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Last active August 20, 2017 19:22
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-- Djikstra's shunting yard algorithm to parse infix notation expressions
-- 3 + 4 - 1 => 3 4 1 - +
import Data.List
precedence "(" = 1
precedence ")" = 1
precedence "+" = 2
precedence "-" = 2
precedence "*" = 3
precedence "/" = 3
precedence "%" = 3
precedence "^" = 4
-- Pulls tokens apart into op stack and output, shunting on precedence rules
shunt ops output [] = (ops, output)
shunt ops output (e:es)
| e == "(" = shunt (e : ops) output es
| e == ")" = shunt (ops \\ popBlock) (output ++ popBlock) es
| isOperator = shunt (e : (ops \\ popPrecedent)) (output ++ popPrecedent) es
| otherwise = shunt ops (output ++ [e]) es
popBlock = takeWhile (/= "(") ops
popPrecedent = takeWhile (\x -> precedence x >= precedence e) ops
isOperator = elem e ["+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "^"]
-- Emits infix expressions as postfix (reverse polish) notation
parse expression = let (ops, output) = shunt [] [] (words expression)
in output ++ (filter (\x -> notElem x ["(", ")"]) ops)
main = putStrLn $ show $ parse "3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 )"
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