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Created August 14, 2020 05:41
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### Script : AMO_GetTraceEventCategories.ps1
### Author : Darren Gosbell (
### Date : 14 August 2020
### Description: Outputs a list of the Trace Event Category and Subcategories for Analysis Services
$server = "Localhost\tab17"
$null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.AnalysisServices.adomdclient")
[Microsoft.AnalysisServices.adomdclient.adomdconnection]$adomd = new-object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.adomdclient.adomdconnection("data source=$server;")
$ds = $adomd.GetSchemaDataSet("DISCOVER_TRACE_EVENT_CATEGORIES",$null)
## There is a row in the dataset for each event category
$result = foreach ($row in $ds.Tables.item(0).rows )
$xml = [xml]$row["Data"]
## each 'event' is an event class
foreach($class in $xml.EVENTCATEGORY.EVENTLIST.ChildNodes)
$foundSubClass = $false
foreach($subclassEvent in $class.EVENTCOLUMNLIST.ChildNodes)
## not every event class has subclasses so we need to check if ID=1 exists
if ($subclassEvent.ID -eq 1) {
$foundSubClass = $true
foreach( $subclass in $subclassEvent.EVENTCOLUMNSUBCLASSLIST.ChildNodes)
## output a custom object per subclass
Category = $class.ParentNode.ParentNode.NAME
ClassID = $class.ID
ClassName = $class.NAME
SubClassID = $subclass.ID
SubClassName = $subclass.NAME
if ($foundSubClass -eq $false)
## output a custom object for an event class which does not have any subclasses
Category = $class.ParentNode.ParentNode.NAME
ClassID = $class.ID
ClassName = $class.NAME
SubClassID = ""
SubClassName = ""
## This command outputs the results to the console
## but you could easily redirect to a file or write code to insert
## this array of objects into a custom table
$result | ft
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