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Created July 31, 2008 17:29
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vm/test/runner.o: In function `TestDir::make_directory()':
runner.cpp:(.text._ZN7TestDir14make_directoryEv[TestDir::make_directory()]+0xb): warning: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
Running 467 tests...............................
In TestChannel::test_receive_causes_event_block:
./vm/test/test_channel.hpp:95: Error: Expected (chan->waiting->locate(state, 0) == state->globals.current_thread.get()), found ({ 0E 00 00 00 } != { 44 18 C0 B7 })
In TestNativeFunction::test_find_symbol_in_library:
./vm/test/test_nativefunction.hpp:66: Error: Assertion failed: ep
In TestNativeFunction::test_bind:
./vm/test/test_nativefunction.hpp:86: Error: Assertion failed: !func->nil_p()
...............................................................................................ERROR: Program used external function '_ZN8rubinius4Task13simple_returnEPNS_6ObjectE' which could not be resolved!
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (): [vm/test/runner...]
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
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