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Last active December 3, 2023 23:45
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Moves all Power BI / Fabric workspaces from one premium capacity to another. Useful for when you want to migrate between a P SKU and an F SKU and cannot simply scale up/down the existing SKU
#Requires -Modules MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt
This script will move all workspace in one capacity to another capacity
File Name : Move-PowerBICapacityWorkspaces.ps1
Author : Darren Gosbell
Date : 13 Oct 2023
Move-PowerBICapacityWorkspaces -fromCapacityName "pbixmla" -toCapacityName "myf2"
function Move-PowerBICapacityWorkspaces ($fromCapacityName, $toCapacityName)
# check if we are logged in and if not login to Power BI
try {
get-powerbiaccesstoken | Out-Null
catch {
Login-PowerBI | out-null
# Get a list of all available capacities
$allCapacities = Get-PowerBICapacity
# Get the "From" capacity details
$fromCapacity = ($allCapacities | where {$_.DisplayName -eq "$fromCapacityName"} )
if ($fromCapacity -eq $null) { throw "Unable to find a capacity with the display name of: $fromCapacityName`n"}
if ($fromCapacity.State -ne "Active") {throw "The capacity $($fromCapacityName) must be active in order to move workspaces`n"}
$fromCapacityId = $fromCapacity.Id.ToString()
# get the "To" capacity details
$toCapacity = ($allCapacities | where {$_.DisplayName -eq "$toCapacityName"} )
if ($toCapacity -eq $null) { throw "Unable to find a capacity with the display name of: $toCapacityName`n"}
if ($toCapacity.State -ne "Active") {throw "The capacity $($toCapacityName) must be active in order to move workspaces`n"}
$toCapacityId = $toCapacity.Id.ToString()
if ($fromCapacity.Region -ne $toCapacity.Region) {throw "You cannot move workspaces to a capacity in a different region`nFrom: $($fromCapacity.DisplayName) : $($fromCapacity.Region)`n To: $($toCapacity.DisplayName) : $($toCapacity.Region)`n"}
$workspaces = @(Get-PowerBIWorkspace -Filter "capacityId eq toupper('$fromCapacityId')" )
write-host "Moving $(($workspaces.Count)) workspace(s)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
write-host "From capacity '$fromCapacityName' to '$toCapacityName'" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$errorCnt = 0
foreach ($workspace in $workspaces)
">> Moving Workspace: $($ - $($workspace.Id)"
try {
$result = Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Method Post -Url "$($workspace.Id)/AssignToCapacity" -Body "{`"capacityId`": `"$toCapacityId`"}" -ErrorAction stop
$errorCnt = $errorCnt + 1
throw $_.Exception.InnerException
if ($errorCnt -eq 0) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Capacity Assignment Complete"
Write-Host "$errorCnt error(s) occurred while trying to move $($workspaces.count) workspace(s)" -ForegroundColor Red
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