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Created September 17, 2019 11:27
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require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
$ig = new \InstagramAPI\Instagram();
_ _ _
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| | | | |_| | |_) | __/ | | | (_) | (_) | |_) |
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|___/|_| |_|
output_clean("Hyperloop Terminal");
output_clean("© Developed by Nextpost Developers Team (");
* Let's start the show
function run($ig) {
try {
output('Please provide a valid license key from your Dashboard on (');
output('Example: j5tkjkl4f7e595e9008bb77acc599453');
$license_key = getVarFromUser("License key");
if (empty($license_key)) {
do {
$license_key = getVarFromUser("License key");
} while (empty($license_key));
$license_key = str_replace(' ', '', $license_key);
$license_status = activate_license($license_key, $ig);
if ($license_status == "valid") {
output('You license active and valid.');
} else {
output('You license key not valid.');
output('Please provide login data of your Instagram Account.');
$login = getVarFromUser("Login");
if (empty($login)) {
do {
$login = getVarFromUser("Login");
} while (empty($login));
$password = getVarFromUser("Password");
if (empty($password)) {
do {
$password = getVarFromUser("Password");
} while (empty($password));
$first_loop = true;
do {
if ($first_loop) {
output("(Optional) Set proxy, if needed. It's better to use a proxy from the same country where you running this script.");
output("Proxy should match following pattern:");
output("http://ip:port or http://username:password@ip:port");
output("Don't use in pattern https://.");
output("Type 3 to skip and don't use proxy.");
$first_loop = false;
} else {
output("Proxy - [NOT VALID]");
output("Please check the proxy syntax and try again.");
$proxy = getVarFromUser("Proxy");
if (empty($proxy)) {
do {
$proxy = getVarFromUser("Proxy");
} while (empty($proxy));
if ($proxy == '3') {
// Skip proxy setup
} while (!isValidProxy($proxy));
if ($proxy == "3") {
// Skip proxy setup
} else {
output("Proxy - [OK]");
output('Please choose the masslooking estimated speed.');
output('Type integer value without spaces from 1 to 500 000 stories/day or 0 for maximum possible speed.');
output('When you are using the maximum speed you may exceed the masslooking limits per day if this account actively used by a user in the Instagram app at the same time.');
output('If you are using another type of automation, we recommend to you reducing masslooking speed to find your golden ratio. In that case we recommend 400 000 stories/day.');
$speed = (int)getVarFromUser("Speed");
if ($speed > 500000) {
do {
output("Speed value is incorrect. Type integer value from 1 to 500 000 stories/day.");
output('Type 0 for maximum speed.');
$speed = (int)getVarFromUser("Delay");
} while ($speed > 500000);
if ($speed == 0) {
output("Maximum speed enabled.");
$delay = 34;
} else {
output("Speed set to " . $speed . " stories/day.");
$delay = round(60*60*24*200/$speed);
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
$fail_message = "There is a problem with your Ethernet connection or Instagram is down at the moment. We couldn't establish connection with Instagram 10 times. Please try again later.";
do {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
throw new Exception($fail_message);
try {
if ($is_connected_count == 0) {
output("Emulation of an Instagram app initiated...");
$login_resp = $ig->login($login, $password);
if ($login_resp !== null && $login_resp->isTwoFactorRequired()) {
// Default verification method is phone
$twofa_method = '1';
// Detect is Authentification app verification is available
$is_totp = json_decode(json_encode($login_resp), true);
if ($is_totp['two_factor_info']['totp_two_factor_on'] == '1'){
output("Two-factor authentication required, please enter the code from you Authentication app");
$twofa_id = $login_resp->getTwoFactorInfo()->getTwoFactorIdentifier();
$twofa_method = '3';
} else {
output("Two-factor authentication required, please enter the code sent to your number ending in %s",
$twofa_id = $login_resp->getTwoFactorInfo()->getTwoFactorIdentifier();
$twofa_code = getVarFromUser("Two-factor code");
if (empty($twofa_code)) {
do {
$twofa_code = getVarFromUser("Two-factor code");
} while (empty($twofa_code));
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
do {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
throw new Exception($fail_message);
if ($is_connected_count == 0) {
output("Two-factor authentication in progress...");
try {
$twofa_resp = $ig->finishTwoFactorLogin($login, $password, $twofa_id, $twofa_code, $twofa_method);
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\InvalidSmsCodeException $e) {
$is_code_correct = false;
$is_connected= true;
do {
output("Code is incorrect. Please check the syntax and try again.");
$twofa_code = getVarFromUser("Two-factor code");
if (empty($twofa_code)) {
do {
$twofa_code = getVarFromUser("Security code");
} while (empty($twofa_code));
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
do {
try {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
throw new Exception($fail_message);
if ($is_connected_count == 0) {
output("Verification in progress...");
$twofa_resp = $ig->finishTwoFactorLogin($login, $password, $twofa_id, $twofa_code, $twofa_method);
$is_code_correct = true;
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\InvalidSmsCodeException $e) {
$is_code_correct = false;
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
} while (!$is_code_correct);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\CheckpointRequiredException $e) {
throw new Exception("Please go to Instagram website or mobile app and pass checkpoint!");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ChallengeRequiredException $e) {
if (!($ig instanceof InstagramAPI\Instagram)) {
throw new Exception("Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later! (invalid_instagram_client)");
if (!($e instanceof InstagramAPI\Exception\ChallengeRequiredException)) {
throw new Exception("Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later! (unexpected_exception)");
if (!$e->hasResponse() || !$e->getResponse()->isChallenge()) {
throw new Exception("Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later! (unexpected_exception_response)");
$challenge = $e->getResponse()->getChallenge();
if (is_array($challenge)) {
$api_path = $challenge["api_path"];
} else {
$api_path = $challenge->getApiPath();
output("Instagram want to send you a security code to verify your identity.");
output("How do you want receive this code?");
output("1 - [Email]");
output("2 - [SMS]");
output("3 - [Exit]");
$choice = getVarFromUser("Choice");
if (empty($choice)) {
do {
$choice = getVarFromUser("Choice");
} while (empty($choice));
if ($choice == '1' || $choice == '2' || $choice == '3') {
// All fine
} else {
$is_choice_ok = false;
do {
output("Choice is incorrect. Type 1, 2 or 3.");
$choice = getVarFromUser("Choice");
if (empty($choice)) {
do {
$choice = getVarFromUser("Choice");
} while (empty($choice));
if ($confirm == '1' || $confirm == '2' || $confirm == '3') {
$is_choice_ok = true;
} while (!$is_choice_ok);
$challange_choice = 0;
if ($choice == '3') {
} elseif ($choice == '1') {
// Email
$challange_choice = 1;
} else {
// SMS
$challange_choice = 0;
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
do {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
throw new Exception($fail_message);
try {
$challenge_resp = $ig->sendChallangeCode($api_path, $challange_choice);
// Failed to send challenge code via email. Try with SMS.
if ($challenge_resp->status != "ok") {
$challange_choice = 0;
$challenge_resp = $ig->sendChallangeCode($api_path, $challange_choice);
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
if ($challenge_resp->status != "ok") {
if (isset($challenge_resp->message)) {
if ($challenge_resp->message == "This field is required.") {
output("We received the response 'This field is required.'. This can happen in 2 reasons:");
output("1. Instagram already sent to you verification code to your email or mobile phone number. Please enter this code.");
output("2. Instagram forced you to phone verification challenge. Try login to Instagram app or website and take a look at what happened.");
} else {
output("Instagram Response: " . json_encode($challenge_resp));
output("Couldn't send a verification code for the login challenge. Please try again later.");
output("- Is this account has attached mobile phone number in settings?");
output("- If no, this can be a reason of this problem. You should add mobile phone number in account settings.");
throw new Exception("- Sometimes Instagram can force you to phone verification challenge process.");
if (isset($challenge_resp->step_data->contact_point)){
$contact_point = $challenge_resp->step_data->contact_point;
if ($choice == 2) {
output("Enter the code sent to your number ending in " . $contact_point . ".");
} else {
output("Enter the 6-digit code sent to the email address " . $contact_point . ".");
$security_code = getVarFromUser("Security code");
if (empty($security_code)) {
do {
$security_code = getVarFromUser("Security code");
} while (empty($security_code));
if ($security_code == "3") {
throw new Exception("Reset in progress...");
// Verification challenge
$ig = challange($ig, $login, $password, $api_path, $security_code, $proxy);
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\AccountDisabledException $e) {
throw new Exception("Your account has been disabled for violating Instagram terms. Go Instagram website or mobile app to learn how you may be able to restore your account.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ConsentRequiredException $e) {
throw new Exception("Instagram updated Terms and Data Policy. Please go to Instagram website or mobile app to review these changes and accept them.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\SentryBlockException $e) {
throw new Exception("Access to Instagram API restricted for spam behavior or otherwise abusing. You can try to use Session Catcher script (available by to get valid Instagram session from location, where your account created from.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\IncorrectPasswordException $e) {
throw new Exception("The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\InvalidUserException $e) {
throw new Exception("The username you entered doesn't appear to belong to an account. Please check your username and try again.");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
output("Logged as @" . $login . " successfully.");
$data = define_targets($ig);
// Disabled, because this feature not supported at the moment
// Because of new Instagram limits
$is_parsers_enabled = false;
if (!$is_parsers_enabled) {
masslooking_v2($data, $ig, $delay);
} else {
output('Do you want to add parsers? (additional Instagram accounts for speed up masslooking speed)');
output("1 - [Yes]");
output("2 - [No]");
output("3 - [Exit]");
$confirm_p = getVarFromUser("Choice");
if (empty($confirm_p)) {
do {
$confirm_p = getVarFromUser("Choice");
} while (empty($confirm_p));
if ($confirm_p == '1' || $confirm_p == '2' || $confirm_p == '3') {
// All fine
} else {
$is_choice_ok = false;
do {
output("Choice is incorrect. Type 1, 2 or 3.");
$confirm_p = getVarFromUser("Choice");
if (empty($confirm_p)) {
do {
$confirm_p = getVarFromUser("Choice");
} while (empty($confirm_p));
if ($confirm_p == '1' || $confirm_p == '2' || $confirm_p == '3') {
$is_choice_ok = true;
} while (!$is_choice_ok);
if ($confirm_p == '3') {
throw new Exception("Reset in progress...");
} elseif ($confirm_p == '2') {
masslooking_v2($data, $ig, $delay);
} else {
// Yes, I want to add parsers.
output('How many parsers do you want to add? (integer value from 1 to 5)');
output("Type 11 - to don't use parsers and start masslooking.");
output("Type 12 - to exit.");
$parsers_count = (int)getVarFromUser("Parsers count");
if ($parsers_count > 12) {
do {
output("Parsers count is incorrect. Type integer value from 1 to 12.");
$parsers_count = (int)getVarFromUser("Parsers count");
} while ($parsers_count > 12);
if ($parsers_count == 11) {
masslooking_v2($data, $ig, $delay);
} elseif ($parsers_count == 12) {
throw new Exception("Reset in progress...");
} else {
output("You want to add " . $parsers_count . " parser(s).");
output("Let's get started.");
for ($i = 1; $i < count($parsers_count); $i++) {
$ig_p[] = add_parser($i);
output("All " . $parsers_count . " parser(s) successfully connected.");
// $user_resp = $ig->people->getInfoById($data[0]["pk"]);
// output(json_encode($user_resp));
// $user_resp = $ig_p[1]->people->getInfoById($data[1]["pk"]);
// output(json_encode($user_resp));
// $user_resp = $ig_p[2]->people->getInfoById($data[2]["pk"]);
// output(json_encode($user_resp));
} catch (\Exception $e){
output("Please run script command again.");
* Add parser
function add_parser($pn) {
try {
$igp = new \InstagramAPI\Instagram();
output("Please provide login data of your parser #" . $pn . " (additional Instagram account for speed up masslooking speed)");
$login = getVarFromUser("Login");
if (empty($login)) {
do {
$login = getVarFromUser("Login");
} while (empty($login));
$password = getVarFromUser("Password");
if (empty($password)) {
do {
$password = getVarFromUser("Password");
} while (empty($password));
$first_loop = true;
do {
if ($first_loop) {
output("(Optional) Set proxy, if needed. It's better to use a proxy from the country from you running this script.");
output("Proxy should match following pattern:");
output("http://ip:port or http://username:password@ip:port");
output("Don't use in pattern https://.");
output("Type 3 to skip and don't use proxy.");
$first_loop = false;
} else {
output("Proxy - [NOT VALID]");
output("Please check the proxy syntax and try again.");
$proxy = getVarFromUser("Proxy");
if (empty($proxy)) {
do {
$proxy = getVarFromUser("Proxy");
} while (empty($proxy));
if ($proxy == '3') {
// Skip proxy setup
} while (!isValidProxy($proxy));
if ($proxy == "3") {
// Skip proxy setup
} else {
output("Proxy - [OK]");
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
$fail_message = "There is a problem with your Ethernet connection or Instagram is down at the moment. We couldn't establish connection with Instagram 10 times. Please try again later.";
do {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
throw new Exception($fail_message);
try {
if ($is_connected_count == 0) {
output("Emulation of an Instagram app for parser #" . $pn . " initiated...");
$login_resp = $igp->login($login, $password);
if ($login_resp !== null && $login_resp->isTwoFactorRequired()) {
// Default verification method is phone
$twofa_method = '1';
// Detect is Authentification app verification is available
$is_totp = json_decode(json_encode($login_resp), true);
if ($is_totp['two_factor_info']['totp_two_factor_on'] == '1'){
output("Two-factor authentication required, please enter the code from you Authentication app");
$twofa_id = $login_resp->getTwoFactorInfo()->getTwoFactorIdentifier();
$twofa_method = '3';
} else {
output("Two-factor authentication required, please enter the code sent to your number ending in %s",
$twofa_id = $login_resp->getTwoFactorInfo()->getTwoFactorIdentifier();
$twofa_code = getVarFromUser("Two-factor code");
if (empty($twofa_code)) {
do {
$twofa_code = getVarFromUser("Two-factor code");
} while (empty($twofa_code));
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
do {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
throw new Exception($fail_message);
if ($is_connected_count == 0) {
output("Two-factor authentication in progress...");
try {
$twofa_resp = $igp->finishTwoFactorLogin($login, $password, $twofa_id, $twofa_code, $twofa_method);
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\InvalidSmsCodeException $e) {
$is_code_correct = false;
$is_connected= true;
do {
output("Code is incorrect. Please check the syntax and try again.");
$twofa_code = getVarFromUser("Two-factor code");
if (empty($twofa_code)) {
do {
$twofa_code = getVarFromUser("Security code");
} while (empty($twofa_code));
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
do {
try {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
throw new \Exception($fail_message);
if ($is_connected_count == 0) {
output("Verification in progress...");
$twofa_resp = $igp->finishTwoFactorLogin($login, $password, $twofa_id, $twofa_code, $twofa_method);
$is_code_correct = true;
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\InvalidSmsCodeException $e) {
$is_code_correct = false;
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
} while (!$is_code_correct);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\CheckpointRequiredException $e) {
throw new Exception("Please go to Instagram website or mobile app and pass checkpoint!");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ChallengeRequiredException $e) {
if (!($igp instanceof InstagramAPI\Instagram)) {
throw new Exception("Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later! (invalid_instagram_client)");
if (!($e instanceof InstagramAPI\Exception\ChallengeRequiredException)) {
throw new Exception("Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later! (unexpected_exception)");
if (!$e->hasResponse() || !$e->getResponse()->isChallenge()) {
throw new Exception("Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later! (unexpected_exception_response)");
$challenge = $e->getResponse()->getChallenge();
if (is_array($challenge)) {
$api_path = $challenge["api_path"];
} else {
$api_path = $challenge->getApiPath();
output("Instagram will send you a security code to verify your identity.");
output("How do you want receive this code?");
output("1 - [Email]");
output("2 - [SMS]");
output("3 - [Exit]");
$choice = getVarFromUser("Choice");
if (empty($choice)) {
do {
$choice = getVarFromUser("Choice");
} while (empty($choice));
if ($choice == '1' || $choice == '2' || $choice == '3') {
// All fine
} else {
$is_choice_ok = false;
do {
output("Choice is incorrect. Type 1, 2 or 3.");
$choice = getVarFromUser("Choice");
if (empty($choice)) {
do {
$choice = getVarFromUser("Choice");
} while (empty($choice));
if ($confirm == '1' || $confirm == '2' || $confirm == '3') {
$is_choice_ok = true;
} while (!$is_choice_ok);
$challange_choice = 0;
if ($choice == '3') {
throw new Exception("Reset in progress...");
} elseif ($choice == '1') {
// Email
$challange_choice = 1;
} else {
// SMS
$challange_choice = 0;
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
do {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
throw new Exception($fail_message);
try {
$challenge_resp = $igp->sendChallangeCode($api_path, $challange_choice);
// Failed to send challenge code via email. Try with SMS.
if ($challenge_resp->status != "ok") {
$challange_choice = 0;
$challenge_resp = $igp->sendChallangeCode($api_path, $challange_choice);
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
if ($challenge_resp->message == "This field is required.") {
output("Instagram already sent to you verification code to your email or mobile phone number. Please enter this code.");
} elseif ($challenge_resp->status != "ok") {
throw new Exception("Couldn't send a verification code for the login challenge. Please try again later.");
if (isset($challenge_resp->step_data->contact_point)){
$contact_point = $challenge_resp->step_data->contact_point;
if ($choice == 2) {
output("Enter the code sent to your number ending in " . $contact_point . ".");
} else {
output("Enter the 6-digit code sent to the email address " . $contact_point . ".");
output("Type 3 - to exit.");
$security_code = getVarFromUser("Security code");
if (empty($security_code)) {
do {
$security_code = getVarFromUser("Security code");
} while (empty($security_code));
if ($security_code == "3") {
throw new Exception("Reset in progress...");
// Verification challenge
$igp = challange($igp, $login, $password, $api_path, $security_code, $proxy);
if ($igp == "3") {
throw new Exception("Reset in progress...");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\AccountDisabledException $e) {
throw new Exception("Your account has been disabled for violating Instagram terms. Go Instagram website or mobile app to learn how you may be able to restore your account.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ConsentRequiredException $e) {
throw new Exception("Instagram updated Terms and Data Policy. Please go to Instagram website or mobile app to review these changes and accept them.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\SentryBlockException $e) {
throw new Exception("Access to Instagram API restricted for spam behavior or otherwise abusing. You can try to use Session Catcher script (available by to get valid Instagram session from location, where your account created from.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\IncorrectPasswordException $e) {
throw new Exception("The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\InvalidUserException $e) {
throw new Exception("The username you entered doesn't appear to belong to an account. Please check your username and try again.");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
output("Logged as @" . $login . " successfully. Parser #" . $pn . " connected.");
} catch (\Exception $e){
$igp = add_parser($pn);
return $igp;
* Define targets for masslooking
function define_targets($ig) {
do {
output("Please define the targets.");
output("Write all Instagram profile usernames via comma without '@' symbol.");
output("Example: apple, instagram, zendaya");
$targets_input = getVarFromUser("Usernames");
if (empty($targets_input)) {
do {
$targets_input = getVarFromUser("Usernames");
} while (empty($targets_input));
$targets_input = str_replace(' ','',$targets_input);
$targets = [];
$targets = explode(',',trim($targets_input));
$targets = array_unique($targets);
$pks = [];
$filtered_targets = [];
foreach ($targets as $target) {
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
do {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
$fail_message = "There is a problem with your Ethernet connection or Instagram is down at the moment. We couldn't establish connection with Instagram 10 times. Please try again later.";
try {
$user_resp = $ig->people->getUserIdForName($target);
output("@" . $target . " - [OK]");
$filtered_targets[] = $target;
$pks[] = $user_resp;
$is_connected = true;
if (($target != $targets[count($targets) - 1]) && (count($targets) > 0)) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ChallengeRequiredException $e) {
output("Please login again and pass verification challenge. Instagram will send you a security code to verify your identity.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\CheckpointRequiredException $e) {
output("Please go to Instagram website or mobile app and pass checkpoint!");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\AccountDisabledException $e) {
output("Your account has been disabled for violating Instagram terms. Go Instagram website or mobile app to learn how you may be able to restore your account.");
output("Use this form for recovery your account:");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ConsentRequiredException $e) {
output("Instagram updated Terms and Data Policy. Please go to Instagram website or mobile app to review these changes and accept them.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\SentryBlockException $e) {
output("Access to Instagram API restricted for spam behavior or otherwise abusing. You can try to use Session Catcher script (available by to get valid Instagram session from location, where your account created from.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ThrottledException $e) {
output("Throttled by Instagram because of too many API requests.");
output("Please login again after 1 hour. You reached Instagram limits.");
} catch (InstagramAPI\Exception\NotFoundException $e) {
$is_connected = true;
$is_username_correct = false;
do {
output("Instagram profile username @" . $target . " is incorrect or maybe user just blocked you (Login to Instagram website or mobile app and check that).");
output("Type 3 for skip this target.");
$target_new = getVarFromUser("Please provide valid username");
if (empty($target_new)) {
do {
$target_new = getVarFromUser("Please provide valid username");
} while (empty($target_new));
if ($target_new == "3") {
} else {
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
do {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
$fail_message = "There is a problem with your Ethernet connection or Instagram is down at the moment. We couldn't establish connection with Instagram 10 times. Please try again later.";
try {
$user_resp = $ig->people->getUserIdForName($target_new);
output("@" . $target_new . " - [OK]");
$filtered_targets[] = $target_new;
$pks[] = $user_resp;
$is_username_correct = true;
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (InstagramAPI\Exception\NotFoundException $e) {
$is_username_correct = false;
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
} while (!$is_username_correct);
} catch (Exception $e){
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
} while (empty($filtered_targets));
$targets = array_unique($filtered_targets);
$pks = array_unique($pks);
$data = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($targets); $i++) {
$data[$i] = [
'username' => $targets[$i],
'pk' => $pks[$i],
output("Selected " . count($targets) . " targets: @" . implode(", @", $targets) . ".");
output("Please confirm that the selected targets are correct.");
output("1 - [Yes]");
output("2 - [No]");
output("3 - [Exit]");
$confirm = getVarFromUser("Choice");
if (empty($confirm)) {
do {
$confirm = getVarFromUser("Choice");
} while (empty($confirm));
if ($confirm == '1' || $confirm == '2' || $confirm == '3') {
// All fine
} else {
$is_choice_ok = false;
do {
output("Choice is incorrect. Type 1, 2 or 3.");
$confirm = getVarFromUser("Choice");
if (empty($confirm)) {
do {
$confirm = getVarFromUser("Choice");
} while (empty($confirm));
if ($confirm == '1' || $confirm == '2' || $confirm == '3') {
$is_choice_ok = true;
} while (!$is_choice_ok);
if ($confirm == '3') {
} elseif ($confirm == '2') {
$data = define_targets($ig);
} else {
// All fine. Going to masslooking.
return $data;
* Get varable from user
function getVarFromUser($text) {
echo $text . ": ";
$var = trim(fgets(STDIN));
return $var;
* Output message with data to console
function output($message) {
echo "[", date("H:i:s"), "] ", $message, PHP_EOL;
* Output clean message to console
function output_clean($message) {
echo $message, PHP_EOL;
* Validates proxy address
function isValidProxy($proxy) {
output("Connecting to Instagram...");
try {
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$res = $client->request('GET', '',
"timeout" => 60,
"proxy" => $proxy
$code = $res->getStatusCode();
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return false;
return $code == 200;
* Validates proxy address
function finishLogin($ig, $login, $password, $proxy) {
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
try {
do {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
$fail_message = "There is a problem with your Ethernet connection or Instagram is down at the moment. We couldn't establish connection with Instagram 10 times. Please try again later.";
if ($proxy == "3") {
// Skip proxy setup
} else {
try {
$login_resp = $ig->login($login, $password);
if ($login_resp !== null && $login_resp->isTwoFactorRequired()) {
// Default verification method is phone
$twofa_method = '1';
// Detect is Authentification app verification is available
$is_totp = json_decode(json_encode($login_resp), true);
if ($is_totp['two_factor_info']['totp_two_factor_on'] == '1'){
output("Two-factor authentication required, please enter the code from you Authentication app");
$twofa_id = $login_resp->getTwoFactorInfo()->getTwoFactorIdentifier();
$twofa_method = '3';
} else {
output("Two-factor authentication required, please enter the code sent to your number ending in %s",
$twofa_id = $login_resp->getTwoFactorInfo()->getTwoFactorIdentifier();
$twofa_code = getVarFromUser("Two-factor code");
if (empty($twofa_code)) {
do {
$twofa_code = getVarFromUser("Two-factor code");
} while (empty($twofa_code));
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
do {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
if ($is_connected_count == 0) {
output("Two-factor authentication in progress...");
try {
$twofa_resp = $ig->finishTwoFactorLogin($login, $password, $twofa_id, $twofa_code, $twofa_method);
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\InvalidSmsCodeException $e) {
$is_code_correct = false;
$is_connected= true;
do {
output("Code is incorrect. Please check the syntax and try again.");
$twofa_code = getVarFromUser("Two-factor code");
if (empty($twofa_code)) {
do {
$twofa_code = getVarFromUser("Security code");
} while (empty($twofa_code));
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
do {
try {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
if ($is_connected_count == 0) {
output("Verification in progress...");
$twofa_resp = $ig->finishTwoFactorLogin($login, $password, $twofa_id, $twofa_code, $twofa_method);
$is_code_correct = true;
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\InvalidSmsCodeException $e) {
$is_code_correct = false;
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new $e;
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
} while (!$is_code_correct);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\CheckpointRequiredException $e) {
throw new Exception("Please go to Instagram website or mobile app and pass checkpoint!");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ChallengeRequiredException $e) {
output("Instagram Response: " . json_encode($e->gerResponse()));
output("Couldn't complete the verification challenge. Please try again later.");
throw new Exception("Developer code: Challenge loop.");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw $e;
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
} catch (\Exception $e){
return $ig;
* Verification challenge
function challange($ig, $login, $password, $api_path, $security_code, $proxy) {
$is_connected = false;
$is_connected_count = 0;
$fail_message = "There is a problem with your Ethernet connection or Instagram is down at the moment. We couldn't establish connection with Instagram 10 times. Please try again later.";
do {
if ($is_connected_count == 10) {
if ($e->getResponse()) {
throw new Exception($fail_message);
if ($is_connected_count == 0) {
output("Verification in progress...");
try {
$challenge_resp = $ig->finishChallengeLogin($login, $password, $api_path, $security_code);
$is_connected = true;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\InstagramException $e) {
if ($e->hasResponse()) {
$msg = $e->getResponse()->getMessage();
} else {
$msg = explode(":", $e->getMessage(), 2);
$msg = end($msg);
output("Type 3 - to exit.");
$security_code = getVarFromUser("Security code");
if (empty($security_code)) {
do {
$security_code = getVarFromUser("Security code");
} while (empty($security_code));
if ($security_code == "3") {
throw new Exception("Reset in progress...");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$msg = $e->getMessage();
if ($msg == 'Invalid Login Response at finishChallengeLogin().') {
$ig = finishLogin($ig, $login, $password, $proxy);
$is_connected = true;
} else {
throw $e;
$is_connected_count += 1;
} while (!$is_connected);
return $ig;
* Masslooking loop - Algorithm #2
function masslooking_v2($data, $ig, $delay) {
$view_count = 0;
$st_count = 0;
$st_count_seen = 0;
$begin = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$begin_ms = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$begin_f = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$speed = 0;
$delitel = 0;
$counter1 = 0;
$counter2 = 0;
$stories = [];
output("Masslooking loop started.");
$targets = [];
$targets = $data;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
$data[$i] += [
'rank_token' => \InstagramAPI\Signatures::generateUUID(),
'users_count' => 0,
'max_id' => null,
'begin_gf' => null
do {
foreach ($data as $key => $d) {
try {
if ($d['max_id'] == null) {
$is_gf_first = 1;
if (!empty($d['begin_gf'])) {
$current_time = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
if (($current_time - $d['begin_gf']) < 7) {
$sleep_time = 7 - ($current_time - $d['begin_gf']);
$followers = $ig->people->getFollowers($d['pk'], $d['rank_token'], null, $d['max_id']);
$data[$key]['begin_gf'] = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
if (empty($followers->getUsers())) {
output("@" . $d['username'] . " don't have any follower.");
// Get next $max_id value
$data[$key]['max_id'] = $followers->getNextMaxId();
$followers_ids = [];
foreach ($followers->getUsers() as $follower) {
$followers_ids[] = $follower->getPk();
$data[$key]['users_count'] = $d['users_count'] + count($followers_ids);
$number = count($followers_ids);
if ($is_gf_first) {
output($number . " followers of @" . $d['username'] . " collected.");
$is_gf_first = 0;
} else {
output("Next " . $number . " followers of @" . $d['username'] . " collected. Total: " . number_format($data[$key]['users_count'], 0, '.', ' ') . " followers of @" . $d['username'] . " parsed.");
$index_new = 0;
$index_old = 0;
$last = false;
do {
$index_new += 13;
if (!isset($followers_ids[$index_new])) {
do {
$index_new -= 1;
} while (!isset($followers_ids[$index_new]));
$last = true;
if ($index_new < $index_old) {
$ids = [];
for ($i = $index_old; $i <= $index_new; $i++) {
$ids[] = $followers_ids[$i];
try {
$stories_reels = $ig->story->getReelsMediaFeed($ids);
$counter1 += 1;
if (isset($stories_reels) && $stories_reels->isOk() && count($stories_reels->getReels()->getData()) > 0) {
// Save user story reels's to array
$reels = [];
$reels = $stories_reels->getReels()->getData();
foreach ($reels as $r) {
$items = [];
$stories_loop = [];
$items = $r->getItems();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if (!$item->getId()) {
// Item is not valid
$stories_loop[] = $item;
if (empty($stories)) {
$stories = $stories_loop;
} else {
$stories = array_merge($stories, $stories_loop);
$st_count = $st_count + count($stories_loop);
$view_count = $view_count + count($stories_loop);
$now = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
if ($now - $begin > 299) {
$begin = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$delitel = $delitel + 1;
$speed = (int)($view_count * 12 * 24 / $delitel);
output_clean("Estimated speed is " . number_format($speed, 0, '.', ' ') . " stories/day.");
output_clean("© Hyperloop Terminal. Developed by Nextpost Developers Team (");
$now_f = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
if ($now_f - $begin_f > 1) {
$begin_f = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
// output($st_count . " stories found. / Debug: getReelsMediaFeed (" . $counter1 . "), markMediaSeen (" . $counter2 . ")");
output($st_count . " stories found.");
if ($st_count > 200) {
// output($st_count . " stories found. / Debug: getReelsMediaFeed (" . $counter1 . "), markMediaSeen (" . $counter2 . ")");
output($st_count . " stories found.");
$now_ms = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
if ($now_ms - $begin_ms >= $delay) {
// all fine
} else {
$counter3 = $delay - ($now_ms - $begin_ms);
output("Starting " . $counter3 . " second(s) delay for bypassing Instagram limits.");
do {
output($counter3 . " second(s) left.");
$counter3 -= 1;
} while ($counter3 != 0);
// Mark collected stories as seen
$mark_seen_resp = $ig->story->markMediaSeen($stories);
$begin_ms = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$st_count_seen = number_format($st_count, 0, '.', ' ');
$counter2 += 1;
// output($st_count_seen . " stories marked as seen. / Debug: getReelsMediaFeed (" . $counter1 . "), markMediaSeen (" . $counter2 . ").");
output($st_count_seen . " stories marked as seen.");
output_clean("Total: " . number_format($view_count, 0, '.', ' ') . " stories successfully seen.");
output_clean("© Hyperloop Terminal. Developed by Nextpost Developers Team (");
// Initialize arrays and parameters again
$stories = [];
$st_count = 0;
if (($st_count > 0) && $last && $data[$key]['max_id'] == null) {
// Mark collected stories as seen
$mark_seen_resp = $ig->story->markMediaSeen($stories);
$st_count_seen = number_format($st_count, 0, '.', ' ');
$counter2 += 1;
// output($st_count_seen . " stories marked as seen. / Debug: getReelsMediaFeed (" . $counter1 . "), markMediaSeen (" . $counter2 . ").");
output($st_count_seen . " stories marked as seen.");
output_clean("Total: " . number_format($view_count, 0, '.', ' ') . " stories successfully seen.");
// Initialize arrays and parameters again
$stories = [];
$st_count = 0;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
output("We couldn't connect to Instagram at the moment. Trying again.");
$index_new -= 13;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
output("Instagram sent us empty response. Trying again.");
$index_new -= 13;
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\LoginRequiredException $e) {
output("Please login again to your Instagram account. Login required.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ChallengeRequiredException $e) {
output("Please login again and pass verification challenge. Instagram will send you a security code to verify your identity.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\CheckpointRequiredException $e) {
output("Please go to Instagram website or mobile app and pass checkpoint!");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\AccountDisabledException $e) {
output("Your account has been disabled for violating Instagram terms. Go Instagram website or mobile app to learn how you may be able to restore your account.");
output("Use this form for recovery your account:");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ConsentRequiredException $e) {
output("Instagram updated Terms and Data Policy. Please go to Instagram website or mobile app to review these changes and accept them.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\SentryBlockException $e) {
output("Access to Instagram API restricted for spam behavior or otherwise abusing.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ThrottledException $e) {
output("Throttled by Instagram because of too many API requests.");
output("Please connect account again after 12 hours. You reached Instagram daily limit for masslooking. Just take a break.");
} catch (Exception $e){
$index_old = $index_new + 1;
} while ($last == false);
// Check is $max_id is null
if ($data[$key]['max_id'] == null) {
output_clean("All stories of @" . $d['username'] . "'s followers successfully seen.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\NetworkException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\EmptyResponseException $e) {
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\LoginRequiredException $e) {
output("Please login again to your Instagram account. Login required.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ChallengeRequiredException $e) {
output("Please login again and pass verification challenge. Instagram will send you a security code to verify your identity.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\CheckpointRequiredException $e) {
output("Please go to Instagram website or mobile app and pass checkpoint!");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\AccountDisabledException $e) {
output("Your account has been disabled for violating Instagram terms. Go Instagram website or mobile app to learn how you may be able to restore your account.");
output("Use this form for recovery your account:");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ConsentRequiredException $e) {
output("Instagram updated Terms and Data Policy. Please go to Instagram website or mobile app to review these changes and accept them.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\SentryBlockException $e) {
output("Access to Instagram API restricted for spam behavior or otherwise abusing. You can try to use Session Catcher script (available by to get valid Instagram session from location, where your account created from.");
} catch (\InstagramAPI\Exception\ThrottledException $e) {
output("Throttled by Instagram because of too many API requests.");
output("Please connect account again after 12 hours. You reached Instagram daily limit for masslooking. Just take a break.");
} catch (Exception $e){
} while (!empty($data));
output_clean("All stories related to the targets seen. Starting the new loop.");
masslooking_v2($targets, $ig, $delay);
* Send request
* @param $url
* @return mixed
function request($url) {
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$return = curl_exec($ch);
return $return;
* Get IP details
function ip_details() {
try {
$json = request("");
} catch (Exception $e){
$msg = $e->getMessage();
$details = json_decode($json);
return $details;
* Validate license
* @param $license_key
* @return string
function activate_license($license_key, $ig) {
return 'valid';
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