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Created April 23, 2020 20:38
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Display relevant terraform policy diffs, omitting redundant items
#!/usr/bin/env python3
This python script improves the usability of terraform 0.12 by
eliminating the display of redundant changes, typically found in
resource attributes like policy/policy_data for AWS/GCP providers.
This is a known limitation with the legacy terraform SDK, as described here:
This script requires:
- python3
- terraform 0.12.24 or newer
- a github repo with terraform in a folder named tf in the root
## HOW DO:
1. Add this file to your github repo in a folder named scripts
2. Add an alias for easily using this script with tf plan.
(replace .zshrc where appropriate)
cat <<EOF >> ~/.zshrc
tf_big_plans () {
terraform plan -out=terraform.tfplan
terraform show -no-color -json terraform.tfplan > terraform.tfplan.json
python3 ./../scripts/
source ~/.zshrc
3. Add the following to your .gitignore:
# tfplan files
4. Instead of running `tf plan`, use `tf_big_plans`
5. The plan will display normally, followed by a prettyprint display of
any resources that were CHANGED. Review the regular terraform plan first,
then use the additional output to review resources showing too many redundant
Create a bigquery_dataset resource and assign 30 or more users view access to
the dataset using terraform. Apply this, then add another user and run `tf plan`.
The output will show 30 users being removed and 31 being added. If you run
`tf_big_plans`, the additional output will only show the single user you added.
- allow flags like -target to be used
- Add color to outputs and improve structure of displaying changes
- highlight things like email addresses, since that's primarily what this is used for
- don't run the script if terraform plan shows no changes
adapted from nitrocode's gist:
import json
import pprint
import os
def updates_only(resource):
if resource['change']['actions'][0] != 'update':
return False
if 'before' not in resource['change'].keys():
print('no before for ', resource['address'])
return False
if 'after' not in resource['change'].keys():
print('no after for ', resource['address'])
return False
return True
def all_keys(before, after):
return list(set().union(before.keys(), after.keys()))
def list_measuring_contest(bef, aft):
output = dict()
gaining = [item for item in aft if item not in bef]
if gaining:
output['GAINING'] = gaining
removing = [item for item in bef if item not in aft]
if removing:
output['LOSING'] = removing
return output
def dict_measuring_contest(before, after):
changes = dict()
for key in all_keys(before, after):
if key not in before.keys():
changes[key] = {'GAINING': after[key]}
if key not in after.keys():
changes[key] = {'LOSING': before[key]}
if before[key] == after[key]:
if isinstance(before[key], dict) and isinstance(after[key], dict):
nested_changes = dict_measuring_contest(before[key], after[key])
if nested_changes:
changes[key] = nested_changes
elif isinstance(before[key], list) and isinstance(after[key], list):
sub_changes = list_measuring_contest(before[key], after[key])
if sub_changes:
changes[key] = sub_changes
if not changes:
return changes
def recursive_replace(obj, replace="", replace_value=None):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
obj[k] = recursive_replace(v)
elif isinstance(obj, list):
obj = [recursive_replace(x) for x in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, str):
if obj == replace:
return replace_value
return obj
def recursive_json_loads(obj):
if isinstance(obj, dict):
for k, v in obj.items():
obj[k] = recursive_json_loads(v)
elif isinstance(obj, list):
obj = [recursive_json_loads(x) for x in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, str):
return json.loads(obj, sort_keys=True)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
return obj
except TypeError:
return obj
return obj
def clean_up_obj(obj):
obj = recursive_json_loads(obj)
obj = recursive_replace(obj)
return obj
def return_resource_diff(resource):
# resource is of type: update, and has content for before & after
before = clean_up_obj(resource['change']['before'])
after = clean_up_obj(resource['change']['after'])
changes = dict_measuring_contest(before, after)
if not changes:
return changes
def run():
with open(f'{os.getcwd()}/terraform.tfplan.json', "rb") as f:
data = json.loads(
changes = dict()
updates = [x for x in data['resource_changes'] if updates_only(x)]
for resource in updates:
out = return_resource_diff(resource)
if out:
changes[resource['address']] = out
return changes
if __name__ == '__main__':
changes = run()
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