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Forked from ericacm/MessageSequence.scala
Last active October 28, 2015 21:25
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Implements the Message Sequence pattern from EIP (
package akka.contrib.pattern
import java.util.UUID
import{Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, Cancellable}
import akka.serialization.SerializationExtension
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
object MessageSequence {
val MaxFrameSizePropName = "akka.remote.netty.tcp.maximum-frame-size"
private[akka] case class Start(id: String, sender: ActorRef, totalSize: Int, chunks: Int,
serializerId: Int, clazz: Class[_ <: AnyRef])
private case class Progress(start: Start, bytes: Array[Byte], timeout: Cancellable)
private case class Chunk(id: String, chunkNumber: Int, bytes: Array[Byte])
private case class ChunkTimeout(id: String)
* This message is sent to the sender after chunking is complete and the
* original message is added to recipient's mailbox. If message ordering is important then
* the next message to the recipient should not be sent until after this is received.
* @param id The ID of the chunking session. This will match the value returned by sendChunked().
case class Complete(id: String)
* Sent if a partially completed chunking session times out.
* @param id The ID of the chunking session. This will match the value returned by sendChunked().
case class Timeout(id: String)
* Implementation of the Message Sequence pattern from EIP
* ( for sending messages larger than
* akka.remote.netty.tcp.maximum-frame-size.
* Mix this trait into the actors sending and receiving the large messages.
* To send, use `sendChunked(to, message)` instead of `to ! message`.
* To receive, use
* {{{
* def receive = receiveChunks orElse {
* case ...
* }
* }}}
trait MessageSequence { this: Actor with ActorLogging =>
import MessageSequence._
private implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = context.system.dispatcher
private val serialization = SerializationExtension(context.system)
private var inFlight = mutable.AnyRefMap.empty[String, Progress]
val chunkSize = calcChunkSize
* A partially finished chunking session will timeout after this interval. Override as required.
val chunkingTimeout: FiniteDuration = 1.hour
def receiveChunks: Receive = {
case s: Start =>
inFlight += -> new Progress(s, new Array[Byte](s.totalSize), scheduleTimeout(
case chunk @ Chunk(id, chunkNumber, bytes) =>
inFlight.get(id) match {
case None => logMissingInFlight(id)
case Some(progress) =>
log.debug(s"Received #${chunkNumber+1}/${progress.start.chunks} in $id")
val offset = chunkNumber * chunkSize
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, progress.bytes, offset, bytes.length)
if (chunkNumber == progress.start.chunks - 1) {
} else {
inFlight += id -> progress.copy(timeout = scheduleTimeout(id))
case ChunkTimeout(id) =>
inFlight.get(id) match {
case None => logMissingInFlight(id)
case Some(progress) =>
log.warning(s"Chunk timed out: ${}")
inFlight -= id
self ! Timeout(id)
private def completeChunking(progress: Progress): Unit = {
deserialize(progress.bytes, progress.start.serializerId, progress.start.clazz) match {
case Failure(ex) => log.error(s"Exception deserializing ${}: ${ex.getMessage}", ex)
case Success(obj) =>
self.tell(obj, progress.start.sender)
progress.start.sender ! Complete(
inFlight -=
def deserialize(bytes: Array[Byte], serializerId: Int, clazz: Class[_ <: AnyRef]): Try[AnyRef] = {
serialization.deserialize(bytes, serializerId, Some(clazz))
def serialize(obj: AnyRef): (Array[Byte], Int) = {
val serializer = serialization.findSerializerFor(obj)
(serializer.toBinary(obj), serializer.identifier)
def generateId: String = UUID.randomUUID.toString
def sendChunked(to: ActorRef, obj: AnyRef): String = sendChunked(to, obj, self)
def sendChunked(to: ActorRef, obj: AnyRef, from: ActorRef): String = {
val (bytes, start) = startChunked(from, to, obj)
sendRange(to, start, bytes, 0, start.chunks)
private[akka] def startChunked(snd: ActorRef, to: ActorRef, obj: AnyRef): (Array[Byte], Start) = {
val (bytes, serializerId) = serialize(obj)
val totalSize = bytes.length
val add = if (totalSize % chunkSize == 0) 0 else 1
val numChunks = totalSize / chunkSize + add
val id = generateId
val start = Start(id, snd, totalSize, numChunks, serializerId, obj.getClass)
log.debug(s"Sending chunked ${obj.getClass.getName} to $to, size=$totalSize bytes, id=$id")
to ! start
(bytes, start)
private[akka] def sendRange(to: ActorRef, start: Start, bytes: Array[Byte], beginChunk: Int, endChunk: Int) {
var chunkNum = beginChunk
while (chunkNum < endChunk) {
val begin = chunkNum * chunkSize
val end = Math.min(begin + chunkSize, start.totalSize)
val chunkBytes = java.util.Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, begin, end)
val chunk = Chunk(, chunkNum, chunkBytes)
to ! chunk
chunkNum += 1
private def calcChunkSize: Int = {
val (baseChunkBytes, _) = serialize(Chunk("", 0, new Array[Byte](512)))
val maxFrameSize = context.system.settings.config.getBytes(MaxFrameSizePropName).toInt
maxFrameSize - baseChunkBytes.length
private def logMissingInFlight(id: String) =
log.error(s"Unexpected chunking $id. Currently in-flight: ${inFlight.keys}")
private def scheduleTimeout(id: String): Cancellable =
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(chunkingTimeout, self, ChunkTimeout(id))
implicit class ActorRefSendChunked(to: ActorRef) {
def tellChunked(msg: AnyRef, from: ActorRef) = sendChunked(to, msg, from)
def tellChunked(msg: AnyRef) = sendChunked(to, msg)
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