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Created March 6, 2015 12:58
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[org 100h]
; uses fixed point: 1 bit sign, 4 bits int, 11 bits frac
xstart equ -3584 ; -1.75
xend equ 1536 ; 0.75
ystart equ -2048 ; -1.0
yend equ 2048 ; 1.0
xincr equ 16 ; (xend-xstart) div 320
yincr equ 20 ; 20.48 = (yend-ystart) div 200
niters equ 100 ;
fixed4 equ 8192 ; 4 * 2048
; set vga mode
mov ax, 13h
int 10h
; initialize regs for pixel access
mov ax, 0a000h
mov es, ax
xor di, di
mov si, 320*199
; mov word [y], ystart
; initialized in data section
mov cx, 100
push cx
mov word [x], xstart
mov cx, 320
push cx
mov ax, [y]
mov [zi], ax
mov bx, [x]
mov [zr], bx
mov cx, niters
; compute zrsqr
; bx holds zr
mov ax, bx
mov dx, ax
call fixedmul
mov bx, ax
; compute zisqr
mov ax, [zi]
mov dx, ax
call fixedmul
mov dx, ax
; if zisqr+zrsqr > 4, exit while
add ax, bx
cmp ax, fixed4
jge done_while
; t := zrsqr - zisqr + x;
sub bx, dx
add bx, [x]
; zi := 2*zi*zr + y
mov ax, [zi]
mov dx, [zr]
call fixedmul
shl ax, 1
add ax, [y]
mov [zi], ax
; zr := t;
mov [zr], bx
loop while_loop
mov ax, cx
; draw the pixels
xchg si, di
xchg si, di
add word [x], xincr
pop cx
loop xloop
; adjust si (since it needs to move up the screen)
sub si, 640
; use 1bit of yloop iter
; this is how we handle yincr = 20.48
pop cx
mov ax, cx
and ax, 1
add ax, yincr
add [y], ax
loop yloop
; wait for keypress
xor ax, ax
int 16h
; restore text screen
mov ax, 3h
int 10h
; exit
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
; multiply ax,dx as fixed point, return value in ax
imul dx
shl dx, 5
shr ax, 11
or ax, dx
x: dw xstart
y: dw ystart
zr: dw 0
zi: dw 0
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