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Created May 3, 2020 17:51
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Pushgateway powered reminders!
<!DOCTYPE html>
const PUSHGATEWAY = 'http://pushgateway:9091';
class Pushgateway {
constructor(baseUrl, instanceLabels) {
this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
this.instanceLabels = instanceLabels;
async push(metrics) {
let url = this.baseUrl + "/metrics/" +
Object.keys(this.instanceLabels).map(k => k + "/" +
return await fetch(url, {
mode: "no-cors",
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain",
body: Object.keys(metrics).map(
k => k + " " + metrics[k]).join("\n") + "\n",
let pg = new Pushgateway(PUSHGATEWAY, {
job: "reminder",
for: "Walk the dog",
<button onclick="pg.push({reminder_in_seconds: 6*3600})">Add reminder to walk the dog in 6 hours</button>
# Prometheus alert rule:
- name: reminder
- alert: TimeTo
expr: |
time() > push_time_seconds{job="reminder"}
+ reminder_in_seconds{job="reminder"}
severity: reminder
summary: "{{ $labels.for }}"
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