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Last active November 17, 2017 10:27
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  • Save dgmstuart/aa2675180ced539558a6a647223a4758 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dgmstuart/aa2675180ced539558a6a647223a4758 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rollbar groupings for swing out london
"condition": {
"all": [
"any": [
"eq": "ActionController::RoutingError",
"path": "body.trace.exception.class"
"eq": "ActiveRecord::NotFound",
"path": "body.trace.exception.class"
"eq": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +",
"path": "request.headers.User-Agent"
"fingerprint": "Bingbot 404",
"title": "Bingbot 404"
"condition": {
"all": [
"any": [
"eq": "ActionController::RoutingError",
"path": "body.trace.exception.class"
"eq": "ActiveRecord::NotFound",
"path": "body.trace.exception.class"
"eq": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; BLEXBot/1.0; +",
"path": "request.headers.User-Agent"
"fingerprint": "BLEXBot 404",
"title": "BLEXBot 404"
"condition": {
"all": [
"any": [
"eq": "ActionController::RoutingError",
"path": "body.trace.exception.class"
"eq": "ActiveRecord::NotFound",
"path": "body.trace.exception.class"
"eq": "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible;;",
"path": "request.headers.User-Agent"
"fingerprint": "RIPE spider 404",
"title": "RIPE spider 404"
"condition": {
"any": [
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/map/classes/Monday/",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/map/classes/Tuesday/",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/map/classes/Wednesday/",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/map/classes/Thursday/",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/map/classes/Friday/",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/map/classes/Saturday/",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/map/classes/Sunday/",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"fingerprint": "Outdated map class routes",
"title": "Outdated map class routes"
"condition": {
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/map/socials/",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"fingerprint": "Past map socials dates",
"title": "Past map socials dates"
"condition": {
"any": [
"contains": "/wp-login.php",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "/wp-content",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "/wp-json/",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "/xmlrpc",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "wp-admin",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"fingerprint": "WordPress identification attempts",
"title": "WordPress identification attempts"
"condition": {
"any": [
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/assets/swingoutlondon_og",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/images/swingoutlondon_og",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"fingerprint": "Outdated OpenGraph image requests",
"title": "Outdated OpenGraph image requests"
"condition": {
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/.well-known",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"fingerprint": "iOS app association checks",
"title": "iOS app association checks"
"condition": {
"any": [
"eq": "No route matches [GET] \"/contact\"",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/contact-us",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"fingerprint": "Contact page",
"title": "Contact page"
"condition": {
"all": [
"contains": "No route matches [GET] \"/assets/",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": ".css",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"fingerprint": "Old Stylesheets",
"title": "Old Stylesheets"
"condition": {
"any": [
"contains": "/.ssh",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "/id_rsa",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "/id_dsa",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"contains": "/log.php",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"fingerprint": "Attempted path traversal",
"title": "Attempted path traversal"
"condition": {
"any": [
"contains": ".php",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"fingerprint": "PHP attempts",
"title": "PHP attempts"
"condition": {
"any": [
"contains": "browserconfig.xml",
"path": "body.trace.exception.message"
"fingerprint": "browserconfig requests",
"title": "browserconfig requests"
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