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Created July 30, 2020 20:54
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using Plots, DataFrames, CSV, Statistics
## Get positions for each state
# From https=> //
state_posx = Dict("ak"=> (0, 0), "me"=> (0, 10),"gu"=> (7, 0), "vi"=> (7, 9), "pr"=> (7, 8), "mp"=> (7, 1),
"vt"=> (1, 9), "nh"=> (1, 10),"wa"=> (2, 0), "id"=> (2, 1), "mt"=> (2, 2), "nd"=> (2, 3), "mn"=> (2, 4),
"il"=> (2, 5), "wi"=> (2, 6), "mi"=> (2, 7), "ny"=> (2, 8), "ri"=> (2, 9), "ma"=> (2, 10),"or"=> (3, 0),
"nv"=> (3, 1), "wy"=> (3, 2), "sd"=> (3, 3), "ia"=> (3, 4), "in"=> (3, 5), "oh"=> (3, 6), "pa"=> (3, 7),
"nj"=> (3, 8), "ct"=> (3, 9), "ca"=> (4, 0), "ut"=> (4, 1), "co"=> (4, 2), "ne"=> (4, 3), "mo"=> (4, 4),
"ky"=> (4, 5), "wv"=> (4, 6), "va"=> (4, 7), "md"=> (4, 8), "de"=> (4, 9), "az"=> (5, 1), "nm"=> (5, 2),
"ks"=> (5, 3), "ar"=> (5, 4), "tn"=> (5, 5), "nc"=> (5, 6), "sc"=> (5, 7), "dc"=> (5, 8), "ok"=> (6, 3),
"la"=> (6, 4), "ms"=> (6, 5), "al"=> (6, 6), "ga"=> (6, 7), "hi"=> (7, 0), "tx"=> (7, 3), "fl"=> (7, 7))
## Downloaded from
# on 2020-07-30
# MD5 (rt.csv) = 5bf496e12311b32a3b2979ba403fcfff
data ="rt.csv")
## Check that we can map all states in the data
states = unique(data.region)
map(x -> state_posx[lowercase(x)], states)
## Look at data as of May 1
df = filter(row -> >= Dates.Date("2020-05-01"), data)
## Extract state-by-date data as a matrix.
# There is probably a better way of doing this...
function build_state_by_date_matrix(df, col::Symbol; states=nothing)
if states == nothing
states = sort(unique(df.region))
dates = sort(unique(
state2index = Dict( states .=> 1:length(states) )
date2index = Dict( dates .=> 1:length(dates) )
X = Array{Union{Missing, Float64}}(undef, length(state2index), length(date2index))
for row in eachrow(df)
if haskey(state2index, row.region)
X[ state2index[row.region], date2index[] ] = row[col]
return X, states, dates
X, Xs, Xd = build_state_by_date_matrix(df, :median)
## Animate the results with the media Rt value
using Measures
function make_anim(X, states, dates; kwargs...)
state_coords = map(st -> state_posx[lowercase(st)], states)
ycoords = -map(first, state_coords)
xcoords = map(x -> x[2], state_coords)
anim = @animate for (i,date) in enumerate(dates)
scatter(xcoords, ycoords, marker=:square,
markerstrokewidth=0, size=(800,550),
marker_z = X[:,i],legend=false; kwargs...)
annotate!(collect(zip(xcoords, ycoords, Plots.text.(states, :white))))
return anim
# This centers the Rt values at 1 and shows higher ones in purple
# and lower ones (good ones) in green.
anim = make_anim(X, Xs, Xd; color=cgrad(:PRGn_11, rev=true), clim=(0.7, 1.3))
gif(anim, "rt-vals.gif", fps=3)
## Now shows positive test fractions
P = build_state_by_date_matrix(df, :new_cases)[1]
T, S, D = build_state_by_date_matrix(df, :new_tests)
Pf =clamp!(P ./ (T .+ 1), 0, 1)
anim = make_anim(Pf, S, D; color=cgrad(:thermal, rev=true), clim=(0.05, 0.15))
gif(anim, "posf-vals.gif", fps=3)
# Too noisy!
## Need moving averages!
moving_average(vs,n) = [sum(@view vs[i:(i+n-1)])/n for i in 1:(length(vs)-(n-1))]
nday = 7
Pa = copy(hcat(moving_average.(eachcol(P'), nday)...)')
Ta = copy(hcat(moving_average.(eachcol(T'), nday)...)')
Pf = clamp!(Pa ./ Ta, 0, 1)
Da = D[nday:end]
anim = make_anim(Pf, S, Da; colorbar=true,color=cgrad(:thermal, rev=true), clim=(0.05, 0.15), )
gif(anim, "posf-mov-vals.gif", fps=3)
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