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Last active June 5, 2020 11:03
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Simple Modifier for creating skeleton view using Jetpack Compose
import androidx.compose.Composable
import androidx.compose.state
import androidx.ui.animation.animate
import androidx.ui.core.ContentDrawScope
import androidx.ui.core.DrawModifier
import androidx.ui.core.Modifier
import androidx.ui.core.composed
import androidx.ui.geometry.Size
import androidx.ui.material.MaterialTheme
import androidx.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.ui.unit.dp
private val SkeletonCornerRadius = 3.dp
private const val SkeletonInitialHeightMultiplier = 1f
fun Modifier.skeleton(
shouldShowSkeleton: Boolean,
animateWidth: Boolean = false,
animateHeight: Boolean = true,
heightMultiplier: Float = SkeletonInitialHeightMultiplier,
color: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primary,
cornerRadius: Dp = SkeletonCornerRadius
): Modifier = composed {
val isInitial = state { true }
val alpha = animate(if (shouldShowSkeleton) 1f else 0f)
val initialAlpha = animate(if (isInitial.value) 0f else 1f)
val width = state { 0f }
val height = state { 0f }
val widthChanged = state { 0f }
val heightChanged = state { 0f }
if (animateWidth) {
width.value =
animate(if (width.value != widthChanged.value) widthChanged.value else width.value)
if (animateHeight) {
height.value =
animate(if (height.value != heightChanged.value) heightChanged.value else height.value)
isInitial.value = false
this + object : DrawModifier {
override fun ContentDrawScope.draw() {
if (animateWidth) {
widthChanged.value = size.width
if (animateHeight) {
heightChanged.value = size.height
if ((initialAlpha <= 1f && !shouldShowSkeleton) || alpha < 1f)
when {
alpha != 0f -> {
val widthToUse = if (animateWidth) width.value else size.width
val heightToUse = if (animateHeight) height.value else size.height
radiusX = cornerRadius.toPx().value,
radiusY = cornerRadius.toPx().value,
alpha = if (initialAlpha != 1f) initialAlpha else alpha,
size = Size(widthToUse, heightToUse * heightMultiplier)
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