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Created August 27, 2014 12:46
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Heat Kernel Based Community Detection
# Heat Kernel Based Community Detection
# by Kyle Kloster and David F. Gleich
# supported by NSF award CCF-1149756.
# This demo shows our algorithm running on the Twitter graph.
# Our other codes are available from David's website:
# To use this demo, you need pylibbvg graph by David Gleich, Wei-Yen Day, and
# Yongyang Yu (heavily based on webgraph by Sebastiano Vigna -- he did all the
# fundamental work!) as well as the symmetrized version of the twitter graph.
# If you are on a mac or linux, run
# pip install pylibbvg
# wget
# wget
# wget
# Then, as long as these files are in your directory, our code will run!
# You need about 4-5GB of space and memory to run this demo.
import sys
import math
import bvg
import collections
import time
import random
def compute_psis(N,t):
psis = {}
psis[N] = 1.
for i in xrange(N-1,0,-1):
psis[i] = psis[i+1]*t/(float(i+1.))+1.
return psis
start = time.time()
print "Loading graph ..."
G = bvg.BVGraph('twitter-2010-symm',1)
print " ... done! %.1f seconds"%(time.time() - start)
print "\n"
print "Twitter graph has"
print "nodes: %i"%(G.nverts)
print "edges: %i"%(G.nedges)
print "\nt = 15"
print "eps = 10^-4\n"
Gvol = G.nedges
## Setup parameters that can be computed automatically
N = 47 # see paper for how to set this automatically
t = 15.
eps = 0.0001
psis = compute_psis(N,t)
x = {}
r = {}
currun = 0
while 1:
if currun%15==0:
# print out the header
print "%10s %5s %4s %4s %7s %7s %7s"%(
'seed ID','degree','time','cond','edges','nnz','setsize')
currun += 1
randiseed = random.randint(1, len(G))
seed = [randiseed]
start = time.time()
## Estimate hkpr vector
# This is our main algorithm.
# G is a networkx graph, or something that implements the same
# interface
# t, tol, N, psis are precomputed
# npush tracks number of operations
x = {} # Store x, r as dictionaries
r = {} # initialize residual
Q = collections.deque() # initialize queue
npush = 0.
for s in seed:
r[(s,0)] = 1./len(seed)
npush += len(seed)
while len(Q) > 0:
(v,j) = Q.popleft() # v has r[(v,j)] ...
rvj = r[(v,j)]
# perform the hk-relax step
if v not in x: x[v] = 0.
x[v] += rvj
r[(v,j)] = 0.
update = rvj/G.out_degree(v)
mass = (t/(float(j)+1.))*update
for u in G[v]: # for neighbors of v
next = (u,j+1) # in the next block
if j+1 == N:
x[u] += update
if next not in r: r[next] = 0.
thresh = math.exp(t)*eps*G.out_degree(u)
thresh = thresh/(N*psis[j+1])
if r[next] < thresh and \
r[next] + mass >= thresh:
Q.append(next) # add u to queue
r[next] = r[next] + mass
npush += G.out_degree(v)
## Step 2 do a sweep cut based on this vector
# Find cluster, first normalize by degree
for v in x: x[v] = x[v]/G.out_degree(v)
# now sort x's keys by value, decreasing
sv = sorted(x.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
S = set()
volS = 0.
cutS = 0.
bestcond = 1.
bestset = sv[0]
for p in sv:
s = p[0] # get the vertex
volS += G.out_degree(s) # add degree to volume
for v in G[s]:
if v in S:
cutS -= 1
cutS += 1
if cutS/min(volS,Gvol-volS) < bestcond:
bestcond = cutS/min(volS,Gvol-volS)
bestset = set(S) # make a copy
# print out the info on this cluster
print "%10i %5i %4.2f %4.2f %7i %7i %7i"%(
seed[0], G.out_degree(seed[0]),
time.time()-start, bestcond,
npush, len(x), len(bestset))
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