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Created November 21, 2017 20:45
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import numpy as np
def ellipsoid(radii, dtype='d'):
"""Generate an ellipsoid with the specified radii.
The ellipsoid will be centered in the output, which will always
have odd dimensions. The surface of the sphere will be antialiased,
that is, a linear ramp is applied at the surface instead of a hard
edge. The size of the ramp is exactly one sample spacing, i.e. points
right on the surface will have a value of 0.5 while points that are
half a sample spacing or more from the edge, measured along the surface
normal, will have a value of 1.0 (inside) or 0.0 (outside).
# the dimensions will always be odd.
shape = [2*int(np.ceil(r))+1 for r in radii]
grid = []
flat_center = 0
for m,r in zip(shape, radii):
x = np.mgrid[0:m].astype('d')
x -= 0.5*(m-1)
x *= 1.0/r
flat_center = m*flat_center + m//2
mg = np.meshgrid(*grid,indexing='ij')
# compute radius from voxel position
distance = np.sqrt(sum(np.square(a) for a in mg))
distance.flat[flat_center] = 1.0
# approximate signed distance from the ellipsoid
vec = [x/distance*r for x,r in zip(mg,radii)]
distance -= 1.0
distance *= np.sqrt(sum(np.square(a) for a in vec))
distance.flat[flat_center] = -min(radii)
# generate a mask, use ramp to avoid discontinuity
mask = np.interp(distance, [-0.5,+0.5], [1.0, 0.0])
return mask
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