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Created November 6, 2015 17:00
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<h3> Web Development </h3>
<p> Developing the site of your dreams</p>
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<h3> Web Design </h3>
<p> Designing your online presence to ensure you maximize R.O.I. </p>
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<h3> Business Consulting </h3>
<p> Your business is your baby. I get it. Let's focus on growing it to serve your needs.</p>
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<h3 class="bio-header">About Me</h3>
<p class="bio-describe">Driven. Motivated. Focused. Continously expecting more from myself, to make others better, and to impact the world. </p>
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<p>E-commerce sites that will drive more sales and more profits for your business.</p>
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<p>Non-profit sites that will capture the heart of your donors.</p>
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<h2>Real Estate</h2>
<p>Real estate sites that will help you sell more homes, more often.</p>
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<p>Fintech sites that will drive your business into the future of the financial industry.</p>
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<h3 class="contact-header" id="contact"> Drop me a line </h3>
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<h2>David Green</h2>
<h4>Phone: 416-455-5755</h4>
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