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saveRDS speed and size
title: "Effect of compression type and file complexity on saveRDS size and speed"
author: "David Robinson"
date: "April 20, 2015"
output: html_document
```{r echo = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = TRUE, message = FALSE)
(This analysis was inspired by [this experiment by Hadley Wickham]( The `roundtrip` function comes from that experiment).
The values we're measuring in this simulation are:
* `size` The file size in MB
* `save` The time in seconds to save an RDS file
* `load` The time in seconds to load an RDS file
The parameters we'll vary in this simulation are
* `type`: The type of file connection: `file`, `bzfile`, `gzfile`, `xzfile`
* `level`: The amount of compression to apply (for `bzfile`, `gzfile`, `xzfile`)
* `complexity`: an approximation of the amount of complexity, as opposed to redundancy, in the dataset.
A dataset is generated for a specific complexity with the line:
data.frame(x = sample(10 ^ complexity, 1e5, replace = TRUE))
Thus, `10 ^ complexity` determines approximately the number of unique values in the dataset. When the complexity is 0, the dataset contains simply a vector of 1s, which makes it easy to compress. When the complexity is 6, almost all values in the dataset are unique.
We set up functions for the simulation.
```{r setup}
roundtrip <- function(df, con_fun, ...) {
test <- tempfile()
con <- con_fun(test, ...)
save <- system.time(saveRDS(df, con))[[3]]
load <- system.time(x <- readRDS(test))[[3]]
size <-$size / (1024) ^ 2
data_frame(save, load, size)
test_compression <- function(complexity, type, level = 1, ...) {
df <- data.frame(x = sample(10 ^ complexity, 1e5, replace = TRUE))
con_fun <- get(type)
if (type != "file") {
roundtrip(df, con_fun, compression = level)
} else {
roundtrip(df, con_fun)
We perform a factorial combination of our complexity, type, and compression level parameters, performing three replications for each.
```{r simulate}
# factorial combination of parameters
params <- expand.grid(complexity = 0:6,
type = c("file", "gzfile", "bzfile", "xzfile"),
level = c(1, 6, 9),
replicate = 1:3,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
times <- params %>%
group_by_(.dots = names(params)) %>%
do(, .)) %>%
We take the average of loading time, saving time, and size within each group of replicates. (We could also construct confidence intervals).
```{r averages, dependson = "simulate"}
averaged <- times %>%
group_by(complexity, type, level) %>%
select(-replicate) %>%
```{r, dependson = "averages"}
base <- averaged %>% ggplot(aes(complexity, color = type)) +
geom_point(size = 4) +
geom_line(size = 1)
As expected, the data complexity has an enormous effect on the file size.
```{r dependson = "averages"}
base + aes(y = size) + facet_wrap(~ level)
It also has an effect, of approximately an order of magnitude, on the time required to save and load these files.
```{r dependson = "averages"}
base + aes(y = save) + scale_y_log10() + facet_wrap(~ level)
base + aes(y = load) + scale_y_log10() + facet_wrap(~ level)
It is difficult to see any effect of compression level.
### Example Datasets
We might be more interested in how well compression works in a typical datasets rather than contrived simulations. For a general idea of a "typical" dataset, we can look at how well compression works for datasets that come with R, such as `mtcars`.
We look at all the datasets that are built-in or in the ggplot2 package.
all_datasets <- data(package = c("datasets", "ggplot2"))
datasets <-$results, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
select(package = Package, dataset = Item) %>%
filter(!grepl(" ", dataset))
(We disregard datasets that contain multiple objects since they are too much trouble to work with). For each dataset, we try each compression method (skipping compression level). I approach this using broom's `inflate()` function.
```{r dataset_times}
test_compression_data <- function(dataset, type, ...) {
df <- get(dataset)
con_fun <- get(type)
roundtrip(df, con_fun)
dataset_times <- datasets %>%
inflate(type = c("file", "gzfile", "bzfile", "xzfile")) %>%
group_by(package, dataset, type) %>%
do(, .))
We can then examine the compression efficiency for each dataset, by comparing the compressed file size to the traditional file size.
```{r size_compare, dependson = "dataset_times"}
size_compare <- dataset_times %>%
group_by(package, dataset) %>%
mutate(uncompressed = size[type == "file"]) %>%
rename(compressed = size) %>%
filter(type != "file")
ggplot(size_compare, aes(uncompressed, compressed, color = type)) +
geom_point() +
geom_text(aes(label = dataset), size = 4, hjust = 1, vjust = 1) +
scale_x_log10() +
scale_y_log10() +
geom_abline(color = "red") +
xlab("Uncompressed (MB)") +
ylab("Compressed (MB)")
As expected, using compression saves disk space, but the amount depends on the complexity of the dataset. We can get a sense of the compression efficiency with the ratio of the compressed file size to the full file size:
```{r plot_size_compare, dependson = "size_compare"}
p <- ggplot(size_compare, aes(compressed / uncompressed)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = .05) +
facet_grid(type ~ .)
average_ratio <- size_compare %>%
group_by(type) %>%
summarize(average = mean(compressed / uncompressed))
p + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = average), data = average_ratio, color = "red", lty = 2)
The compression ratios on the real data ranged from 5\% (very compressed) to 95\% (barely compressed), but averaged about 40% in each compression method.
Finally, let's see whether some compression methods systematically outperform others:
ratios <- size_compare %>%
mutate(ratio = compressed / uncompressed) %>%
select(type, ratio) %>%
spread(type, ratio)
base <- ggplot(ratios) + geom_point() +
geom_abline(color = "red") +
geom_smooth(method = "lm")
g1 <- base + aes(bzfile, gzfile)
g2 <- base + aes(bzfile, xzfile)
g3 <- base + aes(gzfile, xzfile)
grid.arrange(g1, g2, g3, nrow = 2)
Generally, it looks like "bzfile" is not quite as effective as the "gzfile" or "xzfile" connections for the datasets that are more complex. However, it does slightly outperform "gzfile" in high-compression cases.
* compare compression times, not just size, on real datasets
* more replicates, and a linear model to determine what has an effect on size/speed
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dgrtwo commented Apr 20, 2015

This is the knitr source of this document.

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