':
ortho = '/path/to/naip'
# ========================= EOF ====================================================================
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