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Last active August 15, 2017 02:01
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-- Finds the intersection of two rectangles, returned as a rectangle.
data Rect = Rect { x :: Int,
y :: Int,
width :: Int,
height :: Int
} | NoRect deriving Show
-- Returns the intersection rectangle or NoRect if they don't intersect
intersect first second
| width intersection <= 0 = NoRect
| height intersection <= 0 = NoRect
| otherwise = intersection
intersection = intersectRect first second
intersectRect first second = Rect {
x = max r1x1 r2x1,
y = max r1y1 r2y1,
width = (min r1x2 r2x2) - (max r2x1 r1x1),
height = (min r1y2 r2y2) - (max r2y1 r1y1)
-- Enumerate all the vertices for clarity
r1x1 = x first
r1x2 = x first + width first
r1y1 = y first
r1y2 = y first + height first
r2x1 = x second
r2x2 = x second + width second
r2y1 = y second
r2y2 = y second + height second
main = putStrLn $ show $ intersect (Rect 5 5 2 2) (Rect 2 2 4 4)
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