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Created February 5, 2015 19:28
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Example of lazy execution in rspec - let vs. let! vs. object mention
require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe V1::AppsController, type: :controller do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
describe '[mention] DELETE destroy when you are not logged in' do
let(:app) { create(:app, account: user.account) }
let(:make_request) { delete :destroy, id: app, format: :json }
it 'does not delete the app (.count)' do
expect { make_request }.not_to change(App, :count)
describe '[let] DELETE destroy when you are not logged in' do
let(:app) { create(:app, account: user.account) }
let(:make_request) { delete :destroy, id: app, format: :json }
it 'does not delete the app (.count)' do
expect { make_request }.not_to change(App, :count)
describe '[let!] DELETE destroy when you are not logged in' do
let!(:app) { create(:app, account: user.account) }
let(:make_request) { delete :destroy, id: app, format: :json }
it 'does not delete the app (.count)' do
expect { make_request }.not_to change(App, :count)
[mention] DELETE destroy when you are not logged in
does not delete the app (.count)
[let] DELETE destroy when you are not logged in
**** does not delete the app (.count) (FAILED - 1) ****
[let!] DELETE destroy when you are not logged in
does not delete the app (.count)
1) V1::AppsController [let] DELETE destroy when you are not logged in does not delete the app (.count)
Failure/Error: expect { make_request }.not_to change(App, :count)
expected #count not to have changed, but did change from 0 to 1
# ./spec/controllers/v1/delete_test_3.rb:21:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'
Finished in 0.85543 seconds (files took 3.77 seconds to load)
3 examples, 1 failure
Failed examples:
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