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Created October 15, 2014 06:04
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"""Simple utility to check config consistency.
Parses the production and test lint config files and makes
sure the test config inherits from the production config.
import ConfigParser
PRODUCTION_RC = 'pylintrc_default'
TEST_RC = 'pylintrc_reduced'
def read_config(filename):
"""Reads pylintrc config onto native ConfigParser object."""
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
with open(filename, 'r') as file_obj:
return config
def split_option(option_val, delimiter=','):
"""Splits a delimited list of options into a list."""
return [value.strip() for value in option_val.split(delimiter)
if value.strip()]
def check_valid_configs():
"""Checks that the test rcfile only extends production."""
full_config = read_config(PRODUCTION_RC)
reduced_config = read_config(TEST_RC)
for section in full_config.sections():
if not reduced_config.has_section(section):
raise ValueError('The section %r from the production config '
'is missing from the test config.' % (section,))
for option, opt_val in full_config.items(section):
reduced_config_val = reduced_config.get(section, option)
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
raise ValueError('The option %r.%r from the production config '
'is missing from the test config.' % (
section, option))
# If not equal, we make sure the test options contain the
# production options as a sub-list.
if opt_val != reduced_config_val:
all_options = split_option(opt_val)
all_test_options = split_option(reduced_config_val)
if not set(all_options) <= set(all_test_options):
raise ValueError('Options disagree.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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