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Last active January 25, 2024 02:12
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function get-recent-tga ()
$date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-14).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri ('{0},account_type:eq:Treasury General Account (TGA) Closing Balance&fields=record_date,open_today_bal' -f $date)
# $ | Sort-Object -Property record_date | Select-Object -Last 1
# function get-recent-reverse-repo ()
# {
# $result = Invoke-RestMethod ''
# $result.repo.operations[0]
# }
function get-recent-reverse-repo ()
$result = Invoke-RestMethod ''
function get-recent-walcl ()
$result = Invoke-RestMethod ''
($result | ConvertFrom-Csv)[-1]
function get-net-liquidity ()
$walcl = get-recent-walcl
$tga = get-recent-tga
$reverse_repo = get-recent-reverse-repo
$walcl_dollars = [decimal] $walcl.WALCL * 1000 * 1000
$tga_dollars = [decimal] $tga.open_today_bal * 1000 * 1000
$reverse_repo_dollars = [decimal] $reverse_repo.totalAmtAccepted
$walcl_dollars - $tga_dollars - $reverse_repo_dollars
function net-liquidity-info ()
$walcl = get-recent-walcl
$tga = get-recent-tga
$reverse_repo = get-recent-reverse-repo
$walcl_dollars = [decimal] $walcl.WALCL * 1000 * 1000
$tga_dollars = [decimal] $tga.open_today_bal * 1000 * 1000
$reverse_repo_dollars = [decimal] $reverse_repo.totalAmtAccepted
$net_liquidity = $walcl_dollars - $tga_dollars - $reverse_repo_dollars
$spx_fair_value = [math]::Round(($net_liquidity / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 / 1.1 - 1625), 0)
$spx_lower_band = $spx_fair_value - 150
$spx_upper_band = $spx_fair_value + 350
walcl_date = $walcl.DATE
tga_date = $tga.record_date
reverse_repo_date = $reverse_repo.operationDate
walcl = $walcl_dollars
tga = $tga_dollars
reverse_repo = $reverse_repo_dollars
net_liquidity = $net_liquidity
spx_fair_value = $spx_fair_value
spx_lower_band = $spx_lower_band
spx_upper_band = $spx_upper_band
function show-net-liquidity-info ()
$result = net-liquidity-info
'WALCL {0} {1,20:N0}' -f $result.walcl_date, $result.walcl
'TGA {0} {1,20:N0}' -f $result.tga_date, $result.tga
'REVERSE REPO {0} {1,20:N0}' -f $result.reverse_repo_date, $result.reverse_repo
'NET LIQUIDITY {0,20:N0}' -f $result.net_liquidity
'SPX FAIR VALUE {0}' -f $result.spx_fair_value
'SPX LOWER BAND {0}' -f $result.spx_lower_band
'SPX UPPER BAND {0}' -f $result.spx_upper_band
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