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Created June 27, 2011 16:04
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// How to use
require 'Validation.php';
$validation = new Validation;
$validation->before_label = '<strong>';
$validation->after_label = '</strong>';
$erros = $validation->validate( $validacoes = array(
'campanha' => array('trim', 'required', 'minlength[3]', 'maxlength[50]'),
'cliente' => array('trim', 'required'),
'chapeu' => array('trim', 'required', 'minlength[3]', 'maxlength[45]'),
'chamada' => array('trim', 'required', 'minlength[3]', 'maxlength[45]'),
'url' => array('trim', 'required', 'minlength[5]', 'maxlength[120]', 'isURL'),
'pixel' => array('trim', 'required', 'minlength[5]', 'maxlength[120]', 'isURL'),
) );
* Classe de validacao de formularios
* PHP Version 5.2
* @category Helper
* @package Virgula
* @author Michael Granados <>
* @copyright 2011 (C) Michael Granados
* @license Creative Commons Atribuição 3.0 Brasil License
* @link
* Validate
* PHP Version 5.2
* @category Helper
* @package Virgula
* @author Michael Granados <>
* @copyright 2011 (C) Michael Granados
* @license Creative Commons Atribuição 3.0 Brasil License
* @version Release: 1.0
* @link
class Validation
public $errors_messages = array(
'required' => 'O campo [before_label]%s[after_label] é obrigatório',
'isURL' => 'O campo [before_label]%s[after_label] deve conter uma URL válida',
'minlength' => 'O tamanho do campo [before_label]%s[after_label] não pode ser menor de %s caracteres',
'maxlength' => 'O tamanho do campo [before_label]%s[after_label] não deve ter mais de %s caracteres',
public $errors;
public $before_label = '"';
public $after_label = '"';
* validate
* @param array $validation Dados que deseja validar
* @param array $args Argumentos para validar, por padrão, usa $_POST
* @static
* @return object Resultado das validacoes
public function validate(array $validation, $args = null)
if (func_num_args() == 1) {
$args = $_POST;
foreach ($validation as $key => $validations) {
$value = isset($args[$key]) ? $args[$key] : '';
$this->runValidations($value, $validations, $key);
return $this->errors;
* run_validation - run validation for each field
* @param mixed $value Value, similar to $_POST['name']
* @param array $validations Array of validations like array('trim', 'required')
* @param string $key Value to validate
* @return void
public function runValidations($value, array $validations, $key = false)
foreach ($validations as $validation) {
if (preg_match('@^\w+@', $validation, $matches)) {
if (!$matches) {
$method = $matches[0];
$args = preg_replace('@^\w+\[?@', '', $validation);
if ($args && substr($args, -1) == ']') {
$args = substr($args, 0, -1);
$args = explode(',', $args);
array_unshift($args, $value);
} else {
$args = array($value);
if (function_exists($method)) {
$value = call_user_func_array($method, $args);
} elseif ( method_exists($this, $method)
&& is_callable(array($this, $method))) {
$method = array($this, $method);
if ('filter_' === substr($method[1], 0, 7)) {
$value = call_user_func_array($method, $args);
} else {
$valid = (bool) call_user_func_array($method, $args);
if (!$valid) {
$args[0] = $key;
if (isset($this->errors_messages[$method[1]])) {
$msg = $this->errors_messages[$method[1]];
$msg = str_replace('[before_label]', $this->before_label, $msg);
$msg = str_replace('[after_label]', $this->after_label, $msg);
$this->errors[$key] = vsprintf($msg, $args);
} else {
$this->errors[$key] = 'error on ' . $method[1];
return false;
* filterOnlyDigit - filter to retrive only digits
* @param string $string String to convert
* @return string
public function filterOnlyDigit($string)
return preg_replace('@\D@', '', $string);
* required - verifies if a string is not empty
* @param string $string String to validate
* @return bool
function required($string)
return !empty($string);
* isCPF - verifies if a string is a valid CPF
* @param string $string String to validate
* @return bool
public function isCPF($string)
return (bool) String::isCPF($string);
* isEmail - verifies if a string is valid email
* @param string $string String to validate
* @return bool
public function isEmail($string)
return (bool) String::isEmail($string);
* isURL - verifies if a string is valid URL
* @param string $string String to validate
* @uses String::isURL
* @return bool
public function isURL($string)
return (bool) String::isURL($string);
* minlength - verifies if a string is shorter than
* @param string $string String to validate
* @param int $size Value min to validate
* @uses String::isURL
* @return bool
public function minlength($string, $size)
return !(strlen($string) < $size);
* maxlength - verifies if a string is larger than
* @param string $string String to validate
* @param int $size Value max to validate
* @uses String::isURL
* @return bool
public function maxlength($string, $size)
return !(strlen($string) > intval($size));
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