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Last active September 28, 2017 06:08
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// Activity indicator view with nice animations
@objc public final class NVActivityIndicatorView: UIView {
/// Default type. Default value is .BallSpinFadeLoader.
public static var DEFAULT_TYPE: NVActivityIndicatorType = .ballSpinFadeLoader
/// Default color of activity indicator. Default value is UIColor.white.
public static var DEFAULT_COLOR = UIColor.white
/// Default color of text. Default value is UIColor.white.
public static var DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR = UIColor.white
/// Default padding. Default value is 0.
public static var DEFAULT_PADDING: CGFloat = 0
/// Default size of activity indicator view in UI blocker. Default value is 60x60.
public static var DEFAULT_BLOCKER_SIZE = CGSize(width: 60, height: 60)
/// Default display time threshold to actually display UI blocker. Default value is 0 ms.
/// Default minimum display time of UI blocker. Default value is 0 ms.
/// Default message displayed in UI blocker. Default value is nil.
public static var DEFAULT_BLOCKER_MESSAGE: String?
/// Default font of message displayed in UI blocker. Default value is bold system font, size 20.
public static var DEFAULT_BLOCKER_MESSAGE_FONT = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 20)
/// Default background color of UI blocker. Default value is UIColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.5)
public static var DEFAULT_BLOCKER_BACKGROUND_COLOR = UIColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 0.5)
/// Animation type.
public var type: NVActivityIndicatorType = NVActivityIndicatorView.DEFAULT_TYPE
@available(*, unavailable, message: "This property is reserved for Interface Builder. Use 'type' instead.")
@IBInspectable var typeName: String {
get {
return getTypeName()
set {
/// Color of activity indicator view.
@IBInspectable public var color: UIColor = NVActivityIndicatorView.DEFAULT_COLOR
/// Padding of activity indicator view.
@IBInspectable public var padding: CGFloat = NVActivityIndicatorView.DEFAULT_PADDING
/// Current status of animation, read-only.
@available(*, deprecated: 3.1)
public var animating: Bool { return isAnimating }
/// Current status of animation, read-only.
private(set) public var isAnimating: Bool = false
Returns an object initialized from data in a given unarchiver.
self, initialized using the data in decoder.
- parameter decoder: an unarchiver object.
- returns: self, initialized using the data in decoder.
public required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
isHidden = true
Create a activity indicator view.
Appropriate NVActivityIndicatorView.DEFAULT_* values are used for omitted params.
- parameter frame: view's frame.
- parameter type: animation type.
- parameter color: color of activity indicator view.
- parameter padding: padding of activity indicator view.
- returns: The activity indicator view.
public init(frame: CGRect, type: NVActivityIndicatorType? = nil, color: UIColor? = nil, padding: CGFloat? = nil) {
// self.type = type ?? NVActivityIndicatorView.DEFAULT_TYPE
// self.color = color ?? NVActivityIndicatorView.DEFAULT_COLOR
// self.padding = padding ?? NVActivityIndicatorView.DEFAULT_PADDING
super.init(frame: frame)
isHidden = true
// Fix issue #62
// Intrinsic content size is used in autolayout
// that causes mislayout when using with MBProgressHUD.
Returns the natural size for the receiving view, considering only properties of the view itself.
A size indicating the natural size for the receiving view based on its intrinsic properties.
- returns: A size indicating the natural size for the receiving view based on its intrinsic properties.
public override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
return CGSize(width: bounds.width, height: bounds.height)
Start animating.
public final func startAnimating() {
isHidden = false
isAnimating = true
layer.speed = 1
Stop animating.
public final func stopAnimating() {
isHidden = true
isAnimating = false
// MARK: Internal
func _setTypeName(_ typeName: String) {
for item in NVActivityIndicatorType.allTypes {
if String(describing: item).caseInsensitiveCompare(typeName) == ComparisonResult.orderedSame {
type = item
func getTypeName() -> String {
return String(describing: type)
// MARK: Privates
private final func setUpAnimation() {
let animation: NVActivityIndicatorAnimationDelegate = type.animation()
var animationRect = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(frame, UIEdgeInsetsMake(padding, padding, padding, padding))
let minEdge = min(animationRect.width, animationRect.height)
layer.sublayers = nil
animationRect.size = CGSize(width: minEdge, height: minEdge)
animation.setUpAnimation(in: layer, size: animationRect.size, color: color)
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