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Created October 13, 2017 06:26
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import pandas
import math
from numpy.random import permutation
from sklearn import svm
x_cols = [] #array of all the features (column names in the file) we use to predict
y_cols = ['role'] #to be predicted item
#Create Pandas dataframe
training_data_frame = pandas.read_csv('train.csv')
#split the existing trained data to 3/4th train data and 1/4th test data
random_indices = permutation(training_data_frame.index)
test_cutoff = math.floor(len(training_data_frame)/4)
test_data = techDf.loc[random_indices[1:test_cutoff]]
train_data = techDf.loc[random_indices[test_cutoff:]]
## Method to predict using SVM
def predict_tech(predict_data):
clf = svm.SVC(probability=True,kernel='linear')[x_cols], train_data[y_cols].values.ravel())
predictions = clf.predict(predict_data)
predict_probab = clf.predict_proba(predict_data)
return predictions,predict_probab
#Select one single entry to test
test = test_data[x_cols][0:1]
predictions, predict_probab = predict_tech(test)
#print the variables predictions and predict_probab to see the predictions & its probability
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