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Created February 19, 2011 21:06
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Pattern Matching Idea
var usingVarDecl = new VariableDeclarationStatement {
Type = Pattern.Any("type"),
Variables = {
new VariableInitializer {
Initializer = Pattern.Any()
var usingTryCatch = new TryCatchStatement {
TryBlock = Pattern.Any("body"),
FinallyBlock = new BlockStatement {
Statements = {
new IfElseStatement {
Condition = new BinaryOperatorExpression(
Pattern.NamedGroup("ident", new IdentifierExpression()),
new NullReferenceExpression()
TrueStatement = new BlockStatement {
Statements = {
new ExpressionStatement(Pattern.Backreference("ident").ToExpression().Invoke("Dispose"))
foreach (AstNode node in compilationUnit.Descendants.ToArray()) {
Match m1 = usingVarDecl.Match(node);
if (m1 == null) continue;
Match m2 = usingTryCatch.Match(node.NextSibling);
if (m2 == null) continue;
if (m1.Single<VariableInitializer>("variable").Identifier == m2.Single<IdentifierExpression>("ident")) {
BlockStatement body = m2.Single<BlockStatement>("body");
varDecl => new UsingStatement {
ResourceAcquisition = varDecl,
EmbeddedStatement = body
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