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Last active May 17, 2024 10:34
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A git pager that wraps less and links commits using OSC8
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# ©2023 David Leadbeater <>; SPDX-License-Identifier: 0BSD
# A git pager that wraps less and links commits, plus makes hiding things via
# backspace not work. Your terminal and less will need support for "OSC8":
=pod # Setup; run these commands:
wget &&
cp git-osc8-pager ~/bin && chmod +x ~/bin/git-osc8-pager &&
git config --global core.pager git-osc8-pager
use strict;
my $remote = (qx(git status -sb) =~ /\.\.\.([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)/)[0] || "origin";
my $remote_uri = qx{git remote get-url "$remote"};
chomp $remote_uri;
# Logic carefully arranged to work for github, sourcehut ( and gitlab.
$remote_uri =~ s/^git\@//;
$remote_uri =~ s/\.git$//;
$remote_uri =~ s!^([.\w]+):!https://$1/! unless $remote_uri =~ /^http/;
open my $less_fh, "|-", "less" or die $!;
while(<STDIN>) {
# linkify commits
s/^((?:\e\[\d+m)?commit )([a-f0-9]{40,})(.*)/$1 . url("commit", $2) . $3/e;
# Issues/PRs (github style, same repo only)
s/(^|[ ([])(\#)(\d+)([)., ]|$)/$1 . url("issues", $3, $2) . $4/eg;
# For github itself, do cross-repo links
if ($remote_uri =~ m{^}) {
s/(^|[ ([])([A-Za-z0-9-]+\/[a-zA-Z0-9-._]+)(\#)(\d+)([)., ]|$)/$1 . repo_url($2, "issues", $4, $3) . $5/eg;
s/(^|[ ([])(GH-)(\d+)([)., ]|$)/$1 . url("issues", $3, $2) . $4/eg;
# show backspaces
print $less_fh $_ or exit 1;
sub url {
my($type, $id, $extra) = @_;
return "\e]8;;" . $remote_uri . "/$type/$id\a" . $extra . $id . "\e]8;;\a";
sub repo_url {
my($repo, $type, $id, $extra) = @_;
return "\e]8;;" . $repo . "/$type/$id\a" . $repo . $extra . $id . "\e]8;;\a";
Copy link

dgl commented Jul 31, 2023

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