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Created March 24, 2016 22:35
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shell script to make my backup bootable when converted to a virtualbox image
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt
arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/rm /etc/vconsole.conf
arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/pacman -S --noconfirm syslinux
arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/syslinux-install_update -i -a -m
arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/sed -i.bak s/sda3/sda1/g /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
rm /mnt/etc/fstab
echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nodev,nosuid 0 0" > /mnt/etc/fstab
echo "/dev/sda1 / ext4 defaults,noatime 0 1" >> /mnt/etc/fstab
arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/pacman -R xf86-input-synaptics xf86-video-ati xf86-video-intel intel-ucode
arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/pacman -S --noconfirm virtualbox-guest-utils
arch-chroot /mnt /usr/bin/mkinitcpio -p linux
# todo: fix .xinitrc and maybe lower dpi in .Xresources
echo "do not forget to manually fix .xinitrc after boot, before startx"
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