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Last active February 14, 2017 14:26
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Create a tar file with all of the missing package files
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'open3'
## To Use
## mkdir /tmp/dpkgtar
## cd /tmp/dpkgtar
## docker run -w /dpkgtar -v /tmp/dpkgtar:/dpkgtar -it cloudfoundry/cflinuxfs2 bash
## curl -o /dpkgtar/dpkgtar.rb
## ruby ./dpkgtar.rb [PACKAGES] ## eg. ghostscript libcupsfilters1 libcupsimage2 libgs9 libgs9-common libijs-0.35 libjbig2dec0 libpaper-utils libpaper1 poppler-data
## Then copy dpkgfiles.tgz to your app, and make extracting it the first thing the start command does.
packages = ARGV
_, status = Open3.capture2(*(%w(apt-get update)))
raise "Could not update packages" unless status.success?
_, status = Open3.capture2(*(%w(apt-get -fy install) + packages))
raise "Could not install packages" unless status.success?
files, status = Open3.capture2('dpkg-query', '-L', *packages)
raise "Could not find files" unless status.success?
files = files.split(/\n/)
files = files.reject{ |n| n =~ %r{/doc/} || n =~ %r{/man/} }
files = { |n| File.file?(n) }
# files.sort.each { |n| puts n }
files, status = Open3.capture2('tar', '-zcf', 'dpkgfiles.tgz', *files)
raise "Could not tar files" unless status.success?
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