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Created December 18, 2013 08:16
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ERB-like template processor in POSIX AWK. Usage: ./template.awk < input.esh | sh > output
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title><%= "$TITLE" %></title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<p>It's alive!</p>
<%- for i in 1 2 3; do %>
<li><%= "$i" %></li>
<%- done %>
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<p>It's alive!</p>
printf "%s\n" '<!doctype html>'
printf "%s\n" '<html>'
printf "%s\n" ' <head>'
printf "%s\n" ' <meta charset="utf-8">'
printf "%s" ' <title>'
printf "%s" "$TITLE"
printf "%s\n" '</title>'
printf "%s\n" ' <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>'
printf "%s\n" ' </head>'
printf "%s\n" ' <body>'
printf "%s\n" ' <p>It'\''s alive!</p>'
printf "%s\n" ' <ul>'
printf "%s" ''
for i in 1 2 3; do
printf "%s" ' <li>'
printf "%s" "$i"
printf "%s\n" '</li>'
printf "%s" ''
printf "%s\n" ' </ul>'
printf "%s\n" ' </body>'
printf "%s\n" '</html>'
#! awk -f
template_re = "<%[-= %][^%]+ %>"
template_system_prefix["="] = "printf \"%s\" "
function shell_quote(text) {
gsub(/'/, "'\\''", text)
return sprintf("'%s'", text)
function emit_text_1(text, newline) {
printf("printf \"%%s%s\" %s\n", (newline ? "\\n" : ""), shell_quote(text))
function emit_text(text) {
emit_text_1(text, 0)
function emit_text_nl(text) {
emit_text_1(text, 1)
function emit_code(prefix, code) {
if (length(prefix) + length(code) > 0)
printf "%s%s\n", prefix, code
function compile_fragment(text) {
# everything up to <%
before_match = substr(text, 1, RSTART - 1)
# skip over <%, return [-= ]
prefix = substr(text, RSTART + 2, 1)
# skip over prefix and exclude postix ("%>")
command = substr(text, RSTART + 3, RLENGTH - 5)
# the rest of the line
after_match = substr(text, RSTART + RLENGTH)
if (prefix == "-") {
sub(/^[[:blank:]]+/, "", before_match)
} else if (prefix == "%") {
before_match = before_match "<%" command
command = ""
after_match = "%>" after_match
emit_code(template_system_prefix[prefix], command)
return after_match
$0 ~ template_re {
text = $0
found = match(text, template_re)
while (found) {
text = compile_fragment(text)
found = match(text, template_re)
if (length(text) > 0)
$0 !~ template_re {
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