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Last active September 17, 2018 23:15
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Student seminar talk on matrix 2-norm as a dual linear program
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"cells": [
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"# Realizing the Spectral Norm as an SDP\n",
"**Claim**: The spectral norm can be viewed as a semi-definite program:\n",
"$$\\|Z\\|_2 = \\min_t t \\quad \\text{s.t.} \\quad\n",
"\\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"t I_m & Z \\\\\n",
"Z^{T} & t I_n \\end{array}\\right] \\succeq 0$$\n",
"for $Z \\in \\mathbf{R}^{m \\times n}$.\n",
"Refer to [paper][1] on the ArXiV for source of claim.\n",
"*Proof*: This proof proceeds in two parts:\n",
"$$\\|Z\\|_2 \\leq t \\Longleftrightarrow S = t^2 I_m - Z Z^T \\succeq 0.$$\n",
"$$S = t^2 I_m - Z Z^T \\succeq 0 \\Longleftrightarrow\n",
"M = \\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"t I_m & Z \\\\\n",
"Z^{T} & t I_n \\end{array}\\right] \\succeq 0.$$\n",
"**Part I**: Note that\n",
"$$\\|Z\\|_2 \\leq t \\Longleftrightarrow \\sigma_k^2 \\leq t^2$$\n",
"for all singular values $\\sigma_k$ of $Z$.\n",
"Since $Z Z^T$ is symmetric, we may diagonalize via\n",
"$$Z Z^T = \\left(U \\Sigma V^T\\right) \\left(V \\Sigma^T U^T\\right)\n",
"= U \\Sigma^2 U^T.$$\n",
"Thus the eigenvalues of\n",
"$$S = t^2 I_m - Z Z^T = U \\left(t^2 I_m - \\Sigma^2\\right) U^T$$\n",
"are $\\left\\{t^2 - \\sigma_k^2\\right\\}_k$. Hence\n",
"$$\\|Z\\|_2 \\leq t \\Longleftrightarrow S \\succeq 0.$$\n",
"**Part II**: The matrix $S$ is a Schur complement of $t I_n$ in\n",
"$$M = \\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"t I_m & Z \\\\\n",
"Z^{T} & t I_n \\end{array}\\right].$$\n",
"To realize the Schur complement, form the block matrices\n",
"$$D = \\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"\\frac{1}{t} S & 0 \\\\\n",
"0 & t I_n \\end{array}\\right] \\quad \\text{and} \\quad\n",
"Q = \\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"I_m & 0 \\\\\n",
"\\frac{1}{t} Z^T & I_n \\end{array}\\right].$$\n",
"We'll show that $D \\sim M$ (i.e. they are congruent), hence\n",
"$$M \\succeq 0 \\Longleftrightarrow D \\succeq 0.$$\n",
"The spectrum is given by\n",
"$$\\rho(D) = \\left\\{t\\right\\} \\bigcup \\left\\{\\frac{1}{t} \\cdot \\lambda\n",
"\\mid \\lambda \\in \\rho(S)\\right\\}$$\n",
"$$M \\succeq 0 \\Longleftrightarrow D \\succeq 0 \\Longleftrightarrow S\n",
"\\succeq 0.$$\n",
"(This and the definitions of $D, Q$ rely on $t > 0$, but we can safely\n",
"assume this since $t < 0$ does not make sense with a norm and\n",
"$t = 0 \\Leftrightarrow Z = 0$.)\n",
"It remains to show that $D \\sim M$. We compute directly:\n",
"t Q^T D Q &= \\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"I_m & \\frac{1}{t} Z \\\\\n",
"0 & I_n \\end{array}\\right] \\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"S & 0 \\\\\n",
"0 & t^2 I_n \\end{array}\\right] \\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"I_m & 0 \\\\\n",
"\\frac{1}{t} Z^T & I_n \\end{array}\\right] \\\\\n",
"&= \\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"S & t Z \\\\\n",
"0 & t^2 I_n \\end{array}\\right] \\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"I_m & 0 \\\\\n",
"\\frac{1}{t} Z^T & I_n \\end{array}\\right] \\\\\n",
"&= \\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"S + Z Z^T & t Z \\\\\n",
"t Z^T & t^2 I_n \\end{array}\\right] \\\\\n",
"&= \\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"t^2 I_n & t Z \\\\\n",
"t Z^T & t^2 I_n \\end{array}\\right] = t M.\n",
"Since $t \\neq 0$ this means $M = Q^T D Q$. The final bit to\n",
"show congruence is that $\\text{det}(Q) = 1$ since $Q$ is\n",
"lower triangular. $\\blacksquare$\n",
"**Addendum**: To see that congruent matrices have the same signature\n",
"note that if\n",
"$$X = P^T Y P$$\n",
"$$v^T X v = w^T Y w$$\n",
"for $w = P v$. Clearly $P$ invertible means that $X, Y$ have the\n",
"same signature.\n",
"We will implement the SDP in the claim using Python code.\n",
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import numpy as np\n",
"def get_random_Z(M, N):\n",
" return np.random.random((M, N))"
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"The SDP above can be realized as\n",
"$$\\widetilde{Z} = \\left[ \\begin{array}{c c}\n",
"0 & Z \\\\\n",
"Z^{T} & 0 \\end{array}\\right] \\succeq t \\left(-I_{m + n}\\right)$$"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 2,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def get_Z_tilde(Z, M, N):\n",
" Z_tilde = np.zeros((M + N, M + N))\n",
" Z_tilde[:M, M:] = Z\n",
" Z_tilde[M:, :M] = Z.T\n",
" return Z_tilde"
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"The Python library `cvxopt` requires that square matrices be flattened out into column vectors and then grouped as columns in a matrix. In addition, it requires the (linear) coefficients of the variables.\n",
"See the `cvxopt` [docs]( for more information. To get a sense for how to use it, witness the example\n",
"\\mbox{minimize} & x_1 - x_2 + x_3 \\\\\n",
"\\mbox{subject to}\n",
" & x_1 \\left[ \\begin{array}{cc}\n",
" -7 & -11 \\\\ -11 & 3\n",
" \\end{array}\\right] +\n",
" x_2 \\left[ \\begin{array}{cc}\n",
" 7 & -18 \\\\ -18 & 8\n",
" \\end{array}\\right] +\n",
" x_3 \\left[ \\begin{array}{cc}\n",
" -2 & -8 \\\\ -8 & 1\n",
" \\end{array}\\right] \\preceq\n",
" \\left[ \\begin{array}{cc}\n",
" 33 & -9 \\\\ -9 & 26\n",
" \\end{array}\\right] \\\\\n",
" & x_1 \\left[ \\begin{array}{ccc}\n",
" -21 & -11 & 0 \\\\\n",
" -11 & 10 & 8 \\\\\n",
" 0 & 8 & 5\n",
" \\end{array}\\right] +\n",
" x_2 \\left[ \\begin{array}{ccc}\n",
" 0 & 10 & 16 \\\\\n",
" 10 & -10 & -10 \\\\\n",
" 16 & -10 & 3\n",
" \\end{array}\\right] +\n",
" x_3 \\left[ \\begin{array}{ccc}\n",
" -5 & 2 & -17 \\\\\n",
" 2 & -6 & -7 \\\\\n",
" -17 & 8 & 6\n",
" \\end{array}\\right] \\preceq\n",
" \\left[ \\begin{array}{ccc}\n",
" 14 & 9 & 40 \\\\\n",
" 9 & 91 & 10 \\\\\n",
" 40 & 10 & 15\n",
" \\end{array} \\right]\n",
"In order to solve this SDP, the coefficients for the objective are created:"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import cvxopt\n",
"c = cvxopt.matrix([1., -1., 1.])"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"and then each of the matrices which are used with linear combinations of $x_1, x_2, x_3$ are stored as 1D flattened values"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"G1 = cvxopt.matrix([\n",
" [-7., -11., -11., 3.],\n",
" [ 7., -18., -18., 8.],\n",
" [-2., -8., -8., 1.],\n",
"G2 = cvxopt.matrix([\n",
" [-21., -11., 0., -11., 10., 8., 0., 8., 5.],\n",
" [ 0., 10., 16., 10., -10., -10., 16., -10., 3.],\n",
" [ -5., 2., -17., 2., -6., 8., -17., -7., 6.],\n",
"G = [G1, G2]"
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"and finally the constant right-hand sides (of the SDPs) are combined with their actual (unflattend shapes):"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"h1 = cvxopt.matrix([\n",
" [33., -9.],\n",
" [-9., 26.],\n",
"h2 = cvxopt.matrix([\n",
" [14., 9., 40.],\n",
" [9., 91., 10.],\n",
" [40., 10., 15.],\n",
"h = [h1, h2]"
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"source": [
"Once we have all this, the solution is found via:"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
">>> sol['x']\n",
"[ 1.90e+00]\n",
">>> sol['zs'][0]\n",
"[ 3.96e-03 -4.34e-03]\n",
"[-4.34e-03 4.75e-03]\n",
">>> sol['zs'][1]\n",
"[ 5.58e-02 -2.41e-03 2.42e-02]\n",
"[-2.41e-03 1.04e-04 -1.05e-03]\n",
"[ 2.42e-02 -1.05e-03 1.05e-02]\n",
"source": [
"import cvxopt.solvers\n",
"# Suppress cvxopt logging.\n",
"cvxopt.solvers.options['show_progress'] = False\n",
"sol = cvxopt.solvers.sdp(c, Gs=G, hs=h)\n",
"print(\">>> sol['x']\")\n",
"print(\">>> sol['zs'][0]\")\n",
"print(\">>> sol['zs'][1]\")\n",
"cell_type": "markdown",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
"To apply this to our problem, we have just a single row for the matrices: \n",
"G1 = cvxopt.matrix(-np.eye(M + N).flatten())\n",
"G = [G1]\n",
"and a single coefficient\n",
"c = cvxopt.matrix([1.0])\n",
"since we are optimizing $1.0 \\cdot t$."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def get_coefficients(M, N):\n",
" G1 = cvxopt.matrix(-np.eye(M + N).flatten())\n",
" constraint_coefficients = [G1]\n",
" optimized_coefficients = cvxopt.matrix([1.0])\n",
" return constraint_coefficients, optimized_coefficients"
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"In addition, the constant matrix in the SDP expression &mdash; $\\widetilde{Z}$ here &mdash; needs to be represented as a matrix of the correct shape (unflattened) but cast to the custom `cvxopt.matrix` type."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def get_solution(Z):\n",
" M, N = Z.shape\n",
" \n",
" constraint_coefficients, optimized_coefficients = get_coefficients(M, N)\n",
" # List of G's, i.e. matrices with scalar coefficients in the SDP.\n",
" Gs = [cvxopt.matrix(constraint_coefficients)]\n",
" \n",
" Z_tilde = get_Z_tilde(Z, M, N)\n",
" # List of h's, i.e. scalar RHS in the SDP.\n",
" hs = [cvxopt.matrix(Z_tilde)]\n",
" solution = cvxopt.solvers.sdp(optimized_coefficients, Gs=Gs, hs=hs)\n",
" return solution"
"cell_type": "markdown",
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"source": [
"Now we put it to work and compare."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Primal objective: 6.12584629081\n",
" Duration: 0.0206348896027\n",
" NumPy ||Z||₂: 6.12584641443\n",
" Duration: 0.000224113464355\n"
"source": [
"# Time and compare solutions.\n",
"import time\n",
"M, N = 10, 15\n",
"Z = get_random_Z(M, N)\n",
"start = time.time()\n",
"solution = get_solution(Z)\n",
"duration = time.time() - start\n",
"print 'Primal objective:', solution['primal objective']\n",
"print ' Duration:', duration\n",
"print '-' * 70\n",
"# Use numpy to compute spectral norm.\n",
"start = time.time()\n",
"spectral_norm = np.linalg.norm(Z, ord=2)\n",
"duration = time.time() - start\n",
"print u' NumPy ||Z||\\u2082:', spectral_norm\n",
"print ' Duration:', duration"
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