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Forked from janispritzkau/analytics.js
Last active May 15, 2022 00:15
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Minimal Google Analytics script in modern javascript (677 bytes minified)
((document, location, navigator) => {
const domain = location.hostname.split(".")
const match = document.cookie.match(/(^|; ?)_ga=GA1\.\d\.(\d+\.\d+)(;|$)/)
// use existing client id or generate one
const cid = match ? match[2] : ~~(2147483648 * Math.random()) + "." + ~~( / 1000)
// set cookie at highest possible domain level
for (let i = domain.length; i--;) {
const cookie = `_ga=GA1.${domain.length - i}.${cid}`
document.cookie = `${cookie}; max-age=63115200; domain=${domain.slice(i).join(".")}`
if (document.cookie.split(/; ?/).includes(cookie)) break
// alternatively set the cookie at a specified domain
// document.cookie = `_ga=GA1.3.${cid}; max-age=63115200;`
// you can also use a custom storage mechanism for the client ID if you do not need to be compatible with the _ga cookie.
window.track = (type, ec, ea, el, ev) => {
const data = {
v: 1,
tid: "UA-XXXX-Y", // replace with your tracking id
aip: 1,
t: type,
dr: document.referrer,
dt: document.title,
dl: location.href,
ul: navigator.language.toLowerCase(),
sr: `${screen.width}x${screen.height}`,
vp: `${innerWidth}x${innerHeight}`
if (ec) = ec
if (ea) data.ea = ea
if (el) data.el = el
if (ev) data.ev = ev
navigator.sendBeacon("", new URLSearchParams(data))
})(document, location, navigator)
// minified ES2015 (677 bytes)
((e,a,t)=>{for(var i,o,n=a.hostname.split("."),c=e.cookie.match(/(^|; ?)_ga=GA1\.\d\.(\d+\.\d+)(;|$)/),r=c?c[2]:~~(2e9*Math.random())+"."+~~(,l=n.length;l--&&(o=`_ga=GA1.${n.length-l}.${r}`,e.cookie=`${o};max-age=63115200;domain=${n.slice(l).join(".")}`,!e.cookie.split(/; ?/).includes(o)););track=((o,n,c,l,d)=>{i={v:1,tid:"UA-XXXX-Y",aip:1,cid:r,t:o,dr:e.referrer,dt:e.title,dl:a.href,ul:t.language.toLowerCase(),sr:`${screen.width}x${screen.height}`,vp:`${innerWidth}x${innerHeight}`},n&&(,c&&(i.ea=c),l&&(i.el=l),d&&(i.ev=d),t.sendBeacon("",new URLSearchParams(i))}),track("pageview")})(document,location,navigator)
// minified ES5 (819 bytes)
!function(e,n,t){for(var o,a,i,c,r,d="",s=n.hostname.split("."),l=e.cookie.match(/(^|; ?)_ga=GA1\.\d\.(\d+\.\d+)(;|$)/),h=l?l[2]:~~(2e9*Math.random())+"."+~~(,g=s.length;g--&&(r="_ga=GA1."+(s.length-g)+"."+h,e.cookie=r+";max-age=63115200;domain="+s.slice(g).join("."),-1==e.cookie.split(/; ?/).indexOf(r)););track=((r,s,l,g,p)=>{if(o={v:1,tid:"UA-XXXX-Y",aip:1,cid:h,t:r,dr:e.referrer,dt:e.title,dl:n.href,ul:t.language.toLowerCase(),sr:screen.width+"x"+screen.height,vp:innerWidth+"x"+innerHeight},s&&(,l&&(o.ea=l),g&&(o.el=g),p&&(o.ev=p),t.sendBeacon)t.sendBeacon(d,new URLSearchParams(o));else{for(c in a=[],i=new XMLHttpRequest,o)a.push(k+"="+encodeURIComponent(o[c]));"POST",d),i.send(a.join("&"))}}),track("pageview")}(document,location,navigator);
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dgrammatiko commented Jan 26, 2022

@datapolitical you could extend it to your needs but as is it tracks:

      t: type, // The type pageview, etc 
      dr: document.referrer, // the referrer
      dt: document.title, // The document title
      dl: location.href, //The Url of the page
      ul: navigator.language.toLowerCase(), // The language of the page
      sr: `${screen.width}x${screen.height}`, // The screen size
      vp: `${innerWidth}x${innerHeight}`  // The viewport size

If the type is set to event you also you could pass extra params like:

   if (ec) = ec // &ec=video        // Event Category. Required.
    if (ea) data.ea = ea //&ea=play         // Event Action. Required.
    if (el) data.el = el // &el=holiday      // Event label.
    if (ev) data.ev = ev // &ev=300          // Event value.

Check the documentation:

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