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Created April 19, 2012 22:58
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require(['sm_lib/sm.config'], function() {
require(['sm_widget_mentorship_close', 'sm_widget_user_survey',
'views/avatar_slidetab', 'sm_default'],
function(widgetMentorship, userSurvey, AvatarSlideTab){
var avatarSlideTab = new AvatarSlideTab();;
if($('.btn_mentorship_pending').size() > 0){
require(['views/mentorship_pending'], function(MentorshipPending){
var mentorshipPending = new MentorshipPending({
el: $('body')
if($('#mentee_optout_dialog').size() > 0){
require(['sm_widget_request_optout'], function(RequestOptOut){
if($('.btn_send_offer').size() > 0){
require(['views/request_offer'], function(MentorMakeOfferView){
var mentorOfferView = new MentorMakeOfferView({
el: $('body')
require(['views/request_expand'], function(RequestExpandView){
new RequestExpandView({
el : $(this)
//request app config and bootstrp
window.SM = window.SM || {};
window.SM.Request = window.SM.Request || {}; = || {};
require(['apps/requestApp'], function(requestApp){
window.SM.eventDispatcher = _.clone(Backbone.Events);
var Request = {};
window.SM.Request.config = Request.config = {
router: {
routes: {},
selectors: {
domAttachClass: '.user_right_main_content',
listSectionId: '#requests-section',
rootPageElem: 'body',
categoryKeyId: '#category-key-0'
pager: false
history: {
root: '/home/',
pushState: true
requestItem: {
urlRoot: '/api/requests/'
requestCollection: {
url: '/api/requests/',
item: {}
headerView: {
tagName: 'section',
className: null,
id: 'requests-section',
templateId: '#list-header-tpl',
events: {
createEvtTarget: 'click #create_request_btn'
html: '<a title="Create a new mentorship request" class="btn_create create_request" id="create_request_btn"></a>',
selectors: {},
text: {
title: 'My Mentorship Requests'
listView: {
tagName: null,
className: null,
id: null,
templateId: null,
rowView: {
tagName: 'article',
className: 'my_request_row notepaper_bg',
id: null,
templateId: '#request-row-tpl',
css: {
expandBttnClass: 'btn_request_expand',
retractBttnClass: 'btn_request_excerpt',
retractClass: 'retract',
expandClass: 'expand'
events: {
expandEvtTarget: 'click .expand',
retractEvtTarget: 'click .retract',
updateEvtTarget: 'click .update',
deactivateEvtTarget: 'click .deactivate',
reactivateEvtTarget: 'click .reactivate'
selectors: {
descriptionId: '#description_',
expandId: '#expand_'
text: {
expandTitle: 'Show mentorship request details.',
retractTitle: 'Hide mentorship request details.'
createView: {
tagName: 'div',
className: 'user_modal',
id: 'request-update-modal',
templateId: '#request-update-tpl',
css: {
backgroundId: 'request-modal-bg',
backgroundClass: 'user_modal_bg',
categoryKeyClass: 'category-key-'
events: {
closeEvtTarget: 'click #close-button-id',
saveEvtTarget: 'submit #request_form'
selectors: {
formId: '#request_form',
submitId: '#request-mentor-button',
domAttachElem: 'body',
backgroundId: '#request-modal-bg',
backgroundClass: '.user_modal_bg',
titleId: '#request-title',
descriptionId: '#request-description',
categoryWrapClass: '.mentoring_cat_wrap',
categoryKeyElem: 'input[id^="category-key"]',
categoryTitleClass: '.category-title',
flashElem: '.user_right_main_content > section'
text: {
flashTitle: 'Mentorship request created successfully.',
flashMessage: 'Click "Find Mentors" to display your matches.'
// include compatable config opts obj for jquery.validate
validationConfig: {
//debug: true,
ignore: null, // default is ignore :hidden but we need to validate hidden fields
onkeyup: false,
errorPlacement: function(error, element){
if(element.attr('id').indexOf('category-key-') != -1) {
} else {
rules: {
categoryListView: {
tagName: 'div',
className: 'mentoring_cat_wrap',
id: 'clone-view-0',
templateId: '#category-list-tpl',
css: {
categoriesId: 'categories_menu0'
events: {
addEvtTarget: 'click #add-button-id'
selectors: {
categoriesTemplateId: '#mentoring_cats_template',
rootPageElem: 'body',
tax_idId: '#mentoring-cat-0',
cat_titleId: '#cat-title-0',
categoriesMenuId: '#categories_menu0',
categoriesKeyId: '#category-key-',
categoryCloneClass: '.mentoring_cat_wrap',
mcDropdownclass: '.mcdropdown_menu'
text: {},
categoryCloneView: {
tagName: 'div',
className: 'mentoring_cat_wrap',
id: 'clone-view-',
templateId: '#category-clone-tpl',
css: {
categoriesId: 'categories_menu'
events: {
remove: 'click .mentoring_cat_rm'
selectors: {
rootPageElem: 'body',
categoriesTemplateId: '#mentoring_cats_template',
categoriesMenuId: '#categories_menu',
categoriesKeyId: '#category-key-'
text: {}
updateView: {
text: {
flashTitle: 'Mentorship request updated successfully.',
flashMessage: 'Click "Find Mentors" to display your matches.'
paginatorView: {
tagName: 'div',
className: 'paginator',
id: null,
templateId: '#request-paginator-tpl',
css: {},
events: {
gotoFirstEvtTarget: 'click a.first',
gotoPrevEvtTarget: 'click a.prev',
gotoNextEvtTarget: 'click',
gotoLastEvtTarget: 'click a.last',
gotoPageEvtTarget: 'click',
changeCountEvtTarget: 'click .howmany a',
sortByAscendingEvtTarget: 'click a.sortAsc',
sortByDescendingEvtTarget: 'click a.sortDsc'
selectors: {
sortByOptionId: '#sortByOption'
text: {}
// bootstrap the controller and config data = new requestApp.Router({
config: Request.config
Backbone.emulateHTTP = true;
Backbone.emulateJSON = true;
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