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Created April 25, 2021 02:50
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Command to rotate to the next image on gnome desktop (if I save images I want to rotate through to Pictures/rotate_background)
# Get full path
FULL_PATH=$(gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri)
# Clean off quotes.
FULL_PATH=$(echo $FULL_PATH | sed 's/.$//' | sed 's/^.//')
# Get base filename for comparison with ls output.
FILE_NAME=$(basename $FULL_PATH)
# Find the next file after this using grep.
NEXT_LINE=$(ls $DIR/* | grep $FILE_NAME -A1 | tail -n 1)
# If we were already on the last line, we're stuck. So loop to the beginning.
NEXT_LINE=$(ls $DIR/* | head -n 1)
# Now set that image!
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri "file://$NEXT_LINE"
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For some reason I like curating and then rotating through desktop backgrounds manually. I have this command connected to CTR-SHIFT-ALT-n, where n stands for next.

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