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Last active February 29, 2020 16:07
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Advent of Code 2019 Intcode VM in OCaml
module IntMap = Map.Make(Int)
type data = int IntMap.t
let empty = IntMap.empty
let set x pos data = IntMap.add pos x data
let get pos data = match IntMap.find_opt pos data with
| None -> 0
| Some x -> x
let read ic =
let next_instr () = try Some (Scanf.bscanf ic "%d%c" (fun i _ -> i))
with End_of_file -> None
in let rec read_rec () = match next_instr () with
| None -> []
| Some instr -> instr::read_rec ()
in read_rec () |> List.mapi (fun i x -> i,x) |> List.to_seq
|> IntMap.of_seq
type opcode =
Add | Mul | Read | Write | JmpIf | JmpNot | Lt | Eq | Halt | AdjRel
type mode = Pos | Imm | Rel
type instruction = { op: opcode; modes: mode*mode*mode }
let mode_of = function
| 0 -> Pos
| 1 -> Imm
| 2 -> Rel
| n -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "invalid mode: %d" n)
let modes_of x =
let x = x/100 in
let (a,b,c) = (x mod 10), (x/10 mod 10), (x/100 mod 10) in
(mode_of a), (mode_of b), (mode_of c)
let decode x =
let op = match x mod 100 with
| 1 -> Add
| 2 -> Mul
| 3 -> Read
| 4 -> Write
| 5 -> JmpIf
| 6 -> JmpNot
| 7 -> Lt
| 8 -> Eq
| 9 -> AdjRel
| 99 -> Halt
| o -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "invalid opcode: %d" o)
in {op; modes=modes_of x}
type state = Running | Halted | Input | Output
type vm = {
pc: int;
data: data;
state: state;
input: int;
output: int;
rel: int;
let vm_empty = {pc=0; data=empty; input=0; output=0; state=Halted; rel=0}
let vm_new data = {vm_empty with data=data; state=Running}
let vm_data vm =
let vm_state vm = vm.state
let vm_read vm = vm.output
let vm_write x vm = {vm with input=x}
let vm_incr n vm = {vm with pc=vm.pc+n}
let ld x md vm = match md with
| Pos -> get x
| Imm -> x
| Rel -> get (vm.rel+x)
let store a pos md vm = match md with
| Pos -> {vm with data=set a pos}
| Imm -> failwith "invalid store in immediate mode"
| Rel -> {vm with data=set a (vm.rel+pos)}
let rec step ({pc; data; state} as vm) =
let {op; modes=m1,m2,m3} = get pc data |> decode in
let (a,b,c) = (get (pc+1) data), (get (pc+2) data), (get (pc+3) data) in
let (x,y) = (ld a m1 vm), (ld b m2 vm) in
if state = Input then
let vm = store vm.input a m1 vm in
step {vm with pc=pc+2; state=Running}
else match op with
| Add -> store (x+y) c m3 vm |> vm_incr 4
| Mul -> store (x*y) c m3 vm |> vm_incr 4
| Read -> {vm with state=Input}
| Write -> {vm with pc=pc+2; output=x; state=Output}
| JmpIf -> {vm with pc=if x<>0 then y else pc+3}
| JmpNot -> {vm with pc=if x=0 then y else pc+3}
| Lt -> store (if x<y then 1 else 0) c m3 vm |> vm_incr 4
| Eq -> store (if x=y then 1 else 0) c m3 vm |> vm_incr 4
| AdjRel -> {vm with pc=pc+2; rel=vm.rel+x}
| Halt -> {vm with pc=pc+1; state=Halted}
let rec run vm = match step vm with
| {state=Running} as vm' -> run vm'
| vm' -> vm'
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