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Created February 9, 2018 09:20
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  • Save dhess/3fc042c63910a4ee03694200176da078 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dhess/3fc042c63910a4ee03694200176da078 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
environment = concatStringsSep " "
[ "NIX_REMOTE=daemon"
nixpkgs.overlays = [
(import ./overlays)
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
# Used for backwards compatibility, please read the changelog before changing.
# $ darwin-rebuild changelog
system.stateVersion = 2;
nix.binaryCaches = [ ];
nix.binaryCachePublicKeys = [ "" ];
nix.trustedUsers = [ "@admin" ];
nix.extraOptions = ''
gc-keep-derivations = true
gc-keep-outputs = true
#nix.package = pkgs.nixUnstable;
users.knownUsers = [ "nixbld1" "nixbld2" "nixbld3" "nixbld4" "nixbld5" "nixbld6" "nixbld7" "nixbld8" "nixbld9" "nixbld10" "nixbld11" "nixbld12" "nixbld13" "nixbld14" "nixbld15" "nixbld16" "nixbld17" "nixbld18" "nixbld19" "nixbld20" "nixbld21" "nixbld22" "nixbld23" "nixbld24" "nixbld25" "nixbld26" "nixbld27" "nixbld28" "nixbld29" "nixbld30" "nixbld31" "nixbld32" ];
users.nix.nrBuildUsers = 32;
# This is more or less the same as the default, except that we put
# darwin-configuration.nix in $HOME/.config/nixpkgs, rather than the
# deprecated .nixpkgs location.
nix.nixPath = [
# Create /etc/bashrc that loads the nix-darwin environment.
programs.bash.enable = true;
programs.bash.enableCompletion = false;
# Recreate /run/current-system symlink after boot.
services.activate-system.enable = true;
services.nix-daemon.enable = true;
imports = [
system.activationScripts.postActivation.text = ''
touch /nix/.metadata_never_index
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