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Last active July 27, 2019 07:28
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Warms the SSAS permissions when using a dynamic security role
Author: Darren Gosbell
Date: 6 Jul 2016
Warms the Global Scope cache for a list of users. This is useful when
the first connection on a cold cache per user is slow due to evaluation
of a dynamic security role. For production usage it would make sense
to get the list of user accounts by running a SQL query against your
user security table rather than hard coding it.
NOTE: MUST be run by an account with SSAS Server admin priviledges
## the following 4 variables need to be updated for your environment
$server = "localhost\tab12"
$database = "AW Internet Sales Tabular Model 2014"
$model = "Model"
$users = @(
$userCnt = 0
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.AnalysisServices.adomdclient") > $NULL
foreach ($user in $users) {
$connStr = "data source=$server;initial catalog=$database;EffectiveUserName=$user"
$cnn = new-object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.adomdclient.adomdconnection($connStr)
$cmd = $cnn.CreateCommand()
$cmd.CommandText = "select {} on 0 FROM [$model]"
$da = new-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdDataAdapter($cmd)
$ds = new-Object System.Data.DataSet
$da.Fill($ds) > $NULL
write-output "cache primed for user: $user"
Write-Progress -Status "Priming User Caches" -Activity "User: $user" -PercentComplete (($userCnt / $users.Count) * 100)
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thanks a lot for your detailed explanation.

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