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Created May 10, 2014 15:59
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"C:\Program Files (x86)\SharpDevelop\5.0\bin\..\bin\Tools\NUnit\nunit-console-x86.exe" "C:\work\SD5\bin\UnitTests\Debugger.Tests.dll" /noxml /pipe="97d81b0f-c2ca-45a8-a1cd-dd556f6a5c39" /run="Debugger.Tests.DebuggerTests.ControlFlow_Stepping"
NUnit-Console version
Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Charlie Poole.
Copyright (C) 2002-2004 James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A. Vorontsov.
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Philip Craig.
Copyright (C) 2006 Daniel Grunwald.
Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Matt Ward.
All Rights Reserved.
Runtime Environment -
OS Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
CLR Version: 4.0.30319.34209 ( Net 4.5 )
DomainUsage: Single
Selected test(s): Debugger.Tests.DebuggerTests.ControlFlow_Stepping
.Debugger: Debuggee version: v4.0.30319
Debugger: Debugger interface version: v4.0
Debugger: ICorDebug initialized
Debugger: Executing C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\Temp\SharpDevelop4.0\DebuggerTestsX86\ControlFlow_Stepping.cs.C995D262748180F1BDEDC800D38B5DB3\ControlFlow_Stepping.exe ControlFlow_Stepping.cs
Debugger: Callback: CreateProcess
Debugger: Callback: CreateAppDomain
Debugger: Callback: NameChange: pAppDomain
Debugger: Callback: LoadAssembly
Debugger: Callback: LoadModule C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_32\mscorlib\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\mscorlib.dll
Failed to set flags with hr=0x8013131d
Debugger: Callback: CreateThread 4444
Debugger: Callback: LoadAssembly
Debugger: Callback: LoadModule C:\Users\Daniel\AppData\Local\Temp\SharpDevelop4.0\DebuggerTestsX86\ControlFlow_Stepping.cs.C995D262748180F1BDEDC800D38B5DB3\ControlFlow_Stepping.exe
Debugger: Loaded symbols from disk for ControlFlow_Stepping.exe
Debugger: Callback: NameChange: pAppDomain
Debugger: Callback: Break
Debugger: Debugger event: OnPaused()
Debugger: Step over: ControlFlow_Stepping.cs:114,4-114,37 IL:4F-5A
Debugger: Debugger event: OnResumed()
Debugger: Callback: StepComplete (STEP_NORMAL)
Debugger: - stopped at Debugger.Tests.ControlFlow_Stepping.Main because of StepIn from [Method Debugger.Tests.ControlFlow_Stepping.Main():System.Void] name="normal"
Debugger: - pausing in user code
Debugger: Debugger event: OnPaused()
Debugger: Step over: ControlFlow_Stepping.cs:115,4-115,15 IL:5A-60
Debugger: Debugger event: OnResumed()
Debugger: Callback: StepComplete (STEP_CALL)
Debugger: - stopped at Debugger.Tests.ControlFlow_Stepping.StepRoot because of StepIn from [Method Debugger.Tests.ControlFlow_Stepping.Main():System.Void] name="normal"
Debugger: - method Debugger.Tests.ControlFlow_Stepping.StepRoot marked as non user code
Debugger: - seeking user code
Debugger: Callback: StepComplete (STEP_CALL)
Debugger: - stopped at Debugger.Tests.ControlFlow_Stepping.IgnoredClass.StepLeft because of StepIn from [Method Debugger.Tests.ControlFlow_Stepping.StepRoot():System.Void] name="seeking user code"
Debugger: - method Debugger.Tests.ControlFlow_Stepping.IgnoredClass.StepLeft marked as non user code
Debugger: - seeking user code
Debugger: Callback: StepComplete (STEP_RETURN)
Debugger: - stopped at Debugger.Tests.ControlFlow_Stepping.Main because of StepIn from [Method Debugger.Tests.ControlFlow_Stepping+IgnoredClass.StepLeft():System.Void] name="seeking user code"
Debugger: - finishing step in
Debugger: Callback: StepComplete (STEP_NORMAL)
Debugger: - stopped at Debugger.Tests.ControlFlow_Stepping.Main because of StepIn from [Method Debugger.Tests.ControlFlow_Stepping.Main():System.Void] name="finishing step in"
Debugger: - pausing in user code
Debugger: Debugger event: OnPaused()
Tests run: 1, Errors: 0, Failures: 1, Inconclusive: 0, Time: 0.780268319014061 seconds
Not run: 0, Invalid: 0, Ignored: 0, Skipped: 0
Errors and Failures:
1) Test Failure : Debugger.Tests.DebuggerTests.ControlFlow_Stepping
Expected string length 9 but was 4. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: "StepRight"
But was: "Main"
at Debugger.Tests.DebuggerTests.ControlFlow_Stepping() in c:\work\SD5\src\AddIns\Debugger\Debugger.Tests\Tests\ControlFlow_Stepping.cs:line 152
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