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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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  • Save dhermes/d1b005b6b8026708ec45 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dhermes/d1b005b6b8026708ec45 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"""Plugin for pylint to allow gcloud type inference.
- Specifying the return type of an instance methods in the case
that no arguments are passed in.
import importlib
import astroid
BUILDER = astroid.builder.AstroidBuilder()
INFER_CALL_RESULT = 'infer_call_result'
'gcloud.datastore.entity': {
'Entity': {
'key': ('gcloud.datastore.key', 'Key'),
'pkg_resources': {
'get_distribution': ('pkg_resources', 'Distribution'),
def register(linter):
"""Dummy function needed to make this module a valid PyLint plugin."""
return linter
def get_astroid_class(module, class_name):
"""Gets the astroid.scoped_nodes.Class object for a local class.
NOTE: This caches results after creation.
key = (module, class_name)
if key not in get_astroid_class.cache:
module_obj = importlib.import_module(module)
# NOTE: We don't check uniqueness of results here.
get_astroid_class.cache[key] = BUILDER.module_build(
return get_astroid_class.cache[key]
get_astroid_class.cache = {}
class FunctionWrapper(astroid.bases.Proxy):
"""Proxy class to allow inferred type of function return value."""
def __init__(self, function_obj, return_class, only_no_args=True):
if not isinstance(function_obj,
raise TypeError(function_obj)
super(FunctionWrapper, self).__init__(function_obj)
# Using "private" variables to avoid polluting namespace of
# proxied object.
self.__function_obj = function_obj
self.__return_class = return_class
self.__only_no_args = only_no_args
def __getattribute__(self, name):
# We let astroid.bases.Proxy handle all attributes except
# for the method we wish to over-ride and define below.
# NOTE: We have to use object.__getattribute__ to
# avoid an infinite loop caused by the invocation
# of __getattribute__ when using `.` lookup.
return object.__getattribute__(self, INFER_CALL_RESULT)
return super(FunctionWrapper, self).__getattribute__(name)
def infer_call_result(self, caller, context=None):
"""Replacement method to describe a function return value.
This return value "description" is a prescribed type inference for
values returned by our current proxied astroid.scoped_nodes.Function.
replace_result = True
if self.__only_no_args:
callcontext = getattr(context, 'callcontext', None)
if not (getattr(callcontext, 'args', []) == [] and
getattr(callcontext, 'nargs', {}) == {}):
replace_result = False
if replace_result:
return_instance = astroid.bases.Instance(
return iter([return_instance, astroid.bases.YES])
return self.__function_obj.infer_call_result(
caller, context=context)
def make_explicit_inference(function_obj, module, class_name,
"""Method factory to allow explicit type inference in astroid.
:type function_obj: :class:`astroid.scoped_nodes.Function`
:param function_obj: An function with a return type specified.
:type module: string
:param module: The module of the return type.
:type class_name: string
:param class_name: The class name of the return type.
:type only_no_args: bool
:param only_no_args: Value that determines whether the return type will be
used in the case of no arguments or in all cases.
NOTE: We use a factory to avoid re-use of scope in a for loop.
def explicit_inference(unused_self, unused_context):
"""Method to allow explicit type inference in astroid."""
# NOTE: unused_self should always be `function_obj`.
stub_class = get_astroid_class(module, class_name)
return iter([FunctionWrapper(function_obj,
return explicit_inference
def transform_class_type_inference(class_node):
"""Class transformer to allow class methods to specify return type.
Checks for the module of the current class in the mapping
of methods which have a return type specified when no arguments
For each method in the current class, patches the corresponding
astroid Function object.
module_mapping = NO_ARGS_RETURN_MAPPING.get(class_node.root().name)
if module_mapping is None:
class_mapping = module_mapping.get(
if class_mapping is None:
for function_name, new_type_info in class_mapping.iteritems():
function_matches = class_node.getattr(function_name)
if len(function_matches) > 1:
raise ValueError('Function %r has multiple matches.' % (
function_obj = function_matches[0]
if function_obj._explicit_inference is not None:
raise ValueError('Expected explicit_inference to be '
'unset on %r.%r function.' % (, function_name))
# NOTE: We don't bind this to `function_obj`.
function_obj._explicit_inference = make_explicit_inference(
function_obj, new_type_info[0], new_type_info[1])
def transform_fn_type_inference(function_node):
"""Function transformer to allow specifying return type.
This works on methods owned directly by a module with a return
type which never changes (i.e. doesn't depend on branching
within method).
if not isinstance(function_node.parent, astroid.scoped_nodes.Module):
module_name =
module_mapping = METHOD_RETURN_MAPPING.get(module_name)
if module_mapping is None:
new_type_info = module_mapping.get(
if new_type_info is None:
if function_node._explicit_inference is not None:
raise ValueError('Expected explicit_inference to be '
'unset on %r.%r function.' % (
# NOTE: We don't bind this to `function_node`.
function_node._explicit_inference = make_explicit_inference(
function_node, new_type_info[0], new_type_info[1],
# Add transforms for type inference.
astroid.scoped_nodes.Class, transform_class_type_inference)
astroid.scoped_nodes.Function, transform_fn_type_inference)
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