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Last active October 5, 2022 07:39
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Installation RAN Simulator


  • Kubernetes cluster or (k3s, kind or microk8s for single node)
  • Helm version 3

Installation Using sdran-helm-charts Repository

  • Add Helm repositories
    helm repo add cord 
    helm repo add atomix 
    helm repo add onos 
    helm repo update
  • Install atomix and onos-operator in kube-system namespace
    # Install atomix and onos-operator in kube-system namespace 
    helm install atomix-controller atomix/atomix-controller -n kube-system --wait --version 0.6.9 
    helm install atomix-raft-storage atomix/atomix-raft-storage -n kube-system --wait --version 0.1.25 
    helm install onos-operator onos/onos-operator -n kube-system --wait --version 0.5.2
  • Create sdran namespace
    kubectl create namespace sdran
  • Clone repository of sdran-helm-charts
    git clone
  • Navigate into sdran-helm-charts and run helm install
    cd sdran-helm-charts
    helm install -n sdran  sd-ran  sd-ran

    If there are error related with dependency, please run following command helm dependency build sd-ran then run helm install again.

  • Monitor the installation of pods (press ctrl+c to exit)
    kubectl -n sdran get pods -w
      NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    onos-a1t-5b6cdf4c7c-qg77s      2/2     Running   0          4m17s
    onos-cli-89b47d4b7-npw6h       1/1     Running   0          4m17s
    onos-config-76f8b49887-qt8lg   4/4     Running   0          4m17s
    onos-consensus-store-0         1/1     Running   0          4m17s
    onos-e2t-57ccb4b454-wb5gn      3/3     Running   0          4m17s
    onos-topo-d66795968-qp6p4      3/3     Running   0          4m17s
    onos-uenib-67d864bc76-55h2l    3/3     Running   0          4m17s
  • Install the simulator
    helm -n sdran install ran-simulator ran-simulator
  • Uninstall the simulator (to change simulation model)
    helm -n sdran uninstall ran-simulator
  • Simulation interaction using onos-cli, attach into cli pod using kubectl command
    kubectl -n sdran exec -it $(kubectl -n sdran get pods -l type=cli -o name) -- /bin/sh
  • Interaction with the simulator provided by ransim subcommand, please type help to see available command.
    onos ransim help

Installation Using sdran helm (Without clone sdran-helm-charts)

  • Add Helm repositories
    helm repo add cord 
    helm repo add atomix 
    helm repo add onos 
    helm repo add sdran 
    helm repo update
  • Install atomix and onos-operator in kube-system namespace
    # Install atomix and onos-operator in kube-system namespace 
    helm install atomix-controller atomix/atomix-controller -n kube-system --wait --version 0.6.9 
    helm install atomix-raft-storage atomix/atomix-raft-storage -n kube-system --wait --version 0.1.25 
    helm install onos-operator onos/onos-operator -n kube-system --wait --version 0.5.2
  • Create sdran namespace
    kubectl create namespace sdran
  • Install sdran
    helm -n sdran install sd-ran sdran/sd-ran --version 1.4.5
  • Monitor the installation of pods (press ctrl+c to exit)
    kubectl -n sdran get pods -w
      NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    onos-a1t-5b6cdf4c7c-qg77s      2/2     Running   0          4m17s
    onos-cli-89b47d4b7-npw6h       1/1     Running   0          4m17s
    onos-config-76f8b49887-qt8lg   4/4     Running   0          4m17s
    onos-consensus-store-0         1/1     Running   0          4m17s
    onos-e2t-57ccb4b454-wb5gn      3/3     Running   0          4m17s
    onos-topo-d66795968-qp6p4      3/3     Running   0          4m17s
    onos-uenib-67d864bc76-55h2l    3/3     Running   0          4m17s
  • Install the simulator
    helm -n sdran install ran-simulator sdran/ran-simulator
  • Uninstall the simulator (to change simulation model)
    helm -n sdran uninstall ran-simulator
  • Simulation interaction using onos-cli, attach into cli pod using kubectl command
    kubectl -n sdran exec -it $(kubectl -n sdran get pods -l type=cli -o name) -- /bin/sh
  • Interaction with the simulator provided by ransim subcommand, please type help to see available command.
    onos ransim help

SDRAN-in-a-Box (RiaB) Installation Method

Provide SD-RAN cluster which is able to operate with single host machine and also install all requirements (Kubernetes and Helm).


  • Ubuntu Machine (tested on 18.04 or 20.04)


git clone
cd sdran-in-a-box
git checkout v1.0.0 # for release 1.0
git checkout v1.1.0 # for release 1.1
git checkout v1.1.1 # for release 1.1.1
git checkout v1.2.0 # for release 1.2
git checkout v1.3.0 # for release 1.3
git checkout v1.4.0 # for release 1.4
git checkout master # for master

make riab OPT=ransim VER=stable # or just make riab OPT=ransim
# for "latest" version
make riab OPT=ransim VER=latest
# for a specific version
make riab OPT=ransim VER=v1.0.0 # for release SD-RAN 1.0
make riab OPT=ransim VER=v1.1.0 # for release SD-RAN 1.1
make riab OPT=ransim VER=v1.1.1 # for release SD-RAN 1.1.1
make riab OPT=ransim VER=v1.2.0 # for release SD-RAN 1.2
make riab OPT=ransim VER=v1.3.0 # for release SD-RAN 1.3
make riab OPT=ransim VER=v1.4.0 # for release SD-RAN 1.4
# for a "dev" version
make riab OPT=ransim VER=dev # for dev version
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